“Somali brother smacked up by Asian wife family”

Not sure if you guys recognise this guy but this is the 100th story he’s made up about Somalis. I don’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth! Sick of these dawah men using Somalis as an example!
Confused Thinking GIF
Story sounds very true and realistic to me don't know why everyone is overreacting.
Somali men who marry Timojileec women have cursed their lineage. I've heard of a family like this, their mother made sure to pass on her self-hating ways, and so her kids don't even claim Somali. At least Cadaan women don't have a strong culture to pass on and they tend to adopt the culture of their husband.
What’s wrong with timo jiilec but I agree why marry a timo jiilec when you can marry a Majerteen queen
Most reverts, ex Road men convict turned practising tend to find very good reception amongst Somali women in particular more than other ethnic women.
I’ve noticed that why is that so and good somali brothers that will treat them with respect they look beneath them. I know Somali good brothers that are not married these Somali girls why do they marry ex roadmen.
Somali men who marry Timojileec women have cursed their lineage. I've heard of a family like this, their mother made sure to pass on her self-hating ways, and so her kids don't even claim Somali. At least Cadaan women don't have a strong culture to pass on and they tend to adopt the culture of their husband.
That’s not even the worst I’ve heard, I went to school with a girl who has a Filipino mother and Somali father, and her and her siblings are not culturally Somali in the slightest. Even though their Somali father was always in the household, he did such a bad job at passing on the deen and dhaqan that all of the children are Christian, they eat khanzir and culturally they are 100% filipino. That girl and her siblings barely even claim Somali they just say they’re “blasian”. It’s the craziest thing
That’s not even the worst I’ve heard, I went to school with a girl who has a Filipino mother and Somali father, and her and her siblings are not culturally Somali in the slightest. Even though their Somali father was always in the household, he did such a bad job at passing on the deen and dhaqan that all of the children are Christian, they eat khanzir and culturally they are 100% filipino. That girl and her siblings barely even claim Somali they just say they’re “blasian”. It’s the craziest thing
Somali women are better at passing down the culture. One of my moms friends is biracial. She has a German father and a somali mother, but rarely claims her German heritage despite being very white passing. She speaks fluent somali, only has somali friends and married a somali guy.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
you will never see a south asian afghan arab with a jamaican or ex convict because there families would kill them, maybe they would commit zina but thats the max they would do.
I’d rather a Muslim be in a failed halal marriage than be a zani. So Somalis win this one. Stop trying to normalize zina.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I’ve noticed that why is that so and good somali brothers that will treat them with respect they look beneath them. I know Somali good brothers that are not married these Somali girls why do they marry ex roadmen.
You guys are retarded. Most somali girls are married to regular faraxs. Indho adhaga, you only see what you want to see.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Facts bro. They better looking, more welcoming + we have similar cultures.
We don’t have a similar culture to Arabs. Y’all haven’t been around these people enough for y’all to be making generalizations. Every Somali-Arab union in America fails because their families and dhaqan are too different.
You guys are retarded. Most somali girls are married to regular faraxs. Indho adhaga, you only see what you want to see.
where do they even get these stories from?
the UK must be extremely ghetto, bc I've never even heard of a somali woman marrying a criminal revert


East Africa UNUKA LEH
@Keep it a boqol


He has said multiple times that his wife is Arab but has the original darker color of the Arabs. I don’t even believe she’s black, she’s probably simply a very tanned/darker Arab woman. Unfortunately, this brother seems to like to exaggerate. That’s my humble analysis of that man. Saying ‘black’ makes him sound more interesting for the viewer. That man married into this community. He needs to stop saying ‘black’.
Have you seen his step kid, that ain’t no dark Arab. His step son is black. The girl is his and his wifes.



Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
We don’t have a similar culture to Arabs. Y’all haven’t been around these people enough for y’all to be making generalizations. Every Somali-Arab union in America fails because their families and dhaqan are too different.
I was referring more to north Africans like algerians and morrocans. I agree middle eastern have huge difference to somalis.
Have you seen his step kid, that ain’t no dark Arab. His step son is black. The girl is his and his wifes.

Oh his wife is actually black black. Idk why I thought she would be like a caramel arab with 3a hair. At least that’s what Arabs/browns think is “black”


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I was referring more to north Africans like algerians and morrocans. I agree middle eastern have huge difference to somalis.
I do think North African culture is closer to us than Asian and Middle eastern cultures but they also have some weird shit going, my mom calls them reer sixir, they aren’t religious at all in America so you can imagine how Somali parents talk about them
The one time I went over to my North African saaxibs home as a kid, they cooked the rabbit we were playing with and served it as dinner


I put Books to the Test of Life
there was a correction: the family in question was not South Asian but Afghan. The young boy is still married to the girl he was attempting to marry before.

