Random Puntland politics discussions

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[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
When protests occur in the south, you're the first person to start saying things like "Hutüs are chimping out".

But when the same thing occurs in Puntland, it's somehow the southie Hutüs fault.

>Puntland has also ensured they receive housing and assistance from NGOs and the UN.
Implying the puntland administration hosts a lot of southern IDPs and your administration is doing it out of good will. I've been to Garowe, there's not that many southerners, at least not as much as you claim. Your government is hosting what little people it can so they can get funds from the UN and various other NGOs, not because of Somalinimo or Islamnimo.

Also why is it that you find it so hard to believe the people in the video are Puntlanders? Is anyone who's against Deni not a Puntlander? It's ironic how you share a lot of similarities to N&N bots (Not the people who support N&N for genuine reasons). You're committing the same fallacies you're condemning others of.

Didn't they expose you as a Sheegto? you should be ashamed of your self,you ain't fooling no one, Quule boy.:mjlol:
False news.

Puntland police caught Farmajo trolls staging fake protests

So now you blame farmaajo for these poor suffering people who can't use their money? And even arrest them? yet day and night you cry about farmaajo arresting people causing problems? And say they are not paid protestors? :pachah1: Abdiweli gaas at least wasn't this bad, fatboy deni is such a failure his citizens are starving and when they protest you claim it's farmaajo's fault, where there is an inflation it's farmaajo's fault. Soon you will say it was people working for farmaajo that told deni to use dollar.
Blame this on farmaajo dollars again lelele. Looks like I need to recycle my meme.


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
Didn't they expose you as a Sheegto? you should be ashamed of your self,you ain't fooling no one, Quule boy.:mjlol:
Wee calacasha marka boogta laga taabto

Nobody exposed me as a sheegato, actually I dare you to expose me as a shegaato. Y'all fear Farmaajo like he's the malakul maut, got yourself wrapped up in a bac.


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
So now you blame farmaajo for these poor suffering people who can't use their money? And even arrest them? yet day and night you cry about farmaajo arresting people causing problems? And say they are not paid protestors? :pachah1: Abdiweli gaas at least wasn't this bad, fatboy deni is such a failure his citizens are starving and when they protest you claim it's farmaajo's fault, where there is an inflation it's farmaajo's fault. Soon you will say it was people working for farmaajo that told deni to use dollar.
Bro they try to seem like a civilized society that's better than the rest of Somalia by miles on the internet, in reality Puntland is actually a shit hole that's barely better than any other Somali city. People live like shit and only a small minority are wealthy, obviously I don't know enough about their politics or anything like that to directly blame ChunkyBoii Deni.


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋

what is happening in Garowe, I thought all this was sorted or are these some fake actors paid by N&N. It could be because this is happening on the same day there is meeting between the federal states, oppositions presidential candidates and both speakers of parliament.
Could be fake actors to be honest, especially with what went down in Xamar recently, I wouldn't rule anything out. With that said, Deni is starving the masses just so he can have a cöck measuring competition with other politicans like Farmaajo, so there's a high possibility that the people may have had enough.
Bro they try to seem like a civilized society that's better than the rest of Somalia by miles on the internet, in reality Puntland is actually a shit hole that's barely better than any other Somali city. People live like shit and only a small minority are wealthy, obviously I don't know enough about their politics or anything like that to directly blame ChunkyBoii Deni.

yeah it's a shithole, we know that. We are just used to their faan. Deni is pretty corrupted this whole inflation thing happened because of him taking the money. Their soldiers are always protesting and closing roads because no one pays them. They want to be PM now with a weak president so they can loot some money from xamar so their masses don't eat them alive. It's desperation. Let's see what happens.


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
yeah it's a shithole, we know that. We are just used to their faan. Deni is pretty corrupted this whole inflation thing happened because of him taking the money. Their soldiers are always protesting and closing roads because no one pays them. They want to be PM now with a weak president so they can loot some money from xamar so their masses don't eat them alive. It's desperation. Let's see what happens.
They're desperate, I fuçking pray Farmaajo comes back, whether he rigs the elections or not, just for the shitshow that's going to ensue.


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
If Puntland is a "shithole", what exactly is Gedo with its shuman rivers? Hmmm?

****ta Gedo are the most destitute in all of Somaliwayn but they're wasting their precious time obsessing with Puntland. Tick tock.
You're probably disoriented from all that's currently happening, Marexaan masakiinta maxaa ugu mashquulsantahay. I'm the one who called Puntland a shit hole, come for my deegaan not masakiinta reer Gedo. Maxa Ka baqaa ina reer Gedo dartiina jannada u wad galaan, even when the conversation isn't about them you're always dragging them into this.
They're desperate, I fuçking pray Farmaajo comes back, whether he rigs the elections or not, just for the shitshow that's going to ensue.

Farmaajo will be back. These guys want gelle the abgaal guy and a MJ PM, i'm telling you now it won't happen. Why do you think they are putting on this shitshow of being obsessed with gedo troops? And other bs like making cabdi xaashi the one responsible for dir mps. when it's clearly mentioned in the agreement who is gonna choose those mps and we know how it happened in all the past governments since somaliland declared to be independent? They did the analyze they are seeing that farmaajo keeps coming back all the time, that's they want to at least make the game less dominated by farmaajo and chances of his victory a bit less. Hence the joke with dir mps and trying to stop jubbaland sub-clans from going to garbaharrey. Now the government sent Mursal to them because they want to negotiate about dir mps or trying to only vote in city.


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
^ Rooble, Waaqmalasho et al. Stop embarassing yourselves, it's clear you are all Beesha Hiirabu Goita Tewedros, but keep up the entertainment. I just hope you have the same energy when your uncle gets evicted.
Wallahi this has got to be classed as a mental illness, you're like a cassette stuck on repeat.

Farmaajo will be back. These guys want gelle the abgaal guy and a MJ PM, i'm telling you now it won't happen. Why do you think they are putting on this shitshow of being obsessed with gedo troops? And other bs like making cabdi xaashi the one responsible for dir mps. when it's clearly mentioned in the agreement who is gonna choose those mps and we know how it happened in all the past governments since somaliland declared to be independent? They did the analyze they are seeing that farmaajo keeps coming back all the time, that's they want to at least make the game less dominated by farmaajo and chances of his victory a bit less. Hence the joke with dir mps and trying to stop jubbaland sub-clans from going to garbaharrey. Now the government sent Mursal to them because they want to negotiate about dir mps or trying to only vote in city.
Bro wallahi Farmaajo opened up the entire siyaasad in Somalia, these Puntlanders feel exposed for once in their entire life. Frankly enough I was never a fan of their politics, are they independent or not? I still don't understand what they want to this day.

Wallahi this has got to be classed as a mental illness, you're like a cassette stuck on repeat.

Bro wallahi Farmaajo opened up the entire siyaasad in Somalia, these Puntlanders feel exposed for once in their entire life. Frankly enough I was never a fan of their politics, are they independent or not? I still don't understand what they want to this day.


They always threaten to be independent, but they know they won't survive a day without the central government with that shithole desert of theirs.


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
They always threaten to be independent, but they know they won't survive a day without the central government with that shithole desert of theirs.
It's the constant faan on here for me, you'd think they were a major economical powerhouse. What little money they get in Garowe comes from their ganacsato who live in Xamar and NGOs.

Like I'm not even trying to isolate them, the only place that's not a shit hole in the entire country is Xamar. And even that's shit by world standards.
As people die in Garowe and Galkaio due to hyper-inflation related starvation. Their leader says "do not shame us...".

Muxu nin daar ku jiraa ka ogyahay nin derbi jiif ah? Poor people need sympathy and solidarity not belittling them and telling them off.
No body accepts the counterfeited Somalia shillings now. And the poor people cannot use e-Money as the minimum they can pay is $10 - something that is out of reach for 95% of ordinary people.

The number of uneducated policies that Deni Uusey took have actually accelerated the demise of the Shillings in that region.

If they allowed the market to take its natural course probably the inflation could go very bad but at least people would still use the money at whatever value.

As the people in the video are commenting the Shillings is as worthless as garbage.
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