Why Are Somali Girls Doing So Much Better than Somali Guys?

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future pirate king
Poverty rates by household type, 2008


Which parents are poor?

Materially disadvantaged parents are a demographically different group from affluent
parents. Demographic studies (e.g. Hobcraft, 1998; Kempet al., 2004) show that
poor families are more likely to:

  • have non-traditional structures – lone parents and parents in reconstituted families
  • live in households where no adult is in employment
  • be headed by a teenage parent
  • have a sick or disabled child
  • have a child or children under five
  • have a large number of children

Now think about How many Somali Families you know tick multiple boxes.

"They consider that children living in poverty are not only likely to be poorer in resources, but also to have fewer opportunities for success.

This is because of intergenerational transmission: for example, their families have lower expectations
of work and education.

Yaqub (2002), meanwhile, analysed data on persistence of poverty in several countries and found that children’s class, education and health correlate strongly with that of parents and siblings.

He suggests that socio-economic background influences lifetime attainments, but stresses that outcomes are not
determined by childhood experiences alone.

Only by their thirties are individuals’ lifetime incomes correlated with annual incomes, suggesting that until they reach this age people can change their trajectory."

"An analysis in the UK by Hobcraft (1998) of data from the longitudinal National Child Development Study found that poverty and social exclusion usually persisted during the lifespan, and that the main predictors of adult outcomes were childhood poverty, family disruption, contact with the police, educational test scores and father’s interest in schooling."


"71% of high school dropouts are fatherless; fatherless children have more trouble academically, scoring poorly on tests of reading, mathematics, and thinking skills; children from father-absent homes are more likely to be truant from school, more likely to be excluded from school, more likely to leave school at age 16, and less likely to attain academic and professional qualifications in adulthood."

Source: Edward Kruk, Ph.D., “The Vital Importance of Paternal Presence in Children’s Lives.” May 23, 2012.

The first place to start is to start at the Homes. Having a bad start in life is detrimental for your future earnings and can have significant intergenerational impact to come. In undoing this damage would require a good amount of self reflection which is down to the individual. Hence

"‘Resilience’ and ‘plasticity’ (the ability to undo psychological or social damage) can counteract the effects of poverty at any point in the child’s lifetime."

Personally, the best thing a person can do is pick their spouse very carefully.

Exactly this most somali families live in poverty, which in turn creates poverty. You think that kid who sells drug does it because he wants to look cool. No its the fastest way out of poverty for them. You guys have too high expectations from a refugee people who are mostly seceond generation immigrants
I think Somali parents are some of the worst out of any ethnic minority. The girls are treated like slaves while the boys are pampered and left to their own devices. The father is hardly around, spending more time at a cafe or mafrish than at home with his fucking kids! The mother is usually illiterate and spends most of her time collecting welfare money to put in her hagbad/ayuuto and gossiping over tea and cakes with her other fat welfare-collecting friends. The daughter is held in low regard so it's no wonder she has no self-esteem and marries some cadaan/madow/Martian ex-convict salafi at 17. The boy is never kept in check so it's no wonder he ends up in a gang with a rapsheet more decorated than a diploma.

What mystifies me is that it took African Americans 400 years of slavery and abject abuse and discrimination to achieve social collapse. It only took two decades for Somalis to become a group more broken and despised than a Romany gypsy.

I thank God everyday for giving me a mother and father that actually gave a shit about me and actively engaged with me through my education and extracurricular activities.


Somali parenting.

I think it's partially inadvertent, but most Somali boys receive little in the way of guidance and are largely left to their own devices as early as the teen years, whilst the girls are overparented if you can call it that. There are girls that rebel to the double standards as well. I would add location (low income neighborhoods), but Somali boys in suburbia are also prone.

I call it the "iskoris with parents" phenomenon.


Cultural revolution
I think Somali parents are some of the worst out of any ethnic minority. The girls are treated like slaves while the boys are pampered and left to their own devices. The father is hardly around, spending more time at a cafe or mafrish than at home with his fucking kids! The mother is usually illiterate and spends most of her time collecting welfare money to put in her hagbad/ayuuto and gossiping over tea and cakes with her other fat welfare-collecting friends. The daughter is held in low regard so it's no wonder she has no self-esteem and marries some cadaan/madow/Martian ex-convict salafi at 17. The boy is never kept in check so it's no wonder he ends up in a gang with a rapsheet more decorated than a diploma.

