Biggest L for reer Holland

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@EternalLightX Yes I have a problem with in the Somali community. If you put yourself out in public of course you will
be judged by people. You are like those women who make themselves naked called Pussy riot then scream "don't sexualize us" kkkk.
Because ALL Somali women and girls here have committed zina while the ones back home are chast, right? Oh and because ALL Somali male here are pure miyaa?.

Let me explain something to you tenacious, I harbor no ill feelings or hate, in fact I am sympathetic to your cause, but at the same time I need protection from this Europhile brain parasites, my progeny will make and break and so will the wife, I do want them to climb out of a chimney

The religious raised women back home, would perhaps be even worse then your average Xalimo if she came here, I know this, and I accept it, it's fine, that's why my intention is to never bring them here, and btw I wont pick no random unknown chick back home, it will be from the same tribe,

The quality control is at such that even if she has as much as urinated on a tree, I would know about it, hence the famous Somali saying "your children need you most when you pick their mother"

Now let me address the second part of your conundrum, in illustrative example, when I was young, to try to coax women out, I used to tell them, I drank, fornicated and even did drugs but repented just to gauge the women, to my horror they were fine with it aslong as I left this.

It left a sour taste in my mouth, and even on the religious chicks, it was the same response, until years later it dawned upon me, I was looking at this situation from a male centric perspective, because the female doesn't give a shit about this, because she is not biological programmed to look for purity, infact it usually works against you.

Throughout history man had many wife's and concubines openly, and the women didn't care, the only care they had was does 'he' loved me most, they even boasted about this to each other, while the same night the man would make love to them both.

To sum it up for you, women don't give a shit about this, hence it's not hypocrisy at all, in fact mentioning this actually works in your favour, although you may have to adjust the severity and the number depending which type your dealing with, but it's a no issue with women whatsoever.[/QUOTE]

You really didnt have to write a bloody essay.

The likes of you should be so lucky that women arent insecure like you men, and couldnt care about your past so long you left it in the PAST. That said, who told you a Somali woman back home wouldnt take you if you told her about your past as well? Have you not seen the types of men that go back home to marry any woman or girls of their choosing. We are talking about the lowest form of shit, type Somali men; none of those women and girls question who the men they are marrying really are, you know why?, because she cares about your POCKET or citizenship, oh but wait, even if she herself is financially well off she still wants your money too, thats right, wealthy Somalis back home still have this mind set that a Somali from the West is even more wealthier then they. I doubt youve ever been to Somalia but I advice you to do so, stay a year or two before you marry someone from your own clan as though women from your clan are any less of a gold digger or chaste then other Somali women.

I am sure many Western Somali women will breathe a sigh of good relief, for dodging a bullet.
@Mercury no one knows her clan (including me) not that it matters,
this is a collective L for all Somalis. Do you think the over 300,000 foreigners that viewed
it care about her "clan" nope, all they care about is she is a Somali hoe getting banged in
exchange for a blunt of weed.


I dont know if you are a Muslim but in Islam, we believe that everyone is accountable for their sins, therefore, I dont care if others see her as a Somali. And shame you because we certainly wouldnt have known about her til your insecure self made a post about her.
Your suffering from the brain parasite delusions once again, the person your attacking has shame for his fellow sisters, once that shame goes, your humanity goes, so does your dignity and your no better then an animal.

Your polytheistic Europhile shameless God Darwin of course doesn't teach you this, neither do all the other polytheistic homosexual Eurphile deities you bow down to.

I figured out the correct diagnosis now for the brain parasite, it's a very virulent mutation, that needs urgent course of chemo type treatment, please lay down for me so I can start.

No he does not have ANY shame for her and the ONLY reason he did this is because he is only concerned about what others might think since he shares ethnicity. There is NO where in Islam that says you have to further humiliate someone even if they humiliated themselves like the her has. You have a very twisted way of thinking, If he really truly cared about her then he would find her and convey the religion to her so that she doesnt repeat her past. That is having shame for your fellow brethrens.
Even if you you're not muslim. ..are you not a man? Or somali to begin with
Maybe you lack compassion and that's understandable but when you go around sharing vids like that it just shows you have no pride, 0 esteem wallahi

I don't understand how a somali man could be OK with spreading vids like that?
Maybe you're not raised right
Idk just disgusting wallahi

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
The education in the west is far more superior. There are more benefits raising a kid in the west than back home which is why your parents brought you to the west in the first place. A child is not only raised by the parents but by the environment she lives in, it's going to be near impossible for her to be not exposed to this sort of thing. You've got to trust in your abilities as a good parent for your child to be raised as a good person.
Enjoy this education of yours when your child is an atheist liberal lesbian like @VixR, @dhegdheer and @Knowthyself

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Leave the prophet(pbh) out of this. There is not a time in his(pbh) era where he said bad things about women.
I don't believe that the prophet saw said things that are only applicable in his era. Everything he said is universal. Do we have a new religion to follow or is the message of rasululah until the day of judgement?


Years to look forward to
Enjoy this education of yours when your child is an atheist liberal lesbian like @VixR, @dhegdheer and @Knowthyself

If my child is an atheist liberal lesbian I will still love my child because she is my child. You do realize that having a child comes with the good and bad right? The child won't be perfect but that shouldn't mean you should turn your back. You really need to be realistic and realize that you're living in the year 2017.
I don't believe that the prophet saw said things that are only applicable in his era. Everything he said is universal. Do we have a new religion to follow or is the message of rasululah until the day of judgement?

Again, the he(pbh) NEVER said anything to belittle women and he always put us on a pedestal including his wives who were far more educated and wealthy than he was. Stop taking things he said and twisting it to your liking.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
If my child is an atheist liberal lesbian I will still love my child because she is my child. You do realize that having a child comes with the good and bad right? The child won't be perfect but that shouldn't mean you should turn your back. You really need to be realistic and realize that you're living in the year 2017.
If my child is a atheist liberal lesbian then it isn't my child anymore and I disown it. She can find a new daddy.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Again, the he(pbh) NEVER said anything to belittle women and he always put us on a pedestal including his wives who were far more educated and wealthy than he was. Stop taking things he said and twisting it to your liking.
Education and wealth does not change the fact that women are deficient in intelligence and must be guided to the right path, lest she falls into corruption. I already know you're a modernist when you said the deen only applies to the prophet's saw era.
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