Confession... Get your shaax and biscuits for this one

Marry for convenience?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 25.6%
  • No

    Votes: 29 74.4%

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[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
They are. People make their own fatwas these days smh. As far as I know it is haraam to act on the feelings but the feelings alone are nothing.
You.l Deserve better than to spend your precious time eating:farole: pussy , akhas
Lesbianism is the dumbest idea ever , why would you wast your time with hoe, when u can get a BBC.


Bonnie & Clyde <3
The religion doesn't want her killed you uneducated baffoon. We are only judged by our actions in this deen. There is nothing wrong with the way she feels. It is just a test for her faith.

Yeah of course, you won't throw her off the building until she commits the act.

Does it sound more peaceful now?
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OP train your mind to refrain from these haaram feelings that will only bring you hardship (from what i said before) and inshaallah you will be fine :nvjpqts:.

I pray that may Allah swt give you the strength to easily overcome this sister.

salams im out.
The poll results so far are very surprising to me 7:14... thought it would be 100% yes hmmm.
Thank you all for your thoughts. I definately won't be confiding in anyone in my life judging by some of the reactions on here lol I will take my secret to the grave. I'm going to wait and see what happens - no marriage for now. InshaAllah I could be happy some day with a man.

Special thanks to @Cawo Cawlo
@Toxique @RICH @sumo21 @Jim Crow @Mind of...K jazakallu khayr xx


I got boomer connections
Yes sherlock, I like girls. But I am not qawmu lud cuz I have not and will not do anything with girls.. my deen is important to me.

@Jim Crow There you have it captain qumulud savior.

@Oranges&Lemons, just because you havehaven't done anything with girls doesn't change the fact you fancy them in sexual way and that in itself is big sin. We are what we think. Thoughts in the end become actions.

You see all I did was pray for you yet you took offense to that.
Stay away from girls you're attracted to and limit contact with them.
Lower your gaze from females, and don't allow yourself to look at pictures of girls on IG or any website.

You can brainwash yourself, into disliking females and liking males.
The thoughts you put in your head are very powerful, so be careful with your thoughts. Guide your thoughts into appreciating the beauty of men and disliking the beauty of women.
Do this often and you might see changes.

An overexposure or underexposure to the opposite sex might lead to this feeling. For example, Saudi Arabia has a lot of homos because of them extreme segregation and lack of seeing women in real life and always being with men ie. overexposed.

I believe male gays in the west, were overexposed to too many girls in their life and ,become desensitized as they grow up with them and aren't excited by girls and vice versa for lesbians.

Were you overexposed or underexposed to one gender or the other?
Are you attracted to feminine girls, or masculine ones?
How is your hormonal balance, do you think you have too much Testosterone or not enough estrogen?
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Make Hobyo Great Again
@Oranges&Lemons, just because you havehaven't done anything with girls doesn't change the fact you fancy them in sexual way and that in itself is big sin. We are what we think. Thoughts in the end become actions.
This is 100% wrong. In this deen, forget feelings, if you actually plan on committing a sin (like a murder) but don't, there is zero punishment. In fact, you are rewarded for not doing it. This is the beauty of Allah's mercy.

Al-Bukhaari (6491) and Muslim (131) narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said, relating from his Lord, may He be glorified and exalted: “Allah decreed good deeds and bad deeds, then He explained that. Whoever thinks of doing a good deed then does not do it, Allah will write it down as one complete good deed. If he thinks of doing a good deed and then does it, Allah [may He be glorified and exalted] will write it down between ten and seven hundred fold, or many more. If he thinks of doing a bad deed then he does not do it, Allah will write it down as one complete good deed, and if he thinks of it then does it, Allah will write it down as one bad deed.

Al-Bukhaari (5269) and Muslim (127) also narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, will forgive my ummah for whatever crosses their minds so long as they do not act upon it or speak of it.
Let's think about this here. Where in the Quran/hadith has Allah prohibited feelings for the same gender or feelings of any kind? Nowhere. What is prohibited is sexual relations with the same gender: zina. OP never once considered that so stop slandering this pious sister and fear Allah.
Stay away from girls you're attracted to and limit contact with them.
Lower your gaze from females, and don't allow yourself to look at pictures of girls on IG or any website.

You can brainwash yourself, into disliking females and liking males.
The thoughts you put in your head are very powerful, so be careful with your thoughts. Guide your thoughts into appreciating the beauty of men and disliking the beauty of women.
Do this often and you might see changes.

An overexposure or underexposure to the opposite sex might lead to this feeling. For example, Saudi Arabia has a lot of homos because of their lack of seeing women in real life and always being with men ie. overexposed.

I believe male gays in the west, were overexposed to too many girls in their life and ,become desensitized as they grow up with them and aren't excited by girls and vice versa for lesbians.

