are somali women hindered by culture?

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No dictator can imprison a population forever.
Outside the Horn and North Africa, the rest of the African male population ain't attracted to their women.
Yes, but not in the way that OP is getting at.

We as Somalis have bigger fish to fry than interracial marriages. Double standards, men not being hold accountable and the fact that we have low expectations of Somali boys and men is what hinders us, not because interracial marriages are frowned upon. Who cares? Somalis are pretty open minded compared to a lot of groups when it comes to mixing. The only ones who are really extreme about it are frustrated young men who delude themselves into thinking they some how own Somali women. They're a non entity and embarrassing.
Yes, but not in the way that OP is getting at.

We as Somalis have bigger fish to fry than interracial marriages. Double standards, men not being hold accountable and the fact that we have low expectations of Somali boys and men is what hinders us, not because interracial marriages are frowned upon. Who cares? Somalis are pretty open minded compared to a lot of groups when it comes to mixing. The only ones who are really extreme about it are frustrated young men who delude themselves into thinking they some how own Somali women. They're a non entity and embarrassing.
Actually Somali society has no expectations on girls never mind low expectations lol.
Yes, but not in the way that OP is getting at.

We as Somalis have bigger fish to fry than interracial marriages. Double standards, men not being hold accountable and the fact that we have low expectations of Somali boys and men is what hinders us, not because interracial marriages are frowned upon. Who cares? Somalis are pretty open minded compared to a lot of groups when it comes to mixing. The only ones who are really extreme about it are frustrated young men who delude themselves into thinking they some how own Somali women. They're a non entity and embarrassing.

This is probably the first time I've disagreed with you on something, Somalis aren't one of the most homogenous groups in the world for nothing, the stuff is inbuilt into our culture, most Somali parents would prefer having Somali in-laws. I know Somalis with white mothers who have felt sidelined, them having a qabiil did not improve the situation. The fact that interracial marriage is such a hot topic and controversial issue within the community is a testament to that.

Somali men don't own Somali women, if they want to marry out it's fine, that part I can agree with.
This is probably the first time I've disagreed with you on something, Somalis aren't one of the most homogenous groups in the world for nothing, the stuff is inbuilt into our culture, most Somali parents would prefer having Somali in-laws. I know Somalis with white mothers who have felt sidelined, them having a qabiil did not improve the situation. The fact that interracial marriage is such a hot topic and controversial issue within the community is a testament to that.

Somali men don't own Somali women, if they want to marry out it's fine, that part I can agree with.


I agree that we're incredibly homogeneous, and dislike interracial marriages. However, we're no way as a bad as Afghans, Pakistanis ect. Some people within those ethnic groups would even resort to acid attacks, honor killings and other extreme forms of misogyny ect. Somali parents for the most part, despite detesting interracial marriages don't disown their kids and will accept after a while and would just see it as their kids 'qadr' to marry a foreigner. The most extreme, are those weirdo young men on social media calling women s for entering halal marriages with Muslim men, that is something the older generation do not engage in.
@Angelina you live in fantasy world. Ain’t no Somali family expecting their daughter to financially take care off them while the boy sits home. This lie you believe should have been confronted long time ago. This is the result patting yourself on the back and bigging each other up that the lies have become reality
@Angelina you live in fantasy world. Ain’t no Somali family expecting their daughter to financially take care off them while the boy sits home. This lie you believe should have been confronted long time ago. This is the result patting yourself on the back and bigging each other up that the lies have become reality

Not all expectations are financial ones saxib. Women are very much expected to take care of the kids and nurture them. Now in the West women work and study and you'll be seen as a bum if you don't. Therefore expectations have doubled for women in this modern age.

However, when some men abandon their families, there are hardly any accountability and you know this! Who are the ones that stay behind and pick up the pieces when abo shirks on the responsibilities? Tell me i'm lying!

Not once did I suggest that Somali families expect their sons to laze about, whilst the girls soley provide financially.
Not all expectations are financial ones saxib. Women are very much expected to take care of the kids and nurture them. Now in the West women work and study and you'll be seen as a bum if you don't.

However, when some men abandon their families, there are hardly any accountability and you know this!

Not once did I suggest that Somali families expect their sons to laze about, whilst the girls soley provide financially.
Women are expected to take care of children. Hardly a Somali thing. When relationships break down women keeps the kid. That’s western society. And just because the dad don’t live with mum doesn’t mean he has abandon them. If anything western rules makes it hard for dads once the relationship ends and the woman can bring in as many men in her life with you as dad watching on the side.
Women are expected to take care of children. Hardly a Somali thing. When relationships break down women keeps the kid. That’s western society. And just because the dad don’t live with mum doesn’t mean he has abandon them. If anything western rules makes it hard for dads once the relationship ends and the woman can bring in as many men in her life with you as dad watching on the side.

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@Angelina you live in fantasy world. Ain’t no Somali family expecting their daughter to financially take care off them while the boy sits home. This lie you believe should have been confronted long time ago. This is the result patting yourself on the back and bigging each other up that the lies have become reality

It's an unfortunate reality, sometimes when things are being said to you again and again, there might be some merit to what is being said. There is absolutely a double standard when it comes to the Somali community, Somali mothers are much more harsh towards their daughters while tiptoeing around their sons, in some households daughters will foot the rent & bills while the son is out doing nothing, there are maamo out there defending their sons for crimes such as drug pushing, assault, kidnapping and murder.

The community will then say that 'boys will be boys' and that's just how they are, look at how many of these guys run away to Africa and are married off to a miskeen girl, sometimes they're mentally impaired putting her safety and livelihood in danger.
It's an unfortunate reality, sometimes when things are being said to you again and again, there might be some merit to what is being said. There is absolutely a double standard when it comes to the Somali community, Somali mothers are much more harsh towards their daughters while tiptoeing around their sons, in some households daughters will foot the rent & bills while the son is out doing nothing, there are maamo out there defending their sons for crimes such as drug pushing, assault, kidnapping and murder.

The community will then say that 'boys will be boys' and that's just how they are, look at how many of these guys run away to Africa and are married off to a miskeen girl, sometimes they're mentally impaired putting her safety and livelihood in danger.

Traditionally, in Somali culture the man is meant to be the provider and the ones parents look to when they're in old age.

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F*ck Your Feelings

You guys are so annoying. Every couple of weeks you find a Somali woman's wedding to another black guy and lose your minds. "OuR CuLtUReS bEiNG DiStRoYeD"


