Clearly iam done with arab worshippers

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The Arab obsession comes more from people who hate Arabs than those who pray for Yemen when they see it on the news.
The Arab obsession comes more from people who hate Arabs than those who pray for Yemen when they see it on the news.


The Saudis along with the UAE and their global Salafi contingent are praying to allah to defeat the Shia and thereby destroying Yemen. Whose side is Allah on? And why aren’t there big demonstrations against Saudi and UAE embassies by muslims in the diaspora? Their silence indicates that they support the actions of their fellow Sunnis, the Saudis and the Emirates.

The Saudis along with the UAE and their global Salafi contingent are praying to allah to defeat the Shia and thereby destroying Yemen. Whose side is Allah on? And why aren’t there big demonstrations against Saudi and UAE embassies by muslims in the diaspora? Their silence indicates that they support the actions of their fellow Sunnis, the Saudis and the Emirates.

Allah is on the side of the oppressed.


That's true when it comes to charity. However, when it comes to dua the Muslim ummah has no nationality nor race.

That's also true.
But we tryna call out Somali SJW who are constantly crying about the Ummah in Syria, Yemen, Palestine etc.
Yet they chose to ignore their homeland.


Can Allah only accept one dua at a time?:mahubowtf: Ahmaq

Ahmaq maxay?
Yes he can but the issue is priorities for us.
SJW like urself forget that these Arabs don't give a shit.
Wasn't it Yemen who used to abuse Somali migrants?
Yet in JSL they are welcomed like Awliyo.
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