Why Are Somali Girls Doing So Much Better than Somali Guys?

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Does the western judiciary favour mothers over father?
Does the welfare system in general in the west give women incentives to ditch the father out the home in order to receive perks?
A woman would have to be currently in jail, on crack cocaine, or a working prostitute to lose complete custody of a child, because the courts recognize the importance of that bond especially in early childhood, but it also recognizes the importance of the bond with the father, which is why they get half the custody (unless something can be used against you), and at some point even the child's input can decide where it spends it's time, but most men do not pursue custody FACT.

The welfare system isn't an "incentive". It's PEANUTS for those who are forced into those conditions.

You keep implying Somali men are kept from their children. Lies. It doesn't stand in our community.


Queen of the light
Most Somali girls do bullshit like nursing, sociology, midwifery, african studies, and other useless degrees whilst the Somali guys clearly are doing more STEM subjects.

I don't want to say this, but unfortunately the most out of all Muslim ethnic groups are the Somali girls. How can we change this? What's their problem? We need to find the solutions to these questions.
How is nursing crap ? You can work anywhere in the world, I hope your wife doesn't give birth since unfortunately midwifery is a crap career. As a nurse I'm astonished you think my career is crap, I may not be scrounger banker, a suacy scientist or an engineer but I help care for people and that makes me feel non useless. This post really offended me, get off your high horse idiot !!


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
A woman would have to be currently in jail, on crack cocaine, or a working prostitute to lose complete custody of a child, because the courts recognize the importance of that bond especially in early childhood, but it also recognizes the importance of the bond with the father, which is why they get half the custody (unless something can be used against you), and at some point even the child's input can decide where it spends it's time, but most men do not pursue custody FACT.

The welfare system isn't an "incentive". It's PEANUTS for those who are forced into those conditions.

You keep implying Somali men are kept from their children. Lies. It doesn't stand in our community.
I've done my due diligence & overall fathers have little to no rights, some women are extremely selfish by throwing their kids under the bus merely to gain a little independence. It's clear we won't see eye to eye on this issue professor of all things Somali 'Data' let's agree to disagree kkk


It depends what metrics we're using to measure 'doing better'. If doing better means acquiring more useless African or women's studies degrees then yes, but if it means acting like a lady, having some class and self respect, and respecting your menfolk and your culture then just lol. A good portion of Somali girls in the west curse like sailors, drink like the Irish, get their 'ratchet' on like the madows of the ghettos and inner city, are quite promiscuous and have destructive beliefs based on victim-hood like feminism and Afrocentrism.

The only thing they don't do is sell drugs and shoot people like Somali boys who join gangs do, and this is because their gender is averse to violence and risk-taking and not due to their virtue. If it was out of virtue then the Somali gangsters/trappers/rappers in my city wouldn't have literally hordes of Somali groupies, including lots of 'hijabies', willing to do anything and everything with them.

I always laugh at guys who actually believe the girls are doing better, because u'd either have to be totally blind or a cuck not to see the degeneracy of many Somali girls in the West (not all of course). Yes the Somali boys are messed up, but so are the girls. But ultimately the women of any community will become wayward and misguided if their men folk are dropping the ball. It's our responsibility as Somali men to change the condition of both ourselves and our women.
But alhamdulillah we still have gems in our community, both girls and guys, so all hope is not lost. Shout out to all the of them.

This this this this this. Sometimes I wonder if some of the people here live in parallel communities even though many live in large Somali hubs. Some seriously sheltered opinions here. How are you going to believe that for some reason Somali men are innately less competent?

The only difference I see between the men and the women is the rate of 'education' and incarceration which strictly comes down to gender dynamics. Whether people like it or not, for the better or worse, there are different expectations from men and women. Why do you think it's mostly men all across the board turning towards drug dealing and robberies? Because it's just not acceptable for a man to be broke whereas it is far more acceptable for a woman to be. Drug dealers (at the least the ones that get caught) are rarely the intelligent type so don't come with the nonsense of 'he should've gone to school'. Not everyone is smart and patient enough and you have to acknowledge that. A girl in that position can just study some meme degree, become a MUA (lol), blogger, model or literally whatever she wants/can do as long as she is doing something.

