A Happy Coming-Out-Story for A Somali Ex-Muslim

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Pepe Trump
Muslims are hypocrites. I don't take them seriously.

Muslims are also not united. Most divided people ever. A kaafir like me gets on arrival visas in almost all Muslim countries while Muslims with say a Iraqi or Malaysian passport does not. Also kaafir get better paid for the same position than a Muslim in Muslim countries.

Tens of millions of Muslims live in the West because rich Muslim countries won't take them in and give them passports.

Only the evil kaafir does that

The gulf took in practically zero Syrian refugees yet they're swimming in oil money.
I know they don't proselytize, and I've heard a short podcast interview on them, but still not clear on what they do in exact terms (do u have more insight)? Are they like the ppl in the recent UK doc on Bengali Muslims, helping ppl move out and stuff or what exactly?

I'll PM you.


Pepe Trump
Germany took in 1.5 million in 2015 alone.

Western nations are always helping them. They have no appreciation.

And yet, the crime levels went up. I'm Austria, an Iraqi refugee raped a 10 year old child but was released because he didn't know the boy said no.

These regressive lot wil be the downfall of the west.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
Read my previous replies then quote my shit. Until then back the f*ck off son.
Weak kulahaa. Watch you fingers.
I'm right. You know it. Belief cant be forced. Keep trying and you'll just create more clandestine atheists until our religion is rotting from the inside. It's already happening, you see more and more stories of atheist kids in Muslim nations getting prosecuted. Those are the loud ones, and for each of those there are 20 more who are unknown. Better to use our words and good actions to bring them back into the faith, You people are destroying Islam with your beligerent extremism. Modern day khawarij.


tfw no habesha gf
I really hope you're joking about the Ethiopian religion, atheism is one thing but this is treachery on another level

Bahal it's the truth, join me brother

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
I'm right. You know it. Belief cant be forced. Keep trying and you'll just create more clandestine atheists until our religion is rotting from the inside. It's already happening, you see more and more stories of atheist kids in Muslim nations getting prosecuted. Those are the loud ones, and for each of those there are 20 more who are unknown. Better to use our words and good actions to bring them back into the faith, You people are destroying Islam with your beligerent extremism. Modern day khawarij.
You joking right??
I'm right. You know it. Belief cant be forced. Keep trying and you'll just create more clandestine atheists until our religion is rotting from the inside. It's already happening, you see more and more stories of atheist kids in Muslim nations getting prosecuted. Those are the loud ones, and for each of those there are 20 more who are unknown. Better to use our words and good actions to bring them back into the faith, You people are destroying Islam with your beligerent extremism. Modern day khawarij.

Read that Waryaa don't argue too much. Evidence that will ease your mind.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
I need to bounce but do your research why hamza yusuf is refuted by alot of scholars.
Yea, run with your tail between your legs when you're presented with evidence, you violet thug.
He's wahhabi.
Wallahi, nothing good comes from these people, just death, destruction and fitna. Destroying the image and name of Islam world wide. Causing people to leave the deen. Something must be done about them.


Seems like a lie. These people want to spread fitna to the Somali youth, to make it sound like is okay to be gaal or khanis, and that ur parents will accept it.

In reality it's properly abdijohnson or one of his trolls writing this crap.
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