What mystifies me is that it took African Americans 400 years of slavery and abject abuse and discrimination to achieve social collapse. It only took two decades for Somalis to become a group more broken and despised than a Romany gypsy.

I thank God everyday for giving me a mother and father that actually gave a shit about me and actively engaged with me through my education and extracurricular activities.

Yeah, Somalis are broken and shit but not me, Thank God I'm one of the good ones :comeon:
We need to raise the aspirations of somali men now. They may have had a shit start to life but they are not dead yet. I think many Somali men, through all their joking and jiving, have low self esteem. I don't think they realise their value or what being a strong, independent man means. They have never known the rush of working hard at something and then accomplishing it.

When these men feel that they only get one chance to live this life and strive to better themselves, they will become better fathers to their children.

Somali mothers need to be admonished for how they are raising these boys. However, it's understandable because they fear that if they are hard on their boys, they will run away to join in gangs and do even worse. It's a real catch 22 situation.

How are you going to change grown men? I see them as a lost cause tbh.
The next generation of somali women have already seen how their mothers raised their brothers.
Inshallah they'll be smart enough to understand what went wrong and do different.
If this current generation fucks up I'm afraid there'll be a set pattern and we'll fall too deep in like the AAs

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Most Somali girls do bullshit like nursing, sociology, midwifery, african studies, and other useless degrees whilst the Somali guys clearly are doing more STEM subjects.

I don't want to say this, but unfortunately the most out of all Muslim ethnic groups are the Somali girls. How can we change this? What's their problem? We need to find the solutions to these questions.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I've learned pretty recently that Somali men are - above everything else - completely and utterly unresponsive to criticism.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Most Somali girls do bullshit like nursing, sociology, midwifery, african studies, and other useless degrees whilst the Somali guys clearly are doing more STEM subjects.

>useless degree


And tbh most Somali girls in nursing could easily pursue an engineering degree and I'm sure many will eventually.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
growing up I remember most of my niggas having the freedom to do pretty much whatever they wanted while their sisters were on lockdown even down to the clothes they wore :bell:
Most Somali girls do bullshit like nursing, sociology, midwifery, african studies, and other useless degrees whilst the Somali guys clearly are doing more STEM subjects.

On what planet is nursing or midwifery bs? You realise people will always get sick and always get children? You realise that the increase of Somali women taking healthcare subjects is exactly what wadankeena needs?

There are some Somali boys and girls doing silly courses like Film studies. The trouble is, when girls do it, it's not as much of a big deal because at least most girls are doing something with their lives so the others who are doing healthcare and education courses are balancing out the bimbos doing other random subjects. The boys are so few and yet you still have some going off doing Film Studies.

Waa yaab.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
>useless degree


And tbh most Somali girls in nursing could easily pursue an engineering degree and I'm sure many will eventually.
There was only 3 Somali girls in my old school doing A-Level Maths in the whole year, but more than 15 Somali guys.

The majority of them were doing useless BTEC's like Health and Beauty, Travel and Tourism, A-Level Sociology etc.

Then they all went to these trash universities, lived out and are now s who go clubbing every week, smoke weed, drink etc. How comes it's only Somali girls like this and not the other Muslims? What's their problem? These are serious questions that we need to answer if we want to move forward as a community.
There was only 3 Somali girls in my old school doing A-Level Maths in the whole year, but more than 15 Somali guys.

The majority of them were doing useless BTEC's like Health and Beauty, Travel and Tourism, A-Level Sociology etc.

Then they all went to these trash universities, lived out and are now s who go clubbing every week, smoke weed, drink etc. How comes it's only Somali girls like this and not the other Muslims? What's their problem? These are serious questions that we need to answer if we want to move forward as a community.


you love talking out of your ass don't you?

about somali girls do BTEC while the guys are doing A level maths.:russ:

please explain where all these math geniuses ended up because the only somalis in STEM programes at my uni and several other Russel group universities i've visited are all girls .

all the Somalis in my course are girls. all my supervisors doing their PhD's are Somali girls. pray do tell, where are all these very smart guys?:draketf:
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Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
On what planet is nursing or midwifery bs? You realise people will always get sick and always get children? You realise that the increase of Somali women taking healthcare subjects is exactly what wadankeena needs?

