Black muslim twitter dragging Hamza Yusuf #RIS'16

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Whites are whites whether they are Muslims or Christians or Atheists. They will always align with their race/ethnicity before religion. I learned very quickly that many Atheists whom I thought were "my people" were actually not.

A white Atheist would save a white Christian before me if we were both drowning. In fact, he'd probably save Hamza Yusuf before me as well.

Edo Nene

SUGAR breasts
i swear when white folks become muslim or gay they think all the fucked up shit their people did and still do magically disappears and nothing they say can be racist. all of a sudden their the victims :dead:

this is when they get brave enough to make sweeping generalizations about other races and coons like the ones on this thread defend their abu cave tom
f*ck white people, they are root of all problems and biggest deniers!


Great point. I guess their frustrations and anger with the family culture/religion makes them a little irrational as painting the Liberal arguments as superior no matter what. But, like I said, most of them are young and go to very Liberal colleges/universities, so I try to give them a chance and try chat with them, but it usually ends to the point I offend them and get called "crazy righter winger"(even though I'm not loool)
There is no dialogue between liberals and conservatives any longer. Just like the original post, there are legitimate and valid stances on varying issues for both ends; it's really often two sides sparring their view without looking at the whole picture or being charitable (honest) about the other side's facts. It's muck.
This is the exact sort of mentality that has put the blacks in the predicament they are in today.
so your denying that white nations single handedly burned down entire countries, making not one but 2 entire tribes extinct. colonizing (stealing resources) from half the globe and still making moves to further destroy nations as recently as 2016 (syria). white people are the cancer of the world


cismaan maxamuud
so your denying that white nations single handedly burned down entire countries, making not one but 2 entire tribes extinct. colonizing (stealing resources) from half the globe and still making moves to further destroy nations as recently as 2016 (syria). white people are the cancer of the world
when the hell did i deny that:what1::what1: and blaming others wont solve the situation it's like somebody kicked you at school once and you blame them for getting a lower grade.
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