the world isn’t fair. If you want to tell everyone you’re not black with confidence, go ahead. But no one is responsible for the looks you’ll receive. :zhqjlmx:
Who cares, we've been our own for thousands of years. I love my black skin, I just don't base my whole identity around it.
I don't advocate mass migration to ethincly pure nations whether they are in Europe or Africa. America is different. It is a country based and built on a concept rather than on ethnicity or race. So when white racist folks claim it to be a European country, I have my loud objections to that. America is for everyone who is here legally or who was born here.

I also support given the ten million Hispanics legal status because most of them work and pay taxes through the fake social security number they use to work. American makes millions of Dollars out this community without the Federal government returning this money back to these immigrants because they can't apply for a tax return.

America should open legal migration based on jobs and opportunities from all corners of the world.
Remember these are unauthorised immigrants so your talking about some very dangerous people they were desperate enough to go the illegal route what makes u think they'll be a good citizen when they get legal status.


I do something called "what I want"
your not but it depends on which part of the world ur in which was my point read carefully my hotheaded friend.
the thing is, something being orange and blue are factual observations. So calling an orange an orange is a factual statement and calling a blue pen an orange pen is a false statement.

Whereas race is a social construct with no clear and exact definition. You can’t say calling a somali person a black person is akin to calling a cat a dog, because it’s not. Society created racial classifications, by trying your hardest to go against it you’re just wasting your breath and making yourself seem like a self-hater. They’re just calling you black, not like they’re calling you an idiot.


I do something called "what I want"
Who cares, we've been our own for thousands of years. I love my black skin, I just don't base my whole identity around it.
then don’t. I couldn’t care less. Also, you’ve been your own for thousands of years UNTIL your parents decided to up and move to the west.

You’re no longer in Somalia, especially if you live in the US or Canada, race actually matters.
the thing is, something being orange and blue are factual observations. So calling an orange an orange is a factual statement and calling a blue pen an orange pen is a false statement.

Whereas race is a social construct with no clear and exact definition. You can’t say calling a somali person a black person is akin to calling a cat a dog, because it’s not. Society created racial classifications, by trying your hardest to go against it you’re just wasting your breath and making yourself seem like a self-hater. They’re just calling you black, not like they’re calling you an idiot.
And as u admitted race is a social construct so it can be wrong just like if u invent ur own definition of racism it can not apply in certain cases as it may be wrong.
Remember these are unauthorised immigrants so your talking about some very dangerous people they were desperate enough to go the illegal route what makes u think they'll be a good citizen when they get legal status.

Are you Half-white by any chance? I have half-white nephew, I hope they won't argue like this stupid around me in the near future. We will just ship the idiot to Somalia for some Dhaqan celis. LOL. You seem to have bought Trumpian propaganda hook, line and sinker.
Are you Half-white by any chance? I have half-white nephew, I hope they won't argue like this stupid around me in the near future. We will just ship the idiot to Somalia for some Dhaqan celis. LOL. You seem to have bought Trumpian propaganda hook, line and sinker.
Lol i am 100% somali did some cadaan bully you or something the victim complex is mad. Listen liberals treat you like retarded children who can't do anything on their own. It is the soft bigotry of low expectations. :camby:
then don’t. I couldn’t care less. Also, you’ve been your own for thousands of years UNTIL your parents decided to up and move to the west.

You’re no longer in Somalia, especially if you live in the US or Canada, race actually matters.
My identity is the same wherever I go, it doesn't change based on location. We have Indians who are also dark skinned and face racism. You don't see them obsessed with their skin colour and changing their identity.
Lol i am 100% somali did some cadaan bully you or something the victim complex is mad. Listen liberals treat you like retarded children who can't do anything on their own. It is the soft bigotry of low expectations. :camby:

Where does your anti immigrant sentiment come from then? Weird for a somali refugee child to espouse virulent anti immigrant views. Your birth place, opportunities you got in education, level in society, all came about because of your parent's prior refugee/immigrant status.

As for Liberals, whether they are liberal for feel good reasons or for genuine desire to advance opportunities for their fellow citizens, the outcome of their actions aren't harming black and brown people. You can't say the same about their opponents and the conservative crew.

To me, Anyone with the word "R" next to their political affliation is the enemy of my citizenship and opportunties.
Where does your anti immigrant sentiment come from then? Weird for a somali refugee child to espouse virulent anti immigrant views. Your birth place, opportunities you got in education, level in society, all came about because of your parent's prior refugee/immigrant status.

As for Liberals, whether they are liberal for feel good reasons or for genuine desire to advance opportunities for their fellow citizens, the outcome of their actions aren't harming black and brown people. You can't say the same about their opponents and the conservative crew.

To me, Anyone with the word "R" next to their political affliation is the enemy of my citizenship and opportunties.
lol tell that to jim crow joe biden trump may have been a racist but at least he'll admit it unlike joe. i know 10 million unauthorised immigrants is bad for any country it's quite simple i don't the country to be somalia 2.0 and me become a refugee again :mjkkk:
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  • C32B8C5F-9917-4713-BDB3-6946C92FD03E.jpg
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This is why I vote for Democrats. They genuinely care about issues affecting average Americans. Read this article and get back to me saxib.

That just irresponsible do u know the debt the US is in via borrowing from the pandemic is sky-high be prepared for years of austerity my friend. That meant that the United States entered this crisis in rough financial shape. Debt-to-GDP stood at nearly 80% even before the coronavirus pandemic struck -- a rate more than twice as high as the historical average and double the level before the Great Recession.

The Treasury Department said this week it will borrow $3 trillion this quarter alone. That's nearly six times the previous record, which was set in 2008.
Still, while the national debt is scary -- it now stands at nearly $25 trillion -- now is not the time to cut back on the borrowing.
And this article was written May 6, 2020
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I use to but not anymore. for 2 reasons.
1. they riot and help when a African american dies but when a somali does nobody cares so it really opened my eyes and see which side of the fence we’re on.

2. they r trying to lump LGBTQ with black struggle.
listen, one crazy coonhead calling me a dog doesn’t make me a dog. The whole world is calling you black. Stop lying to yourself.

You’re a NEGRO.
Wow first i didnt insult i used your logic why disnt.u acceot my label lol
If u want have to.accept mine.dont.get tilted lol
You the tht accept european.light man label You the negro.not me lol
You are one hypocrite
I don't advocate mass migration to ethincly pure nations whether they are in Europe or Africa. America is different. It is a country based and built on a concept rather than on ethnicity or race. So when white racist folks claim it to be a European country, I have my loud objections to that. America is for everyone who is here legally or who was born here.

I also support giving the ten million Hispanics legal status because most of them work and pay taxes through the fake social security number they use to work. America makes millions of Dollars out of this community without the Federal government returning this money back to these immigrants because they can't apply for a tax return.

America should open legal migration based on jobs, refugee resettlement, and opportunities from all corners of the world.
Hmmm america is native european.only.took by force
lol tell that to jim crow joe biden trump may have been a racist but at least he'll admit it unlike joe. i know 10 million unauthorised immigrants is bad for any country it's quite simple i don't the country to be somalia 2.0 and me become a refugee again :mjkkk:
Well it is american since native american dont rule.their .and dont.have say in it i dont care immigrants can be 100 million into us