Random Puntland politics discussions

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Thats what happens when you have a bunch of uneducated morally corrupt militia in charge. The other day Deni is refusing to change his title from president to something else but yet he cant run the affairs of his two regions properly and more worse its his own policies thats detoriating the situation further.

All we have to wait for is hungry #MJlivesmatter protestors rushing into deni's house to drink water from his calool.
Thats what happens when you have a bunch of uneducated morally corrupt militia in charge. The other day Deni is refusing to change his title from president to something else but yet he cant run the affairs of his two regions properly and more worse its his own policies thats detoriating the situation further.

All we have to wait for is hungry #MJlivesmatter protestors rushing into deni's house to drink water from his calool.

Are these the locals? :ohno:


IDPs are being bribed to speak to reporters. None of these people are from Puntland, they are all from South Somalia with many not even being ethnic Somalis. It's very apparent from their accents, their phenotypes and their appearance, not to mention the fact that the reporters are filming at the actual IDP settlement- Jowle camp.

Native Puntites live in houses not the corrugated iron IDP shacks of Jowle IDP camp seen in the video.

It's actually disappointing to see how many of you would rather spread obvious lies instead of having real discourse.

Now it makes me realise that you do not have pride in your presence on this forum and are here to spread lies and toxic energy.

Ya Allah cure these people and forgive them for their lies.
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IDPs are being bribed to speak to reporters. None of these people are from Puntland, they are all from South Somalia with many not even being ethnic Somalis. It's very apparent from their accents, their phenotypes and their appearance, not to mention the fact that the reporters are filming at the actual IDP settlement- Jowle camp.

The demise of the counterfeited shillings has affected everybody including locals.

Deni used to pay the clan melitia their salary in Somali shillings. Now, that the shillings is worthless, he has to find $$$ instead.

It is only time before this issue hits the Administration. B/c there is only so much USD dollar hard currency that comes in. I will give it few months, by April this year - sh*t will hit the fan and clan melitia will mutiny and start taking over the local banks.
In the UK their are many consulates in different cities. I think this just makes live easier for the people using the services and the employees. The same goes for most countries regardless of their political structures.

Ibrahim hassan

Esteemed Excellency
No one in PL should ever go to Xamar to get visa or any government document. Before 91, every little thing you needed you'd have to go to xamar. I want my people to have minimum contact with xamar.
Pl will need xamar since xamar alone makes up 30% to 40% of Somalia population, and that number will only grow there are already lots of people form punt land in xamar. Have trust in n&n

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

#Puntlandfirst. #PIM
Pl will need xamar since xamar alone makes up 30% to 40% of Somalia population, and that number will only grow there are already lots of people form punt land in xamar. Have trust in n&n

I'm talking about government services. Anyone is free to move anywhere they want. That's a personal decision. We already have different judicial and security systems. Decentralization is fantastic, need to go even further.

Ibrahim hassan

Esteemed Excellency
I'm talking about government services. Anyone is free to move anywhere they want. That's a personal decision. We already have different judicial and security systems. Decentralization is fantastic, need to go even further.
YOU should be able to get nearly all government services in any part of Somalia, I don't think you understand what decentralization means.
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