Contrary to popular opinion, a dick does come with some disadvantages. The archetype of every household in every society consists of men being the breadwinner and women being the homemaker. Evidently, it's less prominent in the West but it's present nonetheless. You guys are crediting the 'success' of Somali women on hoyo making you clean the house, cook etc. and instilling ethic and value in you. Fair enough.
So abo should teach his son how to be a man right? He'll tell his son how to behave like a man, think like a man then let him out the door and solve everything by himself. Why? Because let's be honest, his father is a new environment where he barely gasps the language, the culture and the system evades him. What else can he teach him? Alternatively, ma xambaari karo until some woman comes and marries him. In Somali culture his son is a straight naag then, no?
Not many actually have transferable skills that are applicable in their current environment. Regardless, many, many Xalimos will tell you this is freedom and not neglect. How often do Somali parents not even understand how the education system works but expect their kids to fare well? Somalis have a million kids and then let the community raise their sons. Well this is the product.

Even when it comes to degeneracy, how many Somali girls do you know that have been kicked out of their own house or sent back for dhaqan celis? I'm not saying it doesn't happen but it's disproportionately skewed towards the boys.
Most of the time a Somali girl is on her own she's independent and takes care of herself or she's struggling and had to leave because she just couldn't hack it at home. Meanwhile, there's this 19 y/o Somali kid I know that sleeps at bus stops because he kept coming home drunk and staying out for a few days until abo had enough. This kid goes to house parties just to find a place he can crash. And here's the biggest fucking joke of all. Wallahi billahi both his older sisters are about. They go out, drink have fun and come home the next morning like it's no problem (maybe get cussed, I don't know but they always seem on so it can't be that bad). Why haven't they been kicked out? Because their father is a fucking retard.
The way he sees it, his son is going to struggle and know 'life' then fix up. If he kicks his daughters out, some nigga will pull up at his front door and take them with him and that's the end of it, khalaas. He's not lying though is he?
Not to mention his hoyo. When their son inevitably gets locked up she'll scream at the top of her lungs 'Ala wiilkeeyga layga xiray' and all those fat habro will echo it around the city. She won't talk about what her daughters are up to though because it's 'ceeb'.


I've done my due diligence & overall fathers have little to no rights, some women are extremely selfish by throwing their kids under the bus merely to gain a little independence. It's clear we won't see eye to eye on this issue professor of all things Somali 'Data' let's agree to disagree kkk
Lies. Warya, literally 90 something percent of divorcée former couples decide without interference from the courts that the mother will be the custodial parent. Stop spreading ridiculous conspiracies and deal with the data for once nacala.

Generally, Somali women are not keeping Somali men from seeing their own children, you goddamed liar!

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Lol I remember @Prince of Lasanod talking about drunk somali girls at clubs while he was out with his boys lmaooooo

like how are you gonna have the nerve to judge others while you're out getting turnT as well :mjlol:
Nayaa you are a gaalo who is 25 years old unemployed living with your parents on your 8th gap year :susp:

Dont mention my name again with fictional stories. You failed in the akhira and the dunya. At least your atheist comrades are doing something with their life :russ:
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Nayaa you are a gaalo who is 25 years old unemployed living with your parents on your 8th gap year :susp:

Dont mention my name again with fictional stories. You failed in the akhira and the dunya :russ:

:siilaanyosmile: I'll go look for the receipt now you filthy hypocritical liar lmao I didn't even know somali girls hung around clubs until recently and I'm a gaal, that should tell you something about yourself :ayaanswag: what kinda places are you hanging around warya


As i live and breathe
Why? Simple. Shit parenting. Somali men are not held to the same standards as Somali women. I go to a fairly popular university, and as such there is a sizable Somali presense in this school. Guess how many Somali men go here with me. Two. The rest are Somali women :bell:

There is something seriously dysfunctional about the male Somali diaspora and we need to acknowledge it, stop being so defensive about it and attempt to fix it. I mean let's be real here, the only thing we are known for these days is gang activity and rape :manny:
And you're the enlightened bastion of truth somaha? :salute:

Fam I'm not delusional. I know the xayawaanimo that lurks about and I know what some girls get down to. But there's no denying who's actually going worse overall. Somali guys go down en masse for murder drugs and armed robbery. Somali girls at worst will hoe around and occasionally set up a Bradley :kanyeshrug:

Khasaaro but hardly equal.

