Black Tunisians forced to bury their dead in “slave graveyards”

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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Well the Tunisian berber would laugh at what you just said. Stop begging ppl who see you as subhuman, abahaa naare

Go to hell Djiboutian Brothel Boy,

You you might feel inferior to an Arab but I see myself as a Somali Cushite of equal or even superior rank. We don't have a "We Wuz enslaved" grudge like BLM bootyclappers like you


Im feminine but the only reason they refuse to accept the label is due to their inferiority complex towards other black men.

Ego is the manifestation of insecurity


Go to hell Djiboutian Brothel Boy,

You you might feel inferior to an Arab but I see myself as a Somali Cushite of equal or even superior rank. We don't have a "We Wuz enslaved" grudge like BLM bootyclappers like you

NEGRO ABEED AL ASWAD..... You are subhuman to your so called afro asiatic brothers, go end your pathetic life now


The prejudice towards Arabs in this thread is shocking. How does this make you people any better than the racist Arabs you're complaining about?


If you did a DNA test we would be closer to Tunisian Berber than a Bantu from Nigeria. These are facts but Bootyclapping BLM folks want to deny this.
I know that our prehistoric ancestors spliTed of from ancient Egyptian and Berbes and probably looked like a morrocan berber before he took nilotic wives
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