The Yugoslavian Method For Somalia


this is trash, Somalia will not be balkanised. Somalia is not Yugoslavia. We are not seven different ethnic groups. We fought against Siad Barre's dictatorship not to to break up Somalia. Today our common enemy is Shabab.
And in the next breath you will say unukaa leh
Rejected. The eastern bank of the river is our buffer zone against HAG. Plus, the border would be too close to Kismaayo. Btw, we are also taking Bakool Sare.
See this kind of mentality is why Somalia will be a shithome as long as retards are given a voice.
Poor beggars who depend on US food aid to not starve to death want to make more beggar nations because they can't get along. You can't make this up if you tried.
Great idea. Let’s create 4 or 5 different shitholes that are going to be fighting each other along sub-clan lines, then those sub-clans are going to balkanize and create their own Tuulo-States until those sub-sub clans within those Tuulo-States grow enough numbers and they’re going to be fighting each other until they balkanize and become different neighbourhood-countries.
Great idea. Let’s create 4 or 5 different shitholes that are going to be fighting each other along sub-clan lines, then those sub-clans are going to balkanize and create their own Tuulo-States until those sub-sub clans within those Tuulo-States grow enough numbers and they’re going to be fighting each other until they balkanize and become different neighbourhood-countries.
Exactly! Even in clans there are wars, and it even goes to sub clans and sub sub clans especially for clans which have sub clan regions

I'd say we first show the people tribalism is wrong and make a secret police to deal with this and have a heavy punishment for those who part take part in it and remove tribal borders and make clan lineages recorded and a thing of the past similar to how the arabs use it.

We don't need to divide our people further, our ancient ancestors didn't have clan and lead a powerful empire known around the world with a good leadership

We need shariah to fix up our people
With sharaiah and an education in it the people already know that it is required of them to follow this as it is islamic law and most Somalis are laymen so they probably don't even know this


Forza Somalia!
This kind of post that force me to reconsider my dream job of becoming a hitman



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