Why Light skinned women are superior to Dark skinned women: A thread


Stfu pls. Y'all are Catfishes and shame darkskins


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Somalis used to find mixing with Afar taboo until quite recently. I think this was mutual. It does not help that they used to sharpen their teeth and live near the gateway of hell aka Danakil Depression. :lol:

Imagine you see a beautiful Cushitic face like this:


So you do your confident strut over to her in order to conduct shukaansi:


Then she smiles and you see:


Poor smitten Faraax must've been like:


Not to mention went home to his tuulo that habeen and apologized to every Somali sister present for having tried to stray.
its not about the color of a person skin but facial feature, a girl could be the darkest but still be gorgeous. Also darker women age 10 years slower than women who are fair-skinned, this is due to the collagen and more melanin. So yeah, but I would marry a light Zendaya