Big nosed Arab girl has a fetish for Somali noses

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I do not have a bias or distaste for non atheists.

Bias is preferring a favorable dishonest tint to X subject in the face of bare facts. It's bending reality. And unlike u claim, it isn't insurmountable. But I'm glad u at least openly admit to it. If u put aside your bias and look into the aforementioned reasons against said individuals specifically, you'll find a trend/theme.

That was an unnecessary mouth full lol

Bias isn't just putting a certain group under a "dishonest tint" as you call it, but it is also giving excuses to a group just because they are from your group and putting less scrutiny to them. (Like you with the new atheists just now),
and I'll say to you what you said to me. "If you put bias aside and look into the aforementioned people" you will also find a trend, a trend that says these cunts are nothing more than biased right wing ultra conservative liberals who want nothing but their western values to dominate the world by any means necessary. To the extent that richard dawkings called for making it illegal to teach your children about religion and lawrence kraus said there is nothing wrong with incest, these guys are fucking sick and deluded and its your atheist bias towards them that makes you defend them and call me ignorant or a lair
True I don't disagree that a lot of Muslims are not that educated on the religion. But the ones that are, are probably the most humble families I've ever met in my life. Following the Sunnah to a tee isn't something that pushes you away from the religion, if it's doing/saying things like "acuudubiga minal qhubthi wal qhabaa'ith" before entering a bathroom and "Qufraanak" when leaving that made you so agitated to leave a religion is kinda hard to believe or its just that there is something wrong with you if you get agitated by little things like that

Or its just really the more likely scenario, that you looked up and came across Atheist on the internet and as time went you were more and more persuaded by them until you finally said f*ck it my religion makes no sense. And the reason they persuaded you so easily is because of the influence western culture and values had on you bc you grew up in the west, and was exposed to their values that it became an obvious/basic part of your Morales.
Also on the other hand, there aren't that many Muslim scholars or personalities on the internet that counter their claims making it easier for all the western grown Muslim to easily be convinced

The fucked up part isn't that they made you an atheist but they turned you into a self hating bigot against Muslims, that you are even biased when it comes to putting cunts like Israel and their deceased prime minister under scrutiny for the human rights abuses they have committed, because that is the culture and expected thing to do when you are a follower of new atheist hub.

Israel is a model country. They have LGBTQQIP2SAA protections, the Muslims in Israel live better than foreign Muslims in the Gulf and have citizenship. They are Nobel prize laureates, they have given the world medical and technological advances. I have nothing but admiration for these people. The Jews from the city I grew up in has mentored hundreds of Somali youth and got them good jobs as part of the Somali-Jewish partnership.

Jews are good people and have been better to Somalis than those Arabs who deported tens of thousands during the height of the civil war.

I left the religion due to inconsistencies in the text and because it is incompatible with science. I didn't leave over minor sunnah issues that I did not even see as a problem.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Israel is a model country. They have LGBTQQIP2SAA protections, the Muslims in Israel live better than foreign Muslims in the Gulf and have citizenship. They are Nobel prize laureates, they have given the world medical and technological advances. I have nothing but admiration for these people. The Jews from the city I grew up in has mentored hundreds of Somali youth and got them good jobs as part of the Somali-Jewish partnership.

Jews are good people and have been better to Somalis than those Arabs who deported tens of thousands during the height of the civil war.

I left the religion due to inconsistencies in the text and because it is incompatible with science. I didn't leave over minor sunnah issues that I did not even see as a problem.
Out of those Somalis that were mentored by the Zionist khazarian fiat money creating cabal how many of them became gaalo & LGBT999064dhjtdz qanis iyo wecel lesbian warlock iyo goblin?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Abdi be honest my g, them Zionist mofo groped you & molestered you even sodomised while giving you champ change in exchange for your soul.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Qumayo waxid gaaloda waxa ku soo aqriyeen ba anaga noo aqrineysa va fankoolo warankiilo, naa instead of learning about Darwin iyo Johnson why don't you learn about your mother tongue, you turn coat treacherous pagan.
@Cognitivedissonance there are many contradictions. Is Allah's day one thousand human years or fifty thousand human years because both are stated in the Quran? How many angels saved Muhammad during the battle of Badr because different numbers are given? How many times will the trumpet be blown in the day of judgement because it's either multiple times or just only once according to the book. Then also we are told the mountains become like a piece of cloth in the day of judgement but in the same book we are told they will disappear in the day of judgement. Which is it?

These things are just those I remember at the moment. There are many contradictions.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
It's all about the society and era you grew up in and were born to. You were only able to believe those things because your parents brought you to the west.
I am not gonna lie and say the fact that I'm Somali isn't making me biased and I see my religion as a part of my Identity.

But with all that said. I don't have a problem with Atheists a have a problem and hate these new atheists lots that are nothing but a bunch of bigoted xenophobic alt right "liberals". Even with in the Atheist community those new atheist fucks are considered retards and are disassociated from.

Hitchens supported the Iraq war, Sam harris is a bigoted f*ck who calls for profiling and wrote about potentially doing a first strike nuke on the Muslim world, and he said that to give his alt right followers an itch in their pants. Ayan Hirsi is the stupidest lot out of all of them, she isn't a fucking intellectual, her whole argument is "I was cut, I used to be a part of this group so please buy my books" and she's just there to capitalize of the drama.
Maher on the other hand is a fucking Jew, I don't even believe the c*nt is an atheist, the way he eats Israel's dick is just too much, its similar to the david packman show (But you don't follow youtube atheists)
And Dawkins is the c*nt that compared the kid ahmed that made a clock to an juvenile ISIS Jihadi fighter

If you told me you were an atheist bc of men Like Noam Chomsky, I wouldn't mind it that much. But you named cunts that are no different than alt right christian fundamentalists. that's why they are superscribed to them by the millions

read this article by John Gray from Theguardian (

Israel is a model country. They have LGBTQQIP2SAA protections, the Muslims in Israel live better than foreign Muslims in the Gulf and have citizenship. They are Nobel prize laureates, they have given the world medical and technological advances. I have nothing but admiration for these people. The Jews from the city I grew up in has mentored hundreds of Somali youth and got them good jobs as part of the Somali-Jewish partnership.

