Ask the gaal anything

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Somaliweyn Unionist
What if she comes out dark skin I mean. Why birth another untermensch? You can design a superior blonde-haired blue-eyed aryan girl once designer babies become a thing. Why settle for the off-brand untermensch? :mjpls:
I also don't want a Blonde hair blue eyes baby. It wouldn't resemble me at all. I want my daughter to be my mini-me <3


live and let die.
Why would my baby come out black? I've never dated a Black guy and I've never been attracted to dark chocolate guys. The darkest my babies could get is caramel statistically and realistically speaking.

:what1: Are you thick in the head? 'caramel' is dark compared to pale or olive skin. :wow:

Pray she comes out pretty cause lord knows you gotta be either smart or beautiful in this world.


Somaliweyn Unionist
:what1: Are you thick in the head? 'caramel' is dark compared to pale or olive skin. :wow:

Pray she comes out pretty cause lord knows you gotta be either smart or beautiful in this world.
Yeah I guess caramel is dark. I thought by dark you meant this guy: :susp:
not this guy: :ivers:
Do you not know what olive skin is? It's extremely tanned White skin. I'm light skinned Somali. If I have a child with a White guy (I say White because all my BFS have been white) then my baby will literally be White. No, not dark skinned white but white white. You should see mixed Somali babies. Our genes are weak and They're washed out in a single generation. Especially with light skinned Somalis. At least dark skinned Somalis have their darker skin to make their babies be a blend.

i have half italian family and they are very light but not olive. olive means white like levant arab white lol, I've never seen a somali who looks that way.
This is what I mean by olive skin I think you all are very confused about olive skin.

I wouldn't consider her olive skinned she is darker, an indian. People usually understand olive skin as a lot paler than that and its associated with greek, turk, levantine, basically mediterranean people.

anyway i understand what you're trying to say you aspire to have hindi looking children


Somaliweyn Unionist
I wouldn't consider her olive skinned she is darker, an indian. People usually understand olive skin as a lot paler than that and its associated with greek, turk, levantine, basically mediterranean people.

anyway i understand what you're trying to say you aspire to have hindi looking children
This is olive skin to me. You can have your own definition. I once had an Indian fwb I thought of children with him but he was too light skinned so our children would be pale brown. I want my children to have light skin with a red undertone.


I have an IQ of 300
In this thread:
  • Sheep eating pages of the quran(??)
  • Starfu'allah
  • Olivia
  • Gaalo
  • Dreams of having Hindi children
  • The Holy Ghost
Someone probably asked. Why did you leave Islam. What was the most defining thing for you to leave the religion? you could always marry a revert if you dearly want cadaan like children.


Somaliweyn Unionist
Someone probably asked. Why did you leave Islam. What was the most defining thing for you to leave the religion? you could always marry a revert if you dearly want cadaan like children.
I left Islam die to its treatment of women, it's clear logical inconsistencies, and the comparison of the life of Muhammad to the life of Jesus.
I don't want cadaan children, I want children. I have acknowledged my children will most likely be in between White and brown skin tone wise because I have only liked/dated White guys. I also have no intentions to marry anyone Muslim. I used to say I can marry a Muslim so long as he is weak in his faith but I do,'t want even that.


Somaliweyn Unionist
So u don't view ur self as Somali right?
Is ur entire family gaal, and does the community know this?
I'm ethnically Somali.
Not all of my siblings will admit to being gaal . They might be 'Muslim' but they have shown they have clear problems with the faith. The boys Don't even pray with my father and we haven't prayed together in several years. I should clarify nobody in my family besides my father prays.
Does the community know about what?
My parents care so much about the communities reactions my dad due to financial reasons and my mom because she is weak and cares about other's opinion of her. Idc what the Somali community thinks about me. The Somali community is useless and hasn't done a single beneficial thing for my family. All they do is take, gossip, and spread their religious lies and liberal bs.
I left Islam die to its treatment of women, it's clear logical inconsistencies, and the comparison of the life of Muhammad to the life of Jesus.
I don't want cadaan children, I want children. I have acknowledged my children will most likely be in between White and brown skin tone wise because I have only liked/dated White guys. I also have no intentions to marry anyone Muslim. I used to say I can marry a Muslim so long as he is weak in his faith but I do,'t want even that.

so in what way were you mistreated? islamically? i think somalisch are the most relaxt inlike carab and others. aren't you confusing culture with islam?

Secondly i have never seen the Prophet Muhammad saws being compared with Prophet Isa. they had different missions. the only linkage was that they were both prophets of Allaah. We also view Isa a.s different than the christians who depict him like a blond blue eyed weakling. non of the prophets were weak.
I'm ethnically Somali.
Not all of my siblings will admit to being gaal . They might be 'Muslim' but they have shown they have clear problems with the faith. The boys Don't even pray with my father and we haven't prayed together in several years. I should clarify nobody in my family besides my father prays.
Does the community know about what?
My parents care so much about the communities reactions my dad due to financial reasons and my mom because she is weak and cares about other's opinion of her. Idc what the Somali community thinks about me. The Somali community is useless and hasn't done a single beneficial thing for my family. All they do is take, gossip, and spread their religious lies and liberal bs.

yeah somali community is bs. I have another question :p
what kind of christian are u now? catholic
Anyone Christian that God sends my way. I Don't discriminate on race unless They're Arab or Mexican (aka all of Latin America).
Not sure of children names. Perhaps biblical names since They're timely. Lately I've been thinking of Olivia for my girl's name since she will likely have olive skin.

May Allaah guide your childeren. and leave your sister alone. let her be whatever she wants why convert her to falsehood?
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