Are Jinns behind the advent of modern technology?

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Ive noticed you seem to lack the testicular fortitude to express your true convictions. It's either you were "joking" or you deny saying anything at all. What's up with that? I respect cranks like @Inquisitive_ because they have the balls to let

Do you have the same balls to defend your Europhile blind mock worthy, insane, crackpot believes?
Ive noticed you seem to lack the testicular fortitude to express your true convictions. It's either you were "joking" or you deny saying anything at all. What's up with that? I respect cranks like @Inquisitive_ because they have the balls to let their insane beliefs be shown and open to mockery. You on the other hand, straight yellowbelly :susp:
You didn't answer my previous question.

Also, how does it feel to know nothing?
Do you have the same balls to defend your Europhile blind mock worthy, insane, crackpot believes?
I am certain I have a few zany beliefs about the nature of reality myself. The only difference is I don't seek to be obsessively contrarian even when the evidence doesnt support me, like a fucking crank :sass1:
You didn't answer my previous question.

Also, how does it feel to know nothing?

“”I am wiser than this man, for neither of us appears to know anything great and good; but he fancies he knows something, although he knows nothing; whereas I, as I do not know anything, so I do not fancy I do. In this trifling particular, then, I appear to be wiser than he, because I do not fancy I know what I do not know.
—attributed to Socrates, from Plato, Apology

“”Those who think they know never learn.
—from the Tao Te Ching

“”I am wiser than this man, for neither of us appears to know anything great and good; but he fancies he knows something, although he knows nothing; whereas I, as I do not know anything, so I do not fancy I do. In this trifling particular, then, I appear to be wiser than he, because I do not fancy I know what I do not know.
—attributed to Socrates, from Plato, Apology

“”Those who think they know never learn.
—from the Tao Te Ching

Wait, so are you admitting that you left Islam for no reason? Since you don't possess any knowledge at all, let alone knowledge that contradicts Islam (as you've just admitted).
I am certain I have a few zany beliefs about the nature of reality myself. The only difference is I don't seek to be obsessively contrarian even when the evidence doesnt support me, like a fucking crank

Which evidence goes against the Flat-Earth?, just give me a single one of them, something other the never-ending list of Europhile God's said so, Darwin said so, Dawkins said so, Hawkins said so, Carl Sagan said so.

Because it's no different then Bishop said so, Imam said so, Pope said so, Paul said, Guru Gobo Singh said so etc. which you love to mock.

Just give me one conclusive rational reason as to why you believe your on a spinning ball earth just one! I smashed every other perceived quakademic fact brought on here already all unanswered uncontested, that's what you expect when the lion comes to the table, everyone else runs away.

I am no contrarian, infact it's healthier to be a contrarian then to be a blind follower, but to answer your slur, I am deep thinking rationalist, I take nothing at face value, if I don't know something I plead ignorance, if that something is important, I will do my extensive research without any blind following or bias, that's the difference between us buddy.
Which evidence goes against the Flat-Earth?, just give me a single one of them, something other the never-ending list of Europhile God's said so, Darwin said so, Dawkins said so, Hawkins said so, Carl Sagan said so.
It is impossible to debate a crank without it devolving into ad hoc but to put it simply, its quite difficult for a flat-earthist to explain away all of the problems with flat-earthism and maintain a consistent theory, mostly because the "evidence" they provide is circumstantial, and generally pulled out of their asses
It is impossible to debate a crank without it devolving into ad hoc but to put it simply, its quite difficult for a flat-earthist to explain away all of the problems with flat-earthism and maintain a consistent theory, mostly because the "evidence" they provide is circumstantial, and generally pulled out of their asses

Again your giving blind sheep rhetoric speeches, you haven't answered my question, give me a single reason why you personally believe your on a ball earth, just a simple one backed up by your own argument and own experience.

Forget everybody else and what they have to say, just you as a person, one carefully crafted reason? if you don't, I will just assume your no different from the rest of the blind sheeple.
Again your giving blind sheep rhetoric speeches, you haven't answered my question, give me a single reason why you personally believe your on a ball earth, just a simple one backed up by your own argument and own experience.

Forget everybody else and what they have to say, just you as a person, one carefully crafted reason? if you don't, I will just assume your no different from the rest of the blind sheeple.
I was thinking of skipping this ride to crazy town but I have nothing going for me tonight so might as well. :mjlaugh:

The flat Earth theory can be falsified on any clear night an hour or two after sunset by observing satellites in the sky, provided that one accepts either Occam's razor or common sense as valid stances. Plus sanity. Unless governments around the world are launching one-shot satellites every night to maintain the conspiracy, or using holograms to project satellites into the night sky (or something equally insipid), a flat Earth simply won't support a constellation of orbiting objects. They'll fall right over the "edge"


Btw I'm not tryna sound stupid but the earth has big ice.. Just wanted to add that.



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Give this man inquisitive a Nobel prize sxb, make Somalia proud by blowing Copernicus et al. the absolute f*ck out.