Were you overexposed or underexposed to one gender or the other?
Are you attracted to feminine girls, or masculine ones?
How is your hormonal balance, do you think you have too much Testosterone or not enough estrogen?
Thanks for responding this is interesting I wanna see where you're going with this. To answer your questions:
I have a lot of both genders in my life. Evenly split tbh. Although I am a lot closer to my mother and my aunts... which is normal I think since I can relate to them.
I'm attracted to both but more often it's the andrgynous type girls.
My hormones are fine as far as I know.


I got boomer connections
This is 100% wrong. In this deen, forget feelings, if you actually plan on committing a sin (like a murder) but don't, there is zero punishment. In fact, you are rewarded for not doing it. This is the beauty of Allah's mercy.

Let's think about this here. Where in the Quran/hadith has Allah prohibited feelings for the same gender or feelings of any kind? Nowhere. What is prohibited is sexual relations with the same gender: zina. OP never once considered that so stop slandering this pious sister and fear Allah.

Dude there is whole surat about bad thoughts and how they are bad and sin. Have you ever heard surat nas? We supposed to seek refuge from bad thoughts not spread them.

Do you know why that is ? Because they can literally lead to kuffur, how do assume kuffur starts?


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Please don't be mean I've not told anyone before. I just wanna get it off my chest but I would still really appreciate whatever advice. So...

I'm 24(F) living with my family. I've never been interested in boys much when I was younger and I've always been single. When I was 19, I had a crush. And it was on another GIRL. I didn't even realise what was going on until it happened again when I was 20...on another girl.
Last year, I met a someone (I won't torture you with the details). I convinced myself it was nothing and I'd get over it quick. It's been 8months (the longest so far) and I still can't look her in the eye - it is that intense. I had to stop going to the places I would expect to see her. You might think I'm ciyaalsuuq but I'm far from it. I pray 5 times a day, I wear full hijab, I very rarely lie or backbite, I've memorised the Qur'an and I attend islamic lectures regularly. Bear in mind I've never acted on these feelings and never did anything to encourage it. In fact, I've slowly drifted away from friends for this reason over the years... because I was afraid they'd see what I'm like.
Years ago, my father brought up the topic of marriage and we agreed to leave it until I graduated. Now, it has been a while since I graduated and my parents are asking questions. They tried to set me up with the son of a family friend and we went on a 'date'. Omg it was awful! He ticked every box but all I could think about was when I could leave. Recently, my friends set me up with a drop dead gorgeous guy and it's the same thing -I just couldn't connect with him on an emotional level. I got so excited that I'm like a normal girl for once going on a date but the minute he opened his mouth, I was like nope. And the thought of marriage to a guy... for the rest of my life is so scary to me. Like a prison. I'm certain it will end in divorce. Maybe it's got something to do with the fact that I have so many shitty men in my family... I don't know. Anyway, I almost ended up agreeing to marry that son of the family friend for the sake of my family and this 'situation' but then I stopped myself after praying istikhara because it wasn't fair on him. And I know I'd be miserable in a marriage but my family won't leave me alone. They're gossipping about me already smh.


Its not about "Him". Think strategically. Your parents did that too. Almost all somalis did it. Mary the farah who check all the box...get pregnant, have babies, and get a divorce. Then go lef lef as much as u want. Doqoon baa tahaay. Give yo mama grand babies, and give that poor farah five minutes of heaven in the bed. Good luck
Thanks for responding this is interesting I wanna see where you're going with this. To answer your questions:
I have a lot of both genders in my life. Evenly split tbh. Although I am a lot closer to my mother and my aunts... which is normal I think since I can relate to them.
I'm attracted to both but more often it's the andrgynous type girls.
My hormones are fine as far as I know.
. Maybe too much kpop and korean drama...:patrice:

Androgynous girls means that you find some aspects in men attractive, right?

It's hard giving advice when I've always felt straight. Maybe things will feel different when your married to the guy. But also find a guy that you find aspects of attractive.
There's a girl I didn't initially find attractive , but found her more attractive the more I got to know her. Do you think that could happen for you?

Try going to a young sheikh that grew up in the west who is understanding and compassionate.
Don't go to a Somali sheikh or anyone who studied in Saudi. Go preferably to someone who doesn't know you.
. Maybe too much kpop and korean drama...:patrice:

Androgynous girls means that you find some aspects in men attractive, right?

It's hard giving advice when I've always felt straight. Maybe things will feel different when your married to the guy. But also find a guy that you find aspects of attractive.
There's a girl I didn't initially find attractive , but found her more attractive the more I got to know her. Do you think that could happen for you?

Try going to a young sheikh that grew up in the west who is understanding and compassionate.
Don't go to a Somali sheikh or anyone who studied in Saudi. Go preferably to someone who doesn't know you.

Lol no koreans or any indhayar. And yeah I think it's possible to develop attraction over time because it happened to me before. And a young sheikh eh? That seems doable thank you very much!

P.s. How do I close this thread?
:comeon: multinicker
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