Somali Minorities Praise Puntland

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I will pray with a hawiye, kama qaadayo islanimada(inkasto qof islam ah oo guri islameed ku jiro ma oggi sidee saladisa uu jirta) waa sucaal adiga taa ku yaal. Lakin markan dugano, asagu galmudugisa ha iga aado anigana puntlandkayga
I am for federalism cause after the tribal war no tribe trusts another that’s why president farmaajo and khayre have been selected on a tribal 4.5 system the Parliament in mogadishu are based on a tribal 4.5 system likewise The minister are selected based on the tribal 4.5 system. farmaajo represents his tribe mareexan and khayre represents his tribe murursade and xaaf represents his tribe habar gidir and hirshabelle President represents xawaadle and president of mogadishu hassan sheikh represents abgaal and ahmed madoobe represents ogaden and sheikh sharif represents digil iyo mirifle and president abdiweli gaas the supreme leader of puntland represents harti And muuse bixi represents isaaq


I am for federalism cause after the tribal war no tribe trusts another that’s why president farmaajo and khayre have been selected on a tribal 4.5 system the Parliament in mogadishu are based on a tribal 4.5 system likewise The minister are selected based on the tribal 4.5 system. farmaajo represents his tribe mareexan and khayre represents his tribe murursade and xaaf represents his tribe habar gidir and hirshabelle President represents xawaadle and president of mogadishu hassan sheikh represents abgaal and ahmed madoobe represents ogaden and sheikh sharif represents digil iyo mirifle and president abdiweli gaas the supreme leader of puntland represents harti And muuse bixi represents isaaq

I want to know how do you pray with a habar gedir in the diaspora when u know he either knows someone or he lived in someone else home. Ninkasi why salada waqtisa iska khasaariya? you see an aborigine sxb even hadu diinta qaato dhaqankisa waa halkeedi.


@Cognitivedissonance even my grandmother bay uu nixi waayeen oo waayeel ahaa sanduq dahab ku haysate oo naag cayr ka xaday. They are aborigines sxb, aniguna run ahanti islam'ba uma arki lakin waan iska qarsada si aan dadka uu kicin.


@Cognitivedissonance Wax maku sheega, you know why we dont believe in islamic rule? markay maxkamadihi ka talinaye hamar oo shariah baan ku dhaqayna oranayeen maxay nimankasi guriyasha haranta ku jira ka saari waayeen? Wa aborigine aborigine dhalay weeye oo mooda asaga oo zinjiyad bushman ka soo jeedo inu dad been uu sheegi karo.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@Cognitivedissonance Wax maku sheega, you know why we dont believe in islamic rule? markay maxkamadihi ka talinaye hamar oo shariah baan ku dhaqayna oranayeen maxay nimankasi guriyasha haranta ku jira ka saari waayeen? Wa aborigine aborigine dhalay weeye oo mooda asaga oo zinjiyad bushman ka soo jeedo inu dad been uu sheegi karo.
Little knowledge is dangerous dont conflate islam with terrorists

“There will come a people from the east who recite the Quran but it will not go beyond their throats. They will pass through the religion just as an arrow pierces its target and they will not return to it just as the arrow does not return to the bow.”

Source: Sahih Bukhari 7123, Grade: Sahih


Little knowledge is dangerous dont conflate islam with terrorists

“There will come a people from the east who recite the Quran but it will not go beyond their throats. They will pass through the religion just as an arrow pierces its target and they will not return to it just as the arrow does not return to the bow.”

Source: Sahih Bukhari 7123, Grade: Sahih

We aint blaming islam bro, we know islam was HIJACKED for their tribal agenda only. Dadku doqon ma aha lakin it's sad inaysan quranka uu nixin xitaa marka dadkasi oo kale oo illahi kala jeclayn ma adiga ku naxayan, illahi ayayba uu isticmaleen inay qabyaladooda ku qarsadan


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
We aint blaming islam bro, we know islam was HIJACKED for their tribal agenda only. Dadku doqon ma aha lakin it's sad inaysan quranka uu nixin xitaa marka dadkasi oo kale oo illahi kala jeclayn ma adiga ku naxayan
Boowe let’s pray that Allah sends dhul-qarnayn so he can build a wall between us and the nations of yajuuj and majuuj :ftw9nwa:


Boowe let’s pray that Allah sends dhul-qarnayn so he can build a wall between us and the nations of yajuuj and majuuj :ftw9nwa:

We know islam can be interpreted however one wishes and if he has guns, ppl, and money he can enforce his interpretation. Islam went thru various empires with different agendas of their time and challenges. Hawiye thought this would be a good tool to use to get everyone across to hawiyenimo by saying SHARIAH while knowing if the person rejects he can accuse him of kaffirnimo. It's sad siyasadi beelaha in loo soo qaatay xitaa quranka. Somalidu waxba iskuma harin dagaalada sokeeye. The last place ppl go to in times of need is mosque and we cant even go there now thanks to this animals wala bilqaystay diinti xitaa


@Cognitivedissonance everything was looted in somalia. First it was properties, then lives, then govt infrastructures, businesses, farms, finally these aborigines came for you even YOUR MOSQUE KKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Xitaa adiga your a real 'religious' type right, xitaa adiga laguma cafin kkkkkkkkk oo bombs masajidka lagu dhiga while ur praying or they wait for u as u come outside of mosque and put a hole in your head kkkkkkk


Remember ninkasi the imam of garowe that little burco nigga killed. I mean sxb who would kill man like that if he aint an aborigine. Ninkasi oo kale dhab weeye wala fahmi kara kuwa dhabta ah iyo kuwa iska sheegto diinta to fit into society and use it for their agendas..

