Are Somali Women The Backbone Of Our Culture?

Here are some statistics to look at, let's break it down:
male to female.PNG

Currently in Minnesota, their are more women than men in our current society.

Men are working at around at a 16% higher rate then Somali women. Because Somali men are supposed to provide, men are generally hired at a higher rate and women take care of the children.
household income.PNG

However, even with this knowledge, the average household income is less then $35,000, only a few make more then that much money.

However look at this statistic: 21% of Somali women are single with children under 18. That's almost 1 in 4 Somali women. Where are the fathers? They had to suppress the statistic for single fathers with children because it's so low.

Even in married couples, the income is near poverty because the Somali men leave the woman alone at home with all the children and works. Spending no time with his family.

Now imagine if he's gone for 3 months at a time working? Bringing money is not enough.

Do better.

P.S: These statistics are from Minnesota since it's the largest Somali population in the west. It's a good representation.

Here are some statistics to look at, let's break it down:
View attachment 192597
Currently in Minnesota, their are more women than men in our current society.
View attachment 192598
Men are working at around at a 16% higher rate then Somali women. Because Somali men are supposed to provide, men are generally hired at a higher rate and women take care of the children.
View attachment 192599
However, even with this knowledge, the average household income is less then $35,000, only a few make more then that much money.
View attachment 192600
However look at this statistic: 21% of Somali women are single with children under 18. That's almost 1 in 4 Somali women. Where are the fathers? They had to suppress the statistic for single fathers with children because it's so low.

Even in married couples, the income is near poverty because the Somali men leave the woman alone at home with all the children and works.

Now imagine if he's gone for 3 months at a time working? Bringing money is not enough.

Do better.

P.S: These statistics are from Minnesota since it's the largest Somali population in the west. It's a good representation.
Aint no statistics bro :ftw9nwa:
^ Up there.


I do something called "what I want"
^ Up there.
your statistic completely disproved your prior statement that Somali women are more wealthy than Somali men in the diaspora lol. Idk what you’re getting at at this point.
your statistic completely disproved your prior statement that Somali women are more wealthy than Somali men in the diaspora lol. Idk what you’re getting at at this point.
Saxib, not once did I say Somali women are more wealthy in this thread. I said that they're doing more in the community.


I do something called "what I want"
Men are working at around at a 16% higher rate then Somali women. Because Somali men are supposed to provide, men are generally hired at a higher rate and women take care of the children.
if mental gymnastics was a person 😂
View attachment 192599
However, even with this knowledge, the average household income is less then $35,000, only a few make more then that much money.
if moving the goalpost was a person 😂

View attachment 192600
However look at this statistic: 21% of Somali women are single with children under 18. That's almost 1 in 4 Somali women.
you don’t know how to read statistics lol, that says 21% of households are of single mothers and her children, mean nearly 80% of Somali households have either both parents or they live alone. Not 21% of Somali women are single mothers, do you realize how retarded of a statistic that would be?

Never mind you not being able to read statistics, the fact you thought 1 in 4 somali women were single mothers is mind blowing by itself :mindblown:
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I do something called "what I want"
Saxib, not once did I say Somali women are more wealthy in this thread. I said that they're doing more in the community.
what is this?
Somali men make the women have lots of children, then become absent and force the mother and the eldest to take care of it.

If we look at the current general statistics, Somali men are behind in the diaspora (wealth).

this is wraps bro, I have nothing else to say.


Here are some statistics to look at, let's break it down:
View attachment 192597
Currently in Minnesota, their are more women than men in our current society.
View attachment 192598
Men are working at around at a 16% higher rate then Somali women. Because Somali men are supposed to provide, men are generally hired at a higher rate and women take care of the children.
View attachment 192599
However, even with this knowledge, the average household income is less then $35,000, only a few make more then that much money.
View attachment 192600
However look at this statistic: 21% of Somali women are single with children under 18. That's almost 1 in 4 Somali women. Where are the fathers? They had to suppress the statistic for single fathers with children because it's so low.

Even in married couples, the income is near poverty because the Somali men leave the woman alone at home with all the children and works. Spending no time with his family.

Now imagine if he's gone for 3 months at a time working? Bringing money is not enough.

Do better.

