Breaking News: Federal States suspend relations with the one bedroom Villa Xamar

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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
For an M.D you suck at reading. I explained to you why the SFG does not work and what should be done to fix it. But for a qabiilist like you it unthinkable to think of your country first over your qabiil.

You didn't explain anything but contradict yourself. You admitted that the SFG is corrupt but you still want PL to pay taxes to them out of Somalinimo.

Let's put the personal accussations aside, alright? I just want to understand why you want PL to invest so much in the SFG just for the SFG to run the show? You basically say that PL have to revive the central government and then allow the central government to usurp all the power


Somaliweyn haa nolaato
I can’t believe people are against a centralised government because of qabyaalad.
Looks like Somalia won’t prosper because of men and their dumb egos.

Either qabils need to go, a mass genocide needs to be done against men or the idea of a peaceful, developed Somalia needs to leave.


Somali chauvinist
You didn't explain anything but contradict yourself. You admitted that the SFG is corrupt but you still want PL to pay taxes to them out of Somalinimo.

Let's put the personal accussations aside, alright? I just want to understand why you want PL to invest so much in the SFG just for the SFG to run the show? You basically say that PL have to revive the central government and then allow the central government to usurp all the power

I did explain it to you. Federalism is great in practice but it will never work in Somalia because of the hatred. The SFG is useless because the federal states want it that way. How do you not get that?

You are right. I think that Puntland should revive the central government in Xamar for the better of the whole country. Federal states on their own will never achieve what a central government can. They will never get loans. They will never attract investors when the SFG is useless.

Why are you against a centralized government in Xamar? Just because your qabiil might not be in charge?


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I did explain it to you. Federalism is great in practice but it will never work in Somalia because of the hatred. The SFG is useless because the federal states want it that way. How do you not get that?

You are right. I think that Puntland should revive the central government in Xamar for the better of the whole country. Federal states on their own will never achieve what a central government can. They will never get loans. They will never attract investors when the SFG is useless.

Why are you against a centralized government in Xamar? Just because your qabiil might not be in charge?

Since pictures say more than thousand words, let me illustrate what federalism gave me. It gave me this. It made me the one that decides his own destiny. This is what I am capable of if I am the one that decides his own affairs, because nobody can lobby for my own interests better than me.


Fahad Yasin

Duqbilow Nation
Gob damn this debate is heated:gladbron:

From what I can tell:

The backers of centralism:Hawiye, Marehan:comeon:

Backers of federalism:Cumar maxamud, Ciismaan maxamud:damn:


Make Hobyo Great Again
The federal states are evoling and bringing peace and unity, Banadir wants centralism back which will not happen. Puntland used to regularly cut ties with the old FGS admin but this time all states are doing it.
Our babies.
They grow up so fast.

If these federal member states really wanted federalism they would pay a share of the taxes to the federal government (under strict conditions so it won't get stolen) but then the corrupt leaders would have nothing to steal. They would contribute their armies to the SNA but then they would lose their power. The that is your and this is mine mentality will never bring prosperity to Somalia. It will only hold us back.
We have already contributed thousands of soldiers to the SNA and agreed on resource sharing with the FGS. We will start paying taxes as well within the next few years according to the FGS finance minister (which I am against but whatever).
You and I have totally different definitions of peace and unity. How are the actions of these federal states going to help bring peace and unity to Somalia?

Somalia still doesn't have a functioning army but all these federal states seem to have their own. I don't see them being used to bring peace and unity all over Somalia. What I see is the corrupt leadership of qabiil states throwing a fit because they might lose their power and their income.

You should be supporting centralism because that is the only way Somalia will be able to rebuild its infrastructure and security. It is 2018 and Somalia doesn't have an electric grid. Electricity in Somalia should be the cheapest in the world but it is the most expensive. And don't get me started on the roads.

There is a deep hatred between Somalis and giving different qabiils their own state isn't going to resolve that. We should focus on reconciliation and work on uniting the country. When the hatred is gone there will be nothing to stop us.
you can't expect somalis to have a centralized government after all that we have been through, there are still some somalis who illegally lives on others property and you want us to unite? Wallahi hawiyes are xoolos, if you want a centralized state what needs to happen is a sincere reconciliation to take place, and all somalis who have done bad to others should apologize so we can move on.

Until then federalism is here to stay.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Since pictures say more than thousand words, let me illustrate what federalism gave me. It gave me this. It made me the one that decides his own destiny. This is what I am capable of if I am the one that decides his own affairs, because nobody can lobby for my own interests better than me.

Federalism in action

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It is the solution for places like PL not diverse places like JL. That is why PL stretches from Gaalkacyo to Bosaso but JL is mainly Kismayo.

Clan maamul can work with one main clan in its territory. MJs mainly live in one big chunk of land are not seperated like other clans. The solution for MJs is not the same solution for others.

Federalism = Maamul Qabiil. Let's not kid ourselves
i agree with this, one solution could be to unite the whole south, including galmudug and jubaland under one adminstation and Puntland and Somaliland should be autonomous

Banadir is eating up all the money meant for ALL of Somalia, Where did the 200 million Euros Italy gave us go? where did the 200 million dollars Qatar gave us go? none of it goes to federal member states, we are a suffering because of one capital holding the rest hostage.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Duqbilow kablowfarax walaalkiisa oo degna garsugarsa kkk waa mujahid waa tageersan nahay gar ama gardaro:salute:
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