Random Puntland politics discussions

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True Puntlander
No body accepts the counterfeited Somalia shillings now. And the poor people cannot use e-Money as the minimum they can pay is $10 - something that is out of reach for 95% of ordinary people.

The number of uneducated policies that Deni Uusey took have actually accelerated the demise of the Shillings in that region.

If they allowed the market to take its natural course probably the inflation could go very bad but at least people would still use the money at whatever value.

As the people in the video are commenting the Shillings is as worthless as garbage.
Shilin been accepted in the market. Stop your nonsense propganda jeegaan.


True Puntlander

Any Jeegaan put his langaab foot in PL, they should capture him at the spot. :farole:

Now our troops in those villages, Xararanka, Hagoogane, Maygaagle, Kalshaale, Gocondhaale iyo Ceegaag.


True Puntlander

Ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland, ayaa maalmihii u dambeeyay dhaqdhaqaaq ciidan ka waday degaanno ka tirsan Gobolka Cayn, si ay hor-istaag ugu sameeyaan diiwaan-gelinta Cod-bixiyaasha doorashooyinka Somaliland.

Cutubyo ka tirsan Ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland, ayaa hawlgallo kala duwan ku tegay degaanno ay kamid yihiin Xararanka, Hagoogane, Maygaagle, Kalshaale, Gocondhaale iyo Ceegaag oo dhammaantood ka tirsan Gobolka Cayn.

Taliyaha Ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland ee Gobolka Cayn Col. Cabdiraxmaan Cabdullaahi Axmed Nuur (Af-weyne), oo wareysi gaar ah siiyay warbaahinta Puntland post, ayaa sheegay in ay dhammaan degaannadaas ka hor-istaageen Somaliland.

Col. Afweyn wuxu tilmaamay in ay Bulshada ka wacyi-geliyeen Barnaamijka diiwan-gelinta doorashooyinka Somaliland, islamarkaana Bulshadu ay la qaateen in la diido Barnaamijkaas.
Taliyuhu wuxu sidoo kale xusay in aanu jirin wax iska hor-imaad ciidan ah oo ka dhacay degaannadaas, balse wacyi-gelin u sameeyeen Bulshada taasina ay ku guulaysteen.
This is just so sad. The most vulnerable are facing starvation and a dark future. They can no longer able to buy the most basic of all humanity food with their shillings. Their life savings is now rendered useless by incompetent Administration that printed fake shillings. And when fake shillings caused hyperinflation, the Administration decided to not accept it - the death sentence of the fake Shillings.

The business community only accepts Dollars. And Deni's decision to stop people from sending/receiving small changes of USD dollars using Mobile Phones, that policy has eliminated the low income families and individuals who live on $1 or less a day.

So the most vlunerable people are between a rock and a hard place. Their shillings is not accepted by the shops, and they cannot use their mobile phones to send small USD changes.

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Counterfeiters apparently bribed a MajeerteeniyaState official to lock up 2 guys who reported on demonstrations against the funny money enterprise

lets pray for them our brothers shall over come
As the people in the first video said, soon they will start robbing people and becoming thieves.

And the Administration's clan melitias are now being thuggish.

Garowe administration is being true to their nature. Thievery and thuggery runs in the DNA, whether it is Piracy, Human Trafficking and what not.
As the people in the first video said, soon they will start robbing people and becoming thieves.

And the Administration's clan melitias are also using thievery tactics.

Garowe administration is being true to their nature. Thievery runs in the DNA, whether it is Piracy, Human Trafficking and what not.

Corruption and Puntland go together like stink on sh*t. Just last week they were protesting about inflation in their capital garowe. Now its galkacyo. The state of Puntland seems like its crumbling.
It got move to tribal council even tho no said any tribal slurs or mention tribes :ohlord: :mjkkk:

somebody’s hurt :lol:

tenor (71).gif
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