5 children murdered by clan militia in Doolo, Galaadi Qorof


I won’t post pictures given they were apparently children but 5 were killed. Wagardhac killed Saleebaan children last year so this is likely revenge



An eye for an eye and we'll go in circles for centuries. Ilaahey jaahiladaan hakala qabto.
Absolutely. There’s a reason why DDS area and Galmudug bordering tuulos are unliveable. Place is no man’s land/war zones.

This isn’t very good. In my opinion solution is for MX to move to Ethiopia’s side of the border. Galmudug can then at least secure this land and we can agree on neither side trespassing


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
No one travelling the main road will be safe. Wagardhac will kill many Hawiye for this.

There will not be any negotiating after this.


No one travelling the main road will be safe. Wagardhac will kill many Hawiye for this.

There will not be any negotiating after this.
Wagardhac haven’t even responded to Sacad for those missing girls a few months back. We shall see if they have the guts to respond to Saleebaan who’ve they’ve been begging for a peace deal given they have an open front with Sacad.

This isn’t a good time for MX with HG no longer having a Shabaab front. Ayaanle just last month killed quite a few MX and MX attempted a failed revenge attack where they got popped off again in Garasle, DDS.

Interesting times given how much HG have been arming to capture ‘Ceelbuur’.

I hope for peace, I’ve never been a fan of oppressing the downtrodden.


Beesha Mareexaan baa talo siinayaa.

Beesha Mareexaan waxaa leeyahay lama joogo xiligii awood aad laheedeen, ee waxaa la joogaa xiligii aad caqli ku wajihi laheedeen.

Tusaale dadka dagaalka idin kala dhaxeeyo way idin ka awood badanyihiin, way idin ka dhaqaalo badanyihiin, way idin ka xadaaradsanyihiin oo xeebta ayeey dagaan, way idin ka siyaasad badanyihiin, meel walba waa idin kaga horeeyaan.

Waa in aad sabartaan haddii dad la idin ka dilo waa in eydan aarsan oo diyo raadsataan taas baa idin kheyr iyo faa'iido badan.

Allow ma la taliyay.

A good message from a friend to Mareexaan


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

The cowardly HG after being defeated by Wagardhac on the battlefield have resorted to killing small children as young as 6



The cowardly HG after being defeated by Wagardhac on the battlefield have resorted to killing small children as young as 6

The HG I seen their big fuleys when I was in Mogadishu in 99, they fear open-war-fare like goojacade and prefer urban warfare hiding behind civilians. They also kill un-armed civilians due to marki laga adkaaday dhinac ciidaanka, I noticed this symptom in their clan only. If they keep killing un-armed civilian @TekNiKo keep up the pressure dhinaca ciidaanka on them becuz their hiding 'fuleynimada ciidaankooda' in aanan la arag.

They even snuck into galkacyo at night in 'fear' and killed civilians, at 'night' alla fuleysana like a fkn midg1, they remind me of shabab/isis in PL mountains hiding their faces like naago and doing igu sawir. Guul Puntland


NAXDIN: Waxa la dilay iyaga oo kitaabo gacanta ku sita oo raba in ay quraan so dhigtaan Waa Shantii Caruur ee aanada Qabiil Loogu Dilay Deegaan Hoos Yimaada Qabalaha Qorof ee DDS ayaa Goor dhoweyd Lagu aasay Degmada Dhabbad ee Gobolka Galgaduud.

Inaalilaahi wa inaa ilayhi Raajicuun. Ilmo dugsi Qur,aan dhigta ayey ahaayeen Kan ugu weynina 13 Jir buu ahaa , aano Qabiil ayaa Loo Dilay Balse ayagu waxay uu socoden Dugsi quran waxabana kama ogayn aanada lo Dilay


This is one of the reasons why I don't believe in Somalinimo crap. Clanism and hatred will never end in Somalia. It is best for clans to stay in their own lands and never venture into other clan's territory especially a rival clan territory.


@TekNiKo U think Majerten lie? we don't know niyahow. They snuck into galkacyo at night and killed un-armed civilians like u see with you today, shali teena ma been bay ahayd, mantana taada ma run? we must see HG as the same, they do the same thing everywhere with every clan, so all somalis should see fuleynimadooda, haday ciidaan adag lee yihin why would they not fight ciidaan and why would they care 4 un-armed civilians not fighting them?

I already concluded the reality of HG and exposed them from my observation of them using urban warfare in mogadishu in 99 not open war-fare like goojacade, that's their weakness, fight them in the open and u win and then they will run to kill un-armed civilians like they did in bakaraha hoobiye attacks marki laga adkaaday abdiqaybdiid in the hawiye wars.
@TekNiKo U think Majerten lie? we don't know niyahow. They snuck into galkacyo at night and killed un-armed civilians like u see with you today, shali teena ma been bay ahayd, mantana taada ma run? we must see HG as the same, they do the same thing everywhere with every clan, so all somalis should see fuleynimadooda, haday ciidaan adag lee yihin why would they not fight ciidaan and why would they care 4 un-armed civilians not fighting them?

I already concluded the reality of HG and exposed them from my observation of them using urban warfare in mogadishu in 99 not open war-fare like goojacade, that's their weakness, fight them in the open and u win and then they will run to kill un-armed civilians like they did in bakaraha hoobiye attacks marki laga adkaaday abdiqaybdiid in the hawiye wars.
They are cowards, who resort to using civilians the same way Al-S does.


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