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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
He wouldnt do that. If he did I know he wouldn't do it outside the house, but lets say HE DID I'd be upset and we'd have a serious conversation to see why he would even think it's okay to go that low and do that. In my marriage, I told him from the start I'm not one to be quiet if something bothers me. If I'm upset, bothered, angry or sad, I rather come to him and discuss the issue. You might not believe me but I've done it before and it's worked. Were adults, I dont think it's fair for me to have him play the guessing game and try to figure out why I'm quiet or acting differently than usual. By the way your asking good questions.

You can be loud and still submissive. How can a man assert his authority over his lady without scolding and berating her?
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