There are some Somali boys and girls doing silly courses like Film studies. The trouble is, when girls do it, it's not as much of a big deal because at least most girls are doing something with their lives so the others who are doing healthcare and education courses are balancing out the bimbos doing other random subjects. The boys are so few and yet you still have some going off doing Film Studies.

Waa yaab.
Im sorry but i've lost all hope in somali women in the west. I just don't understand the appeal to losing your chasity, going clubbing, taking drugs and so on. Every single Muslim group have good women that are modest so why can't somali girls be the same? What stops you? It makes absolutely no sense.

Taking useless degrees like african studies just so you can enjoy your time at university as a gaalo?

I have lost all hope and it saddens me completely.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Im sorry but i've lost all hope in somali women in the west. I just don't understand the appeal to losing your chasity, going clubbing, taking drugs and so on. Every single Muslim group have good women that are modest so why can't somali girls be the same? What stops you? It makes absolutely no sense.

Taking useless degrees like african studies just so you can enjoy your time at university as a gaalo?

I have lost all hope and it saddens me completely.

Pretty sure I've seen you openly talk about your own promiscuity before. And please don't Cognitivedissonance me and send me on a receipt trail. Like nigga I will definitely go searching.

You can't expect more out of your women than you expect out of your damn self. And you also don't seem to have a clue how your precious Arab girls operate.
This thread was created with the premises that somali girls do better and why that is
Discuss the issue instead of derailing and/or trolling, maybe create your own thread
@Prince of Lasanod What are you talking about? Of course there are differences across the diaspora but where I am Somali girls are the classiest and most practsing Muslims. Other people actually compliment dadkeena on that basis -- the girls are pretty decent all round and have held onto their values.

This African studies epidemic must be an American thing or you guys are over exaggerating because 90% of the Somali girls I know are studying something health related or education related.

If you're sad, just think of how the girls feel. It's funny, one minute you're putting us down for our education type and then when that doesn't stick you slander us and say our chastity is in doubt. These are the words of someone who has not achieved anything themselves and instead of taking control of their destiny, has decided to blame everyone but themselves. I chalk this behaviour up to your molly-coddled upbringing.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Pretty sure I've seen you openly talk about your own promiscuity before. And please don't Cognitivedissonance me and send me on a receipt trail. Like nigga I will definitely go searching.

You can't expect more out of your women than you expect out of your damn self. And you also don't seem to have a clue how your precious Arab girls operate.
No idea what on earth you are talking about as I am a virgin.

If i could meet a DECENT somali girl (that is all i am asking for), then i would be grateful. But I have not encountered a single one that is just average. Heck, I don't even want average, even below average would be a start. What do you expect me to do? Wait for them until I turn 30? Desperate times call for desperate measures. So if I am pursuing Arab women then its due to the incompetence of our women. I advice my brothers to do the same. Until these women fix up their shenanigans then we shouldn't marry them. They have disgraced the Somali name completely.

I've never been as embarrassed when these Pakistani guys asked me why Somali girls are degenerates like cadaan women yet they are Muslim. I had no reply to them.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
@Prince of Lasanod where do you live?

The fact that you can't meet a 'decent' Somali girl says more about you tbh even the scummiest Somali boys up to no good know Somali girls are decent on average compared to other races.
Decent in comparison to who? Cadaan women? I don't think you understand how embarrassing it is for 10 drunk Somali girls who just came out of a club to approach you and your non Somali friends and begging you to pay for their cab. Or 14 year old Somali girls who are smoking weed asking you for a cigarette. The most degenerate Muslim ethnic group are by far Somali women and it saddens me to say the least.
The reason is cause parents are stricter with their daughters, and more lax with their sons. In some parents eyes their sons can't do no wrong. When a guy does something shameful the family praise him "nin rag waye".

In other communities parents count on their sons more, whereas in ours a girl is the one whos the man and woman.
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