Also there's no setting me up. I don't have snapchat. These fiends can't find me :drakekidding:

I think you had the benefit of living in the "hood", so you were exposed to the fuckery of the game by the peers you grew up with who got into it or family members. :ehh:

Now, imagine some suspecting and miskeen kid who grew up around cadaans or timo jileecs in say Brampton? He would be food to these niggas. :fredo:

Somalis definitely have a gang culture in Toronto that you just don't see in the other cities in the province (can\t speak for Ottawa). Not saying we didn't have f*ck ups in the tuulo I'm from, for we did have our share of drug addicts, and niggas pushing weight. But even the most paranoid dealers rarely packed heat (though they could get it when they needed it) and weren't out for blood like in "the six". While in Toronto, any man they haven't known for years on end is an automatic "opp" and could be setup any time to be robbed or even killed. But even these niggas are getting set up and killed by their own so-called boys they grew up with since they were toddlers, and I'm sure you yourself know real examples of that. :damedamn:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Lies. Warya, literally 90 something percent of divorcée former couples decide without interference from the courts that the mother will be the custodial parent. Stop spreading ridiculous conspiracies and deal with the data for once nacala.

Generally, Somali women are not keeping Somali men from seeing their own children, you goddamed liar!
Calm down & please regain your composure :whoa:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I think you had the benefit of living in the "hood", so you were exposed to the fuckery of the game by the peers you grew up with who got into it or family members. :ehh:

Now, imagine some suspecting and miskeen kid who grew up around cadaans or timo jileecs in say Brampton? He would be food to these niggas. :fredo:

Somalis definitely have a gang culture in Toronto that you just don't see in the other cities in the province (can\t speak for Ottawa). Not saying we didn't have f*ck ups in the tuulo I'm from, for we did have our share of drug addicts, and niggas pushing weight. But even the most paranoid dealers rarely packed heat (though they could get it when they needed it) and weren't out for blood like in "the six". While in Toronto, any man they haven't known for years on end is an automatic "opp" and could be setup any time to be robbed or even killed. But even these niggas are getting set up and killed by their own so-called boys they grew up with since they were toddlers, and I'm sure you yourself know real examples of that. :damedamn:

Toronto is absolute trash doe. Every youth is corrupted. We just expound on Toronto because we have the added bonus of mass alcoholism and gang activity.

You know the Toronto culture well. We absolutely have a gang culture. I got a story for you if you wanna hear. Wallahi it's the epitome of khasaaro.
Toronto is absolute trash doe. Every youth is corrupted. We just expound on Toronto because we have the added bonus of mass alcoholism and gang activity.

You know the Toronto culture well. We absolutely have a gang culture. I got a story for you if you wanna hear. Wallahi it's the epitome of khasaaro.

Well there are clearly some youth who made it as this forum shows. :ehh:

The problem is, when you try to tell the older generation about this and why the environment a child grows up in is important to their development, they will brush it aside and say "hebel hebel's kids turned out fine". But the next generation who sees the error in that train of logic might be making the mistake thinking moving to the suburbs and the tuulos is the solution. That might be a good first step, but it also has its own challenges and could just as easily produce dealers, s, and generally losers if other factors are also not taken care of.

Are you talking about one of the most recent killings in Etobicoke? I have a general idea of what happened. It boggles the mind when you think about it. :damedamn:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Bruv, put away your Little Book of Big Conspiracies and come to the table as a raali ah. Stop it with the bait and switch lies. And lastly but firstly, go see your kido_O
I have no children but I see how just by the mere mention of kids can have a feminist humanist lesbian up in arms but truth be told feminism has run amok by pitting women against men, we weren't created to compete rather we meant to complete one another. You are so alien to Somalis in your views you might as well be called Elizabeth you're a gaal & most Somalis are Muslim Alhamdulillah so know your place & play your position naaya persona non grata :ufdup:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Wey islaa sii fiican tahay ayado gaal ah oo illahay cadowgiisa ah bey sii hadlaysa beerka caaro ku goosay :susp:
Since Somali fathers don't really act like father figures (either absent and if not that they're not really involved in their kids lives) boys don't have anyone to look up to and emulate. While the girls have their hardworking hooyos who grind everyday to provide and take care of her kids to look up to. Therefore what do you think will happen?

Same thing with AA and Caribbean people. The women are successful and go to school, work, have a career etc, while the men are qasaaro for the most part.
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