Anyone else notice old gen Arabian monarchs the Saudi one in particular resembled some Somalis.. the resemblance is uncanny especially the narrow face

I have seen timo jileec looking people from Puntland. I wonder if we had a few boats crash on our shores or tradesmen/workers who never left. OR is this DNA hidden within the Meheri component? πŸ€”
I think there is more to it than just small fishing communities, or of ship wrecks, for in the Malabar coastal region in southern India, one would observe stark similarities with coastal communities in Bari ( By Bari I mean from Sanaag to Nugaal basin). For instance, visiting rural villages in the vicinity of cities like Thiru, Kollam etc are very similar to villages in Bari and other coastal towns in .So from social structure to body build to pitch in tone to complexion to diet to household to dress to even posture and etc.

Meheri community, as are majority of the people in the East and North, is rooted in al Mahra region, Yemen. No anthropological or scientific evidence, but It becomes more evident in rural and coastal villages.


Simply being Somali should be good enough. I won't deny there are some Arabs that look like us but we can't make a blanket statement that this is always the case.


In the best cases when comparing, I think that the Somali is better, frankly, tall, with an excellent face, and also brown/dark skin.
It's all subjective as not all will be the same. However there are clear phenotypes, hight along with narrow faces and high cheekbones. This is shared among most Afro-Asiatic folk, it's why we're able to compare ourselves to dark skim Arabs.
3% is tiny and not enough to change phenotype or skin color. I remember reading somewhere that the Somalis with the highest SSA were the NFD lot

When some posters here talk about Hawiye looking different it’s clearly cap since that three percent isn’t changing anything.
i feel like we are a bit more big boned. we have many skinny people ofc but i think at a lower rate. most full xawaadle in my family arent rail thin. mostly mesomorphs but my cousins with 1 parent who isnt hawiye (i have half dhulbahante and half isaaq cousins) have more ectos.


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