Bal firi shaykh sharif he wearing all western clothes today shalina wuxu watay dharka imamyasha. Sxb lets just keep religion out of somalia is what I say, it will make us not trust the deen becuz ppl are hijacking it and wanting us to believe their crap.
When the laag was being formed and the colonialist calaan kana siib kana saar happened and cawaale was raised up hogh, most of the leaders were cunsuuri reer bari cismaan maxamud and when they agreed to share a Parliament between all somalis some of the reer bari cismaan maxamud stood up and said do you mean to tell is that this parliament we must sit and listen to a speech from even a murursade:russ::lolbron:
Adal, Harar, Awsa, Bale, Dawaro, Fatagar, all historical Somali and Muslim sultanates that were lead by Karanle. This guy is really trying to attribute Islamnimo and Somalinimo to one clan lol.
I want to know how do you pray with a habar gedir in the diaspora when u know he either knows someone or he lived in someone else home. Ninkasi why salada waqtisa iska khasaariya? you see an aborigine sxb even hadu diinta qaato dhaqankisa waa halkeedi.
Give it a rest and perhaps take a break to pray, shaydaanka iska naar.


Adal, Harar, Awsa, Bale, Dawaro, Fatagar, all historical Somali and Muslim sultanates that were lead by Karanle. This guy is really trying to attribute Islamnimo and Somalinimo to one clan lol.

Led by karanle yet you have not a single trace of knowledge or tradition or custom from this so called sultanates? why is it when I see your people in ethiopia they appear to be just wild life and sons wild life. You can't claim all these sultanates hadaysan'ba ka muuqan dadkina manta. You were never those sultanate you were just wild life.
Led by karanle yet you have not a single trace of knowledge or tradition or custom from this so called sultanates? why is it when I see your people in ethiopia they appear to be just wild life and sons wild life. You can't claim all these sultanates hadaysan'ba ka muuqan dadkina manta. You were never those sultanate you were just wild life.
Idc about your fantasies. You're the one acting like wildlife, take a break from your nonsensical rants. Take a shower, read a book, go to sleep.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Led by karanle yet you have not a single trace of knowledge or tradition or custom from this so called sultanates? why is it when I see your people in ethiopia they appear to be just wild life and sons wild life. You can't claim all these sultanates hadaysan'ba ka muuqan dadkina manta. You were never those sultanate you were just wild life.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@Cognitivedissonance everything was looted in somalia. First it was properties, then lives, then govt infrastructures, businesses, farms, finally these aborigines came for you even YOUR MOSQUE KKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Xitaa adiga your a real 'religious' type right, xitaa adiga laguma cafin kkkkkkkkk oo bombs masajidka lagu dhiga while ur praying or they wait for u as u come outside of mosque and put a hole in your head kkkkkkk

“And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient,“

“Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return."

Surah Al baqarah



Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Led by karanle yet you have not a single trace of knowledge or tradition or custom from this so called sultanates? why is it when I see your people in ethiopia they appear to be just wild life and sons wild life. You can't claim all these sultanates hadaysan'ba ka muuqan dadkina manta. You were never those sultanate you were just wild life.



Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Adal, Harar, Awsa, Bale, Dawaro, Fatagar, all historical Somali and Muslim sultanates that were lead by Karanle. This guy is really trying to attribute Islamnimo and Somalinimo to one clan lol.

@embarassing Walaal it's well proven that Imam Ahmed Gurey was a Marehan legend alongside another Marehan legend in Amir Nur Mujahid and Sultanate of Harar was a Marehan Somali Muslim kingdom. But you can keep the rest lol.
Led by karanle yet you have not a single trace of knowledge or tradition or custom from this so called sultanates? why is it when I see your people in ethiopia they appear to be just wild life and sons wild life. You can't claim all these sultanates hadaysan'ba ka muuqan dadkina manta. You were never those sultanate you were just wild life.


Highly Respected
@embarassing Walaal it's well proven that Imam Ahmed Gurey was a Marehan legend alongside another Marehan legend in Amir Nur Mujahid and Sultanate of Harar was a Marehan Somali Muslim kingdom. But you can keep the rest lol.

are you still claiming people that have no relations to your clan? have some shame. this is your Marehan legend, Hirabu Goita Tedros:




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