Coffee hinders your height


jUst keeping it REAL homie
That’s the thing. I eat very healthily & make sure I have the right nutrition. My family members are tall & I have no issues with exercise. I think sleep, coffee or both would be the cause of my short height. So would you say I still have time to grow an inch or two? I’m 17 so chances would be slim
Yeah it’s still very possible at 17.
I heard of rare cases were guys grow way into their early 20s


jUst keeping it REAL homie
Same but I’m 5’9 . Height is determined mostly by genetics. My brother had a crappy diet and barley slept but he grew to 6’3 or 4”
I know people with short parents and had shit diets but still outgrew their parents , it’s not just ur parents genetics but also other ancestors in the family tree.
Recently started drining coffee and i can understand the hype
Thankfully i already reached my potential height

