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They did the utmost they could for refugees. Europe took us in and they don't want total assimilation but cohesion which means speaking the languages and understanding the culture.

Land of Punt

Punt is an cushtic empire located in the horn
What's with the racism though? They've been in Somalia for more than a century and they haven't oppressed anyone.:drakewtf:

How are you going to tell them to go back to their lands which they know nothing about. Besides it's not like they willingly came to our lands but were slaves who were forcefully brought to Somalia.

They just need to stop the niiko qashin and we're straight.

but they know exactly what tribe they are from, their own bantu goverments want them back, i mean who are you to stop their wish to go back their homeland
What's with the racism though? They've been in Somalia for more than a century and they haven't oppressed anyone.:drakewtf:

How are you going to tell them to go back to their lands which they know nothing about. Besides it's not like they willingly came to our lands but were slaves who were forcefully brought to Somalia.

They just need to stop the niiko qashin and we're straight.

Why should future Somalis have to pay for the sins of past generations of people? And what makes you think they won't participate in atrocities if they gain a majority? Do you really think they'd be different from every other racial group in the world that's participated in atrocities at one time or another?

Right now you're being patronizing. And patronization is the worst form of racism


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
From a long term perspective, Bantus are an existential threat compared to a twenty five year war that'll eventually be resolved.

If they continue this trend in another 25 years there will be 12 million Bantus, in a century they'll be the majority and the Somali people another subjugated race.

Land of Punt

Punt is an cushtic empire located in the horn
I have no problem with them going back to their lands, that's their choice. What I'm not okay with is deporting them against their will.

against their will???
funny the bantus never asked the former natives of south, east africa, if they could kindly rape them and take their land
why should it be a choice, they have a home to go to back to,
but somalia is our only home, i mean they already have the nfd, what more do they want
Somalinimo is lost on me how? Somalinimo doesn't diminish if you avoid fascism.

Answer this question: If current demographic rates continue, where do you see Somalia in the year 2050? Be honest and upfront.

And regarding minorities and "fascism" one on this forum would have a problem with ethnic minorities if they remain as MINORITIES. I wouldn't even care if Somalia had a population that was only 75% or 80% ethnically Somali so long as the country remains majority Somali and we retain our language and culture. But current trends don't point to that. You should readily admit this.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
To hell with Somalinimo I don't even believe in that crap. We are dad Muslim ah and we should act accordingly. So what about the Banadiri community, should they be deported too?

If the Banadiri population increased at the same rate as the Bantus


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
Why aren't you in Somalia? What are you doing about the infant mortality destroying the future of Somalia? What are you doing abiut the poor education and lack of jobs leading to young people dying in tahriib? What are you doing about the deforestation which means Somalis soon can't afford to heat their food or build a hut? Are you seriously saying Bantus are more of a threat to our existence?

Let me answer a question with a question. Then I'll answer your question. Why have you not answered my question? I will repeat it. Do you want Somali people to cease to exist? Yes they are as they increase incrementally. They are an existential threat. You seem to have tunnel vision and no foresight.

I'm a student. I have plans to go back home and continue to pay remittance despite being a student living in penury. And do you expect some kind of herculean effort from me right now, which actually requires a large group and synergistic effort. Rome was not built in a day. What do you do? And do you ever intend on leaving your comfortable dwellings in the west to relocate back home, roll up your sleeves and give back? How about you fix the roads? How about you do something to provide free general health care/ emergency services? How about you improve sanitation? How about you thwart tribal feuds? How about you provide post secondary education to all Somali students free of charge? What are you doing? I could ask the same long-winded questions ad nauseum too mate.
against their will???
funny the bantus never asked the former natives of south, east africa, if they could kindly rape them and take their land
why should it be a choice, they have a home to go to back to,
but somalia is our only home, i mean they aready have the nfd, what more do they want

They already annexed the NFD which is a piece of territory larger than Portugal.

Yet that isn't enough for them. They want the entire Horn of Africa, and if you object then you're a racist.

Land of Punt

Punt is an cushtic empire located in the horn
You guys need to stop disliking my posts I'm tryna keep my ratings up war ilahey ka cabsada and give me some likes.:lebronwtf:

start seeing the lightobamadatazz
and realise bantus are a future/present threat and a huge danger to us ethnic somals

all bantus are connected, as are all somals no matter where they reside, i dont understand how that is hard to realise
start seeing the lightobamadatazz
and realise bantus are a future/present threat and a huge danger to us ethnic somals

all bantus are connected, as are all somals no matter where they reside, i dont understand how that is hard to realise
Only thing I'm starting to see is that you're not a Puntite.

Land of Punt kuye.:mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:
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