Flat earthers don't believe in Antarctica, another zionist myth I suppose :deadosama:

Oh no I wasn't even thinking about that.. I thought ass and ice sounded similar and I was merely pointing that earth is not flat because it has big.... oh nvm. It actually sounds stupid. :cryinglaughsmiley: Oh I crack myself up. Lool I think I'm on crack:donkey:

I was thinking of skipping this ride to crazy town but I have nothing going for me tonight so might as well. :mjlaugh:

The flat Earth theory can be falsified on any clear night an hour or two after sunset by observing satellites in the sky, provided that one accepts either Occam's razor or common sense as valid stances. Plus sanity. Unless governments around the world are launching one-shot satellites every night to maintain the conspiracy, or using holograms to project satellites into the night sky (or something equally insipid), a flat Earth simply won't support a constellation of orbiting objects. They'll fall right over the "edge"

I already addressed the satellite hoax in this very thread, are you disputing that guy that supposedly made it possible being a satanic occultist that wrote himself in the book that a man named 'Dajjal' told him he was doing his work, do you want me to quote you the reference and page of the book (as Hamza yusuf said in the video) ?

Do you also want the guy who prophecies in the 50's about geostationary satellite? in his book? also another masonic occultist? If you ask for them, and you make me dig up those references in my treasure trove, will you abandon this myth?

Let's take the ISS as example it's supposedly orbiting in the thermosphere which has a reported temperature of 2,000° C and even more then this.

It's not even possible to survive in those altitudes/tempratures and this is according to the figures provided by them ? The human and that tin foil crap they are in would be pulverised by the heat.

Did you know that apart from the Appolo hoax no one else has gone above the thermosphere? have you not seen the water bubbles in their spacewalks ? proving it was done in a water tank? space walk in 2000 degree temperatures and rising?

head to the religion section under the topic I posted, I wrote an extensive piece on it that I don't want to regurgitate rebutting one of your friends, even the Japanese and Chinese's have done it and their videos make a mockery of the whole thing.

The Chinese took it a step further and even have a rover on the moon in this great comedy, coming out saying they see no signs of appolo after the America establishment discredited them, the whole thing has turned into a joke and circus side show.

Let me ask you this, show me a single none-photoshop, non-cgi composite image of a satellite in action on google, just a single image, in fact if your unable to tell the difference between a real image and composite, computer generated CGI version then I have no hope left in you.

The stuff your talking about seeing in the sky that you think are satellite, are nothing more then some bogus your read on the internet, you never went out and saw them for yourself and you know your openly lying about it, and I know this, because this was something spread by NASA shills, which everybody latched onto. Go outside and record it for me then post it to me.

Here is a video of a high altitude balloon (not with a fish-eye lens) there is supposedly more then 20.000 satellite, it's hovering over exactly the same region were those satellites would be (low orbit ones), show me a single satellite you see and while your at it, show me were the curvature ball-shape is or the supposed crazy spin or tilt.

Here is one with a dogcam they did it for their promo, nothing to do with flat-earth

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I already addressed the satellite hoax in this very thread, are you disputing that guy that supposedly made it possible being a satanic occultist that wrote himself in the book that a man named 'Dajjal' told him he was doing his work, do you want me to quote you the reference and page of the book (as Hamza yusuf said in the video) ?

Do you also want the guy who prophecies in the 50's about geostationary satellite? in his book? also another masonic occultist? If you ask for them, and you make me dig up those references in my treasure trove, will you abandon this myth?

Let's take the ISS as example it's supposedly orbiting in the thermosphere which has a reported temperature of 2,000° C and even more then this.

It's not even possible to survive in those altitudes/tempratures and this is according to the figures provided by them ? The human and that tin foil crap they are in would be pulverised by the heat.

Did you know that apart from the Appolo hoax no one else has gone above the thermosphere? have you not seen the water bubbles in their spacewalks ? proving it was done in a water tank? space walk in 2000 degree temperatures and rising?

head to the religion section under the topic I posted, I wrote an extensive piece on it that I don't want to regurgitate rebutting one of your friends, even the Japanese and Chinese's have done it and their videos make a mockery of the whole thing.

The Chinese took it a step further and even have a rover on the moon in this great comedy, coming out saying they see no signs of appolo after the America establishment discredited them, the whole thing has turned into a joke and circus side show.

Let me ask you this, show me a single none-photoshop, non-cgi composite image of a satellite in action on google, just a single image, in fact if your unable to tell the difference between a real image and composite, computer generated CGI version then I have no hope left in you.

The stuff your talking about seeing in the sky that you think are satellite, are nothing more then some bogus your read on the internet, you never went out and saw them for yourself and you know your openly lying about it, and I know this, because this was something spread by NASA shills, which everybody latched onto. Go outside and record it for me then post it to me.

Here is a video of a high altitude balloon (not with a fish-eye lens) there is supposedly more then 20.000 satellite, it's hovering over exactly the same region were those satellites would be (low orbit ones), show me a single satellite you see and while your at it, show me were the curvature ball-shape is or the supposed crazy spin or tilt.

Here is one with a dogcam they did it for their promo, nothing to do with flat-earth

So many logical fallacies and general scientific errors that in such a small amount of text. You're truly a lost cause sxb seek help
So many logical fallacies and general scientific errors that in such a small amount of text. You're truly a lost cause sxb seek help

Temperatures in the upper thermosphere can range from about 500° C (932° F) to 2,000° C (3,632° F) or higher. The boundary between the thermosphere and the exosphere above it is called the thermopause. At the bottom of the thermosphere is the mesopause, the boundary between the thermosphere and the mesosphere below.

