Although you are one of the most sane users in this forum you suffer like every other Darood from 'Xamiyyatul Jaahiliyyah'
- Sayid Maxamed Abdulle Xasan is a Darod hero altough he is a terrorist who declared majority of Muslim as Kuffar and actually didn't know anything about the Deen. He killed children, women and innocent people in masses (mostly his Abtiyaal Harti).
- Abdullahi Yusuf is also a Darood hero because he asked Ethopian troops to save him and they massacred tens of thousands of Muslims to defeat Maxaakiim.
For yoy guys a hero is a Darood, doesn't matter if he is a Khawaarij or someone who asks the Kuffar to fight for him.
No one is buying your non sense anymore it is 2020.
You don't know me if u believe the Darod this that crap
I care for me and mine. The rest of the Somali populace and I only share the Somali State which many still resist.
You have issues with the Sayid so did my great-grandfather but millions of Somali's regardless of qabiil adore him including your region.