Jews are good people and have been better to Somalis than those Arabs who deported tens of thousands during the height of the civil war.

I left the religion due to inconsistencies in the text and because it is incompatible with science. I didn't leave over minor sunnah issues that I did not even see as a problem.

LMFAO at "LGBTQQIP2SAA", you are making fun of yourself and at the same time arguing for why it is good #priceless
Look I have no problem with Jews as a people but I fucking damn Zionists to hell
I don't care if Israel is the gold standard and Diamond Nation that should be worshiped. It is like you telling me "look how good Germany's Reich is doing for themselves" How good they did for themselves doesn't fucking matter,
what matters is how those cunts got to wear they are in the first place, (you already know the story but I'll tell you anyways)
Hundreds of thousands of were killed and died as a result from the creation of the Zionist state of Israel, Millions were displaced and GTFO of here with that bullshit Palestinians live peacefully in Israel shit. They are fucking second class citizens worst than woman in Saudi Arabia, they are put under constant check points, random stop and frisks, unlawful arrests and imprisonments and etc etc.

Israel never should have existed, it would have been no different if those cunts chose Somalia as their motherland and kicked out hundreds of thousands of Somalis. You know this and I know this, but it is your disgusting western bias towards Israel and hate for your own kind that makes you leech of those Zionist picks that should all be executed for genocide.
Palestinians live better lives than Somalis. Their HDI is much greater than ours. They are much more developed than Somalis. Palestinians experience less violence and misery than Somalis.

Why do Somalis bootyclap for Palestinians?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@Cognitivedissonance there are many contradictions. Is Allah's day one thousand human years or fifty thousand human years because both are stated in the Quran? How many angels saved Muhammad during the battle of Badr because different numbers are given? How many times will the trumpet be blown in the day of judgement because it's either multiple times or just only once according to the book. Then also we are told the mountains become like a piece of cloth in the day of judgement but in the same book we are told they will disappear in the day of judgement. Which is it?

These things are just those I remember at the moment. There are many contradictions.
Do you know that scientists are discovering new galaxies & you out here talking about mountains, really, my g, stick to what you know best, sucking dick just to get to the top like lil Kim, did you know her mentor was a Zionist Kabbalist? Did you think you're the only one who sold their soul?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
After analysing Abdi I've come to the conclusion that he does what he does to ruffle some feathers getting the forum poppin while stroking some egos in the process, the sheer ingenuity!
Palestinians live better lives than Somalis. Their HDI is much greater than ours. They are much more developed than Somalis. Palestinians experience less violence and misery than Somalis.

Why do Somalis bootyclap for Palestinians?

You didn't refute any of my points, classic change the subject trick

there are Millions of Somalis that live better lives in their homelands than some Americans let alone poor improvised Palestinians masaakiin in the Gaza strip (that's not an insult its just a sad reality)

Why would Somalis hate Palestinians even "if they were living much better life", that would just be jealousy and envious of Somalis
You didn't refute any of my points, classic change the subject trick

there are Millions of Somalis that live better lives in their homelands than some Americans let alone poor improvised Palestinians masaakiin in the Gaza strip (that's not an insult its just a sad reality)

Why would Somalis hate Palestinians even "if they were living much better life", that would just be jealousy and envious of Somalis

It's called fixing your situation first before worrying about others problems. More Somalis were marching for Gaza than Kenyan and Ethiopia occupied Somali lands where Somalis are mistreated by the minute

@Cognitivedissonance I sold myself to no one
Both MrProfessor and AbdiJohnson are making fair points and i like reading your discussions brothers. But i have never seemed to understand why we somalis are bootyclapping for caarabta? In my eyes it just seems to be a symptom of classical inferiority complex


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Both MrProfessor and AbdiJohnson are making fair points and i like reading your discussions brothers. But i have never seemed to understand why we somalis are bootyclapping for caarabta? In my eyes it just seems to be a symptom of classical inferiority complex
Let me guess you're a gaal? Nacaala iyo waxa tahiin ba waasa war hala buufiyo wuxu balaayoda baas.
Both MrProfessor and AbdiJohnson are making fair points and i like reading your discussions brothers. But i have never seemed to understand why we somalis are bootyclapping for caarabta? In my eyes it just seems to be a symptom of classical inferiority complex

They've been mentally enslaved. How many Somalis in the Western diaspora have been deported and not given a safe place from the war by the Gulf nations? Why bootyclap for these people to the point of claiming Arab lineage? They are ungrateful to the West that gave them shelter and citizenship and a second chance at life
It's called fixing your situation first before worrying about others problems. More Somalis were marching for Gaza than Kenyan and Ethiopia occupied Somali lands where Somalis are mistreated by the minute

@Cognitivedissonance I sold myself to no one

You're fucking weird bro, Somalis are not handicap people; they can do 2 things at once. You don't have to just fight onething. You can at the same time while fighting for an end to racism, fight for an end to Sexism and bigotry. One doesn't hinder the other
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