P.S: These statistics are from Minnesota since it's the largest Somali population in the west. It's a good representation.
After reading this im not sure what youre trying to prove. Only thing I gathered is that majority has a father and a mother in their household and the whole father leaving thing is blown out of proportion. Thanks for proving me right (not that you were arguing against it but i hope @Sueeeeeee sees this)


I do something called "what I want"
Saxib, you are mentally retarded. I meant Somali men are behind in wealth compared to other men from other ethnic groups. Not to the Xalimos.

this was a thread specifically about Somali women in comparison to Somali men and vice versa. And now you want to act like you’re talking about something else lol.

Reply to my other quote about you not being able to read statistics and thought 1 in 4 somali women were single mothers you braindead ape :russ:
if mental gymnastics was a person 😂

if moving the goalpost was a person 😂

you don’t know how to read statistics lol, that says 21% of households are of single mothers and her children, mean nearly 80% of Somali households have either both parents or they live alone. Not 21% of Somali women are single mothers, do you realize how retarded of a statistic that would be?

Never mind you not being able to read statistics, the fact you thought 1 in 4 somali women were single mothers is mind blowing by itself :mindblown:
Aaudhu billahi minashaitanir rajeem. 21% is almost 25% so I just rounded upwards. Their is a 3.8% margin of error.

It can be less than 21% but that seems unlikely given the other statistics.

For every 100 Somali households you go to, 21%+ are of single mothers, that's way to high.


I do something called "what I want"
Aaudhu billahi minashaitanir rajeem. 21% is almost 25% so I just rounded upwards. Their is a 3.8% margin of error. View attachment 192604
It can be less than 21% but that seems unlikely given the other statistics.

For every 100 Somali households you go to, 21%+ are of single mothers, that's way to high.
if you’re rounding to the nearest 5 then 21% is closer to 20% than to 25% (can’t believe I have to explain this to you) so it would be nearly 1 in 5 and not 1 in 4. If you’re rounding to the nearest 10 it’s still 20%. if you’re rounding to the nearest 25% then that’s just stupid because then even if it said 12.8% you can still say “I rounded it to 25% since it’s closer to 25% than to 0%” 🤦‍♂️

Besides your broken math let’s focus on your reading comprehension and logic for a second:

YOU said nearly 1 in 4 Somali women are single mothers.

You read that and somehow thought that statistic was talking about total % of Somali women and their status. Why on earth would they be talking about that when it clearly says “households by type” in bold font. If that wasn’t bad enough you didn’t stop to think “no way in hell are 20% of halimos in minnesota single mothers”.

You sat there and genuinely believed that for every 4 halimos you walk across in minnesota, one of them has a child without a father lol.

What does that say about you and your intellect?

Finally, you’re proving yet again that you can’t understand statistics. When it says +/- 3.8% they don’t mean “the answer is anywhere from here to here and it’s up to you to interpret where it is”, it means, “our answers were in this range and we averaged it to make it consistent”.

Which means that the real data is just as likely of it being 18% than it is being 22%. Otherwise they would have wrote “22% +/- 1.8%”

you can’t pick and choose where you lean on that percent to help your argument. Not how it works and the fact you’re doing it shows you’re consciously setting up a bias.

Go back to school man, if Somali men really were behind then it’d be because of guys like you.
Sigh.... This is not a majority tho. I suggest you guys look up what a majority means in the dictionary.

So according to you
MOST somali men from Sweden to Canada to the Uk are
1. Killing each other
2. Stabbing each other in the street.
3. Don't look after their kids, the mother does it.

While on the other hand the girls go the uni and for that are the backbone of the sociecty.

Don't you see how ridiculous you sound??
Go to any major town in those country you named and I suggest you to a research on the matter. I could you right now. Most Somali men are doing fine , your just suffering from selfhate
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Did you guys all had absent fathers or daddy issues??
I feel sorry for some of you
How does having an absent father equal to daddy issue? Also if s/he does have an absent’s that their fault? You make it seem like it’s choice they made and a personal flaw. If anything anyone that points out the absent father epidemic, who also have an absent father themselves should actually be taken more seriously since they have first hand experience. I see this whole “oh poor have an absent father so that’s why you care about this issue” counter argument here a lot and to be frank it’s makes y’all look stupid, immature and short sighted.
if you’re rounding to the nearest 5 then 21% is closer to 20% than to 25% (can’t believe I have to explain this to you) so it would be nearly 1 in 5 and not 1 in 4. If you’re rounding to the nearest 10 it’s still 20%. if you’re rounding to the nearest 25% then that’s just stupid because then even if it said 12.8% you can still say “I rounded it to 25% since it’s closer to 25% than to 0%” 🤦‍♂️

Besides your broken math let’s focus on your reading comprehension and logic for a second:

YOU said nearly 1 in 4 Somali women are single mothers.

You read that and somehow thought that statistic was talking about total % of Somali women and their status. Why on earth would they be talking about that when it clearly says “households by type” in bold font. If that wasn’t bad enough you didn’t stop to think “no way in hell are 20% of halimos in minnesota single mothers”.

You sat there and genuinely believed that for every 4 halimos you walk across in minnesota, one of them has a child without a father lol.

What does that say about you and your intellect?

Finally, you’re proving yet again that you can’t understand statistics. When it says +/- 3.8% they don’t mean “the answer is anywhere from here to here and it’s up to you to interpret where it is”, it means, “our answers were in this range and we averaged it to make it consistent”.

Which means that the real data is just as likely of it being 18% than it is being 22%. Otherwise they would have wrote “22% +/- 1.8%”

you can’t pick and choose where you lean on that percent to help your argument. Not how it works and the fact you’re doing it shows you’re consciously setting up a bias.

Go back to school man, if Somali men really were behind then it’d be because of guys like you.
Wallahi you're fucking stupid. You know what I meant by 1 in 4. I meant nearly 1 in 4 xalimos with children are single mothers. Not 1 in 4 out of the entire population.

I know what they meant by +/- 3.8%, but as I said before with the other statistics, it's probably higher due to other factors, they calculate the average but they don't take into account that other factors might influence it a bit.

Anyways, stop moving the goal post. The original post was that Somali women are the backbone of our culture/society and that Somali men aren't up to par. They are doing worse in income compared to other ethnic groups, and are crime at higher rates than Somali women. (Haram stuff too).

I'm not saying all Somali men are bad or anything. I'm just saying, let's fix up right now so we can be better in the future rather then ignore our issues as a collective and become like the African Americans. Yet you tried to focus on my specific family as if this is an individualistic thing. I wasn't speaking about my family, your family or anyones family specifically. I meant as a whole.



I do something called "what I want"
Wallahi you're fucking stupid. You know what I meant by 1 in 4. I meant nearly 1 in 4 xalimos with children are single mothers. Not 1 in 4 out of the entire population.

I know what they meant by +/- 3.8%, but as I said before with the other statistics, it's probably higher due to other factors, they calculate the average but they don't take into account that other factors might influence it a bit.

Anyways, stop moving the goal post. The original post was that Somali women are the backbone of our culture/society and that Somali men aren't up to par. They are doing worse in income compared to other ethnic groups, and are crime at higher rates than Somali women. (Haram stuff too).

I'm not saying all Somali men are bad or anything. I'm just saying, let's fix up right now so we can be better in the future rather then ignore our issues as a collective and become like the African Americans. Yet you tried to focus on my specific family as if this is an individualistic thing. I wasn't speaking about my family, your family or anyones family specifically. I meant as a whole.

I’m done replying to you man, I just feel bad for you. Aren’t you also only 17? Same age as me yet you’re so invested in gender politics like this lol.

I can tell you’re an inc*l from your racist posts and weird obsessive hate for madows. But now it’s nice knowing you’re also low iq
No, my father is in my life and a positive role model.

But I noticed lately that Somali men aren't up to par with their female counterparts.
Hence marrying out? Deffo a correlation! Am not sure if it’s ptsd from the war that is making the men neglect their duties for their families but I can say from my anecdotal experience 80% of my peers grew up without a father present! Which is very disheartening! Overworked hoyo yield a resentful daughter! And am starting to see some farahs act feminine whereas some xalimos are becoming masculine! I had to step back myself and reclaim my feminine aura! It’s harrrrrdddd out here! But am hopeful for the future generation! InshAllah


Engineer of Qandala
I love the trope on here lately that every Somali father is a deadbeat "except mine".

I’m done replying to you man, I just feel bad for you. Aren’t you also only 17? Same age as me yet you’re so invested in gender politics like this lol.

I can tell you’re an inc*l from your racist posts and weird obsessive hate for madows. But now it’s nice knowing you’re also low iq


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