Clearly iam done with arab worshippers

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The obsession with Arabs continues. Why are you so mad? Because they know their business and put themselves first? That's a failing on Somali people. Charity starts at home. Why should anyone care about our struggles when we don't put as much emphasis on them ourselves?
Pray for all humans suffering anywhere.
You guys take this bootyclapping thing too far, saying you don’t want kids to starve to death in Yemen = bootyclapping? :drakewtf:
I don’t want anyone to starve to death in Yemen like I don’t want anyone to starve to death in Somalia, or in Nigeria, or in India. I want peace for all humans (not just muslims) and I want global poverty and war to end everywhere on this Earth. I’ll even pray for people suffering in Ethiopia and Kenya.
One day we’ll all come together as a species, but until then, i’m not going to withold my sympathies for people starving to death because they happen to be born a different ethnicity/race than me. Foh.
We should be grateful we live in the West with access to food/drink and pray for everyone who lives in ANY country where they don’t have access to these things. Remember that we are all in the top 1% of the world who have these things.
:it0tdo8: You have a big heart and you are very wise

You and @Shamis are too good for this forum
Pray for all humans suffering anywhere.
You guys take this bootyclapping thing too far, saying you don’t want kids to starve to death in Yemen = bootyclapping? :drakewtf:
I don’t want anyone to starve to death in Yemen like I don’t want anyone to starve to death in Somalia, or in Nigeria, or in India. I want peace for all humans (not just muslims) and I want global poverty and war to end everywhere on this Earth. I’ll even pray for people suffering in Ethiopia and Kenya.
One day we’ll all come together as a species, but until then, i’m not going to withold my sympathies for people starving to death because they happen to be born a different ethnicity/race than me. Foh.
We should be grateful we live in the West with access to food/drink and pray for everyone who lives in ANY country where they don’t have access to these things. Remember that we are all in the top 1% of the world who have these things.
Best comment on here.

I treat all people the same no matter what their religion: I dislike 'em all without discrimination. If you're human, you're a scoundrel. Only cats are my buddies.
Best comment on here.

I treat all people the same no matter what their religion: I dislike 'em all without discrimination. If you're human, you're a scoundrel. Only cats are my buddies.

Best post you have ever made sxb. Those pills are really working on you aren't they :mjhaps:

Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
Says the guy who ran away from our last debate. What happened? Cat got yr tongue?

No, but I remember you love to insult people once you know you've lost the debate so why would I bother? The Tanzimat reforms destroyed the Ottoman Empire, that is a clear cut fact. How can you explain the decadence in society + major loss of territory + European meddling in its affairs right after the reforms (which were not instigated by a scholar at all, it was a Europhile statesman) were implemented? It was utter chaos. Why do you think the Ottoman Empire was called the "sick man of Europe" in the 19th century, when before that, it was the greatest empire, the world had ever seen.
Does God say to himself, ‘I’m gonna f*ck up this country & when I destroy it and they couldn’t feed themselves, they will beg me big time and thereafter, I will decide what to do with them’. Is that how your allah works? These countries don’t need duca, but what they do need is intelligent, pragmatic and citizens who value the sanctity of life who work hard to tolerate one another, produce better living conditions for themselves and their families. Most of these countries are inhibited by uneducated, illiterate, poor, sectarian and violent tribal worshipping people.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Boowe hadu illahay ku roon yahay most of somalia waa Arab if you as a black hawiye don’t like Arabs darood then fight them but darood Arab roots is clear you don’t like Arabs? The feeling is mutual you black monkey


As i live and breathe
Somalia's been a shit hole for the past 25 years.

I remember hearing prayers for Somalia every Friday when I was a kid non stop for over a decade.

I'm sure they got tired of our bullshit years ago just like the rest of the world.

Unlike Palestine; we put ourselves in the situation we're in so prayers from foreigners isn't going to help much is it?

Even i gave up on Somalia for most of my life, and only started caring again this year. But i can feel myself slowly slipping back into apathy once again. It's probably better for Somalis to balkanize, maybe there's a chance at improvement that way.
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