5 rules to follow when selecting a male Somali partner

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as mariage season is approaching I’ve taken it upon myself to guide the ladies here on a few things to watch out for when selecting a Somali male partner. Ideally this thread would have been made by the matriarch of the site who has the most life experience @Basra but she’s too busy bleaching her skin.

1. Avoid men with children or previous mariages- remember ladies if they are willing to leave their kids they will leave you. And if they are divorced, the previous xalimo left him for a reason. Most Somali women would tolerate anything, so the fact that she couldn’t tolerate him says a lot.

2. Do not marry a mommy’s boy! This rule is very important! Ignore at your own peril! I would rather marry a murderer than a mommy’s boy. This man-child will expect you to mommy him, cook for him, clean after him, wash his underwear lathered with skid marks :confused:. When you have children he will start to envy the child because you’re attentive to the child!

3. In fact do not marry a man who his mother is around- having his mother around is a headache in its self! Somali mothers are known for enabling their low life son and you will always be made to feel like you are competing with her. I know someone who’s mother in law tried to embarrass her daughter in law by cleaning her house in front of guests. Trust me on this if the mother is in a different continent or has passed away AUN, he gets bonus points.

4. Do not marry a broke/n man. Please don’t try and pick up a broken man or worse a broke man and try to fix him up. Even if you fix him up he will leave you for another woman since he associates you with his negative past (as you were there to witness it). Marry a man who another woman has already fixed up, and has his shit together.

5. Avoid supposed religious men. There is no such thing as a truly religious Somali male. I’ve never met a farax who understood Arabic or even knew what the words he memorised from the Quran meant. The only time Somali men speak about the deen is when they want to use it against you so that they can control you. Also, these men will 100% get a second wife and if you argue against it, they will cite the deen. If you want a Somali religious man don’t be surprised when he does things the religion allows. You can’t have your cake and ice cream Xawo, so think carefully.

Everything u said is me nayaa what do u want!!!man with no hooyo and deen naya lagusiiqaadye kakac meesha on nin raadso cambaro waaxid!!
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