Somali's are ancient Cushitic people.

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Suldaanka Gobyare
I pray these Bantu pick up arms and military hardware from a other African nation and start a large scale war. I mean maybe those imbeciles will wake up then.
Who gives a shit, they should be deported, they are a demographic threat. We learned a heavy lesson from our cushitic cousin from the south who suffered from a heavy genocide by bantu invaders and we are next in future for sure if we don't do something about it.

So yes we will get them off our soil for good whether you like it or not. All 900 thousand back to tanzania and keep our country pure somali's and have a strict immigration policy to save our heritage and culture just like Japanese and how they value their race. We need to take notes from them warya!

Peace out. :salute:


Just read was you just wrote.

You basically are saying: Let's create a genocide or galavanise 10% of the population and send them to two of the most influential countries in East Africa.

Kenya is building border. Everyone is staying within the country.

Animal migration will be devested in the BushBush Park of Somalia.

We need elephants to return to Somalia, not kicking out Bantu Somalis.

Out of 50 of the most important issues facing Somalia, kicking out Somali Bantus isn't on that list.

Mogadishu needs to reconcile with SL, before creating conflict with minority Somali groups.

They are Somali and i will fight to defend them if an isaaq dares to touch my fellow somali brothers and sisters

They are the true ethnic Somalis and lived on the land before we killed them out of the land.

They are your fellow brothers and sisters not our please it is time to go to beautiful Tanzania the land of tourism and everlasting green. Leave us Somalis and our history. Enough what your Bantu brothers in Kenya are doing to my Somalis brothers.
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Somalis from Puntland have the highest percentage of Cushitic ancestry of the Somali peninsula (99%).

I swear, I have compared them to other Somalis before. :icon e biggrin:

False Dir and Isaaq only has highest Cushitic anestory, even hawiye have higher hawiye and rahanweyn have the highest prescentage than Darood.


False Dir and Isaaq only has highest Cushitic anestory, even hawiye have higher hawiye and rahanweyn have the highest prescentage than Darood.

The top 10 individuals who score the highest Cushitic in various admixture runs were always from Puntland.

The South has individuals with Omotic fragments. Waqooyi-Galbeed has Semitic+Omotic fragments.

Highest levels of Cushitic is found in Puntland.
False Dir and Isaaq only has highest Cushitic anestory, even hawiye have higher hawiye and rahanweyn have the highest prescentage than Darood.
How can Isaaq have higher Cushitic ancestry when you came after us? You guys are a new addition to Somali.
@Amun so are you saying that the Darod clan were lying for hundreds of years, claiming an ancestor other than their own? Because the individual called "Darod" was actually an Arab, there are many manuscripts that prove this and discuss his life in detail.

IMHO Darod are partially Arab.


@Amun so are you saying that the Darod clan were lying for hundreds of years, claiming an ancestor other than their own? Because the individual called "Darod" was actually an Arab, there are many manuscripts that prove this and discuss his life in detail.
IMO Darod are partially Arab.

Religion is one helluva drug. It can induce people to lie like there's no tomorrow.

Darod was a Cushite from Northeast Somalia. No evidence of him being a Neanderthal from Yemen.
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