Men in India burning their underwear at HYPOTHETICAL Marital Rape Laws

This creepy country thinks men can't rape their wives.

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I mean how can niggas get off to rape? how is your partner gonna enjoy that in the slightest, if my partner isn't enjoying the sex then I don't want it, it's your job to make your partner feel good
I imagine many men back home have done some form of marital rape. Intercourse is often painful for newlyweds because of Fircooni FGM. Not talking from experience but I could see guys just ignoring protest when feeling horny.

Because they only care about themselves and feel entitled to a woman's body. I hope they burn in hell.
I’ll always stand by this: Most cultures, some more than others, raise and train men into to belittling and feeling entitled when it comes to women. If you ask the average misogynist, if he hates women, he’ll say no, but the real reason fueling their actions is because society has trained them to view women as being beneath them. If you think of women as being inferior, even if you claim to not hate them, you’ll always co-sign cultural laws that encourage female debasement.

Men throughout the centuries have always been sick. I mean the Prophet s.a.w literally had to tell them during the early days of islam not to kill their daughters. That’s how much women have always been looked down upon.
Men who call themselves Muslim, also argue that marital rape doesn't exist. I remember arguing with a few of them on this forum, in a very, very long thread. I've said it a few times, but misogynistic attitudes towards women, transcend alleged religious beliefs, race, age, you name it.


Sexual continence is something a lot of males do not understand. It might be extreme, but the old time geeljires would only have relation with their wife when they were trying for a baby.

In this modern age of sexual depravity, that must seem like barbarism, when the opposite is true.
Sexual continence is something a lot of males do not understand. I might be extreme, but the old time geeljires would only have relation with their wife when they were trying for a baby.

In this modern age of sexual depravity, that must seem like barbarism, when the opposite is true.
I don’t believe that. Male nature doesn’t change. I don’t believe these men only had it for the sake of kids.


Brazy. Sex is the least of their concerns. India is a terrible place to live.
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