Abdi wants to call it quits after his soon to be wife (Niqabi) unveiled her face

Damn she must be really ugly. Anyways I hate the niqab it’s very sexist

From: Her goals are very suitable with mine and all around I see her as a great mother to my kids/ Up until this point I was more than pleased on how smooth everything was going for the last 2 months/ During the time period I was never worked up on if she was good looking or not I was kinda just enjoying how everything was going.

To : Im literally stuck because there is no way I see myself with her for the rest of my life.

flavor of love wtf GIF
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Aww he seems really wholesome.
He can just tell her that he prayed Istikhara and that after praying, he felt it wasn't a good sign to proceed with the union. At least that would protect his fiancées feelings.

Next time, he should make sure to see his wife to be's face before he allows it to reach this point. I think it was little sus that her and family insisted that he will only see her face closer to the wedding. I don't know why they expected him to proceed with everything without even knowing if he is attracted to his bride.I think it was naive of him to accept that. Sounds young and very idealistic, but at least now he understands the importance of being attracted to your partner and that upon the 1st marriage meeting in front of the mahrams he has a right to see her face. If not, it will just result in wasted time, hurt feelings and awkwardness.
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Why do you read that subreddit lol
I was on there the early days before it grew. It makes marriage seem so bad to me. And I can never trust anything I read there.
You shouldnt even remotely even entertain the possibility of being someone with who's face you haven't seen, thats like a basic requirement.
And the dude regretted seeing here face? wtf!?
How would it have helped seeing her face after marriage? after he lost a ton of money, and everything's been finalized and possibly even gotten her impregnated, dude's literal definition of 68 iq.
Cap. Which guy plans a marriage without seeing the potential wife? He is chatting shit and horta how does he look like?

Exactly, not handsome I guess:mybusiness::sass1:
What she did was wrong and a waste of time. He’s dumb too.

(Reported by Muslim, no. 1424; and by al-Daaraqutni, 3/253 (34))

From al-Mugheerah ibn Shu’bah: “I proposed marriage to a woman, and the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Have you seen her?’ I said, ‘No.’ He said, ‘Look at her, because it is more fitting that love and compatibility be established between you.’” According to another report: “So he did that, and he married her and mentioned that they got along.”


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