Affluent areas in Nairobi


We are talking about infrastructure here not buildings.

It’s a very clear thing.

Addis has public transport and Nairobi does not.
Its a very clear thing.

Public transport is not the single definition of Infrastructure there is nothing indicating infrastructure hasnt been expanding to accommodate the population and GDP rise since Moi.


Minister of Propaganda
Yes it has
It has buses,Trains and Taxis and you can use Uber, Bolt etc.

I think you are confusing Isiolo with Nairobi.
Its a very clear thing.

Public transport is not the single definition of Infrastructure there is nothing indicating infrastructure hasnt been expanding to accommodate the population and GDP rise since Moi.

Having a public transport network is the bare minimum. Nairobi doesn’t have a commuter bus or train network. They don’t even have a city wide taxi company.

They left everything to the free market like Somalia.

Matatus are a joke and is no different from your average Somali city with their BL.
Having a public transport network is the bare minimum. Nairobi doesn’t have a commuter bus or train network. They don’t even have a city wide taxi company.

They left everything to the free market like Somalia.

Matatus are a joke and is no different from your average Somali city with their BL.
Are you out of your mind?
Secondly people in Ethiopia hardly can afford the metro built by chineese China.

Secondly Kenyan people in Nairobi can afford to by cars as compared to ethiopians in Addis who still use 1980s and 70s cars.

Tell me which bus service operates in Addis ababa is it BRT?
Somalis taking sides reppin kenya or Ethiopia....aduunyo waa cajiib.

Ethiopia will always be a risk because we have bad history with amxaara.
Kenya/Uganda are all Bantu countries where somalis stick out like a sore thumb and will always be the first ones targeted if anything goes wrong.

We really are the yahuuds of the 21st century...
Somalis really need to stop hyping and running to other countries, but instead invest and fix their own country.
Somalis taking sides reppin kenya or Ethiopia....aduunyo waa cajiib.

Ethiopia will always be a risk because we have bad history with amxaara.
Kenya/Uganda are all Bantu countries where somalis stick out like a sore thumb and will always be the first ones targeted if anything goes wrong.

We really are the yahuuds of the 21st century...
Somalis really need to stop hyping and running to other countries, but instead invest and fix their own country.
Kenya ya ka xigo?
Do you know i was the British that stopped the advancement of Somalis into Nairobi.

Secondly it was Somali scouts and soilders from British Somaliland that conquered Kenya and established it as a colony.
Lastly Somalis had a neighbourhood in Nairobi ( Eastleigh) during the time of the British colonial rule while other Africans like Kikuyus had to use passes to enter Nairobi.
Zero property, fire, flood, and scructural insurance in Africa.

Zero consistent city wide safety procedures when building these streets and homes. Expensive electricity, shitty grid systems, and free for all sewage systems...

One fire and your on the hook for your entire investment you’ve saved for.....


Minister of Propaganda
Somalis taking sides reppin kenya or Ethiopia....aduunyo waa cajiib.

Ethiopia will always be a risk because we have bad history with amxaara.
Kenya/Uganda are all Bantu countries where somalis stick out like a sore thumb and will always be the first ones targeted if anything goes wrong.

We really are the yahuuds of the 21st century...
Somalis really need to stop hyping and running to other countries, but instead invest and fix their own country.

Bro personally I wouldn’t rep either side but it’s so annoying seeing these guys even refuse to admit the basic fact that Nairobi has shit infrastructure.

I just compared it to the nearest major African city which is Addis.

These people are acting as if they built Nairobi with their bare hands and gave birth to it.



One things I don’t like Nairobi is pollution
It will lead you premature death. I have been to every part of Nairobi Langata, Karan, Ronga everywhere in Nairobi.
There are no property rights in Kenya. I wouldnt trust their builds either; your house can collapse on you in a 5.0 earthquake or will become flooded after heavy rain.

No one wants to live in Africa. The only ones who live there are those who can't get out, the ruling class, and expats making a quick buck.

speak for yourself, I plan to retire in Mombasa.

there are many many high quality construction all over Africa, including Kenya.
Zero property, fire, flood, and scructural insurance in Africa.

Zero consistent city wide safety procedures when building these streets and homes. Expensive electricity, shitty grid systems, and free for all sewage systems...

One fire and your on the hook for your entire investment you’ve saved for.....
Saxib you are comparing nairobi tof the projects you live in.

Why would cadaan build and buy houses that have zero peoperty, fire, flood and structural insurance?

You look like a guy that lives in Beverley hills.Well in reality you might be living in compton.
Bro personally I wouldn’t rep either side but it’s so annoying seeing these guys even refuse to admit the basic fact that Nairobi has shit infrastructure.

I just compared it to the nearest major African city which is Addis.

These people are acting as if they built Nairobi with their bare hands and gave birth to it.

Addis Ababa is no comparison to Nairobi whether you like it or not
The houses are shit, healthcare is shit schools are shit the hotels are shit the people are shit. malls are shit we can go on and on.even the food is shit its only injera iyo raw meat or injera with dorro.The foreign expertriates are limited in Ethiopia.

The only comparison is the prostitutes of which again is comparing stds of cehich Ethiopia has more variety of sti's.
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Staff Member
speak for yourself, I plan to retire in Mombasa.

there are many many high quality construction all over Africa, including Kenya.

You're not planning anything. You're just saying you will, like Somali parents have said they will retire in Somalia but never did. Hehe. Why don't you retire in your clan village instead of foreign land Mombasa?

Kenya is a shithole and no one is safe there anyways. They have violence and deaths after election results are announced. Even ethnic violence happens there towards Somalis.

99.9% of builds in Kenya are not high quality. They are unsafe and poorly built and would be condemned in the developed world by the city's health department.
You're not planning anything. You're just saying you will, like Somali parents have said they will retire in Somalia but never did. Hehe. Why don't you retire in your clan village instead of foreign land Mombasa?

Kenya is a shithole and no one is safe there anyways. They have violence and deaths after election results are announced. Even ethnic violence happens there towards Somalia.

99.9% of builds in Kenya are not high quality. They are unsafe and poorly built and would be condemned in the developed world by the city's health department.
Warya you are one lost fob who thinks being battyboy will make you anglo saxon.
Werejt you the guy that was complainning of brits moving to Australia?
Who do you think you are grandchild of convicts who were exiled to Australia or do you think your ayeeyo is aborigine.


Having a public transport network is the bare minimum. Nairobi doesn’t have a commuter bus or train network. They don’t even have a city wide taxi company.

They left everything to the free market like Somalia.

Matatus are a joke and is no different from your average Somali city with their BL.
Your entire premise of this post is “public transport is the bare minimum”.

Which not only is completely false but has nothing to do with the original claim “Stuck since 1980”

I dont currently feel any particular desire to debate Nairobis infrastructure though everyone can decide which theyd rather go to and conduct business in :nvjpqts:
Somalis taking sides reppin kenya or Ethiopia....aduunyo waa cajiib.

Ethiopia will always be a risk because we have bad history with amxaara.
Kenya/Uganda are all Bantu countries where somalis stick out like a sore thumb and will always be the first ones targeted if anything goes wrong.

We really are the yahuuds of the 21st century...
Somalis really need to stop hyping and running to other countries, but instead invest and fix their own country.
Tripartite Ethiosexuals cant stand seeing the Bantu perform past them.

Africans in general are animals but I especially hate when the horners think they have something. Its always “were in war whats theyre excuse”


Staff Member
Warya you are one lost fob who thinks being battyboy will make you anglo saxon.
Werejt you the guy that was complainning of brits moving to Australia?
Who do you think you are grandchild of convicts who were exiled to Australia or do you think your ayeeyo is aborigine.

When was I complaining about Brits moving to Australia? Why would I care about two foreign countries that have nothing to do with me? Can you post the posts that you lied about me posting? "Weren't you the guy..." is a lie. You made up even you thinking I wrote it.

Why are you getting offended about me highlighting the truth about Kenya? Your obsession with protecting Kenya seems very weird. I never thought I would see a Somali bootyclapping for Kenya when they have killed thousands of Somalis during the Wagalla massacre and when they put Somalis in cages just a few years ago. Maybe you are happy about the Wagalla massacre since the victims come from a political rival clan since you are so strangely being extremely offended by my very mild criticism of Kenya's terrible infrastructure.

I am a proud Black man. Always have been, always will be. I am one of the very few Somalis on this site who acknowledges his Blackness while you all think you're Ayrab. You will never be Ayrab and your lineage from the Ayrab is a lie so stop claiming to be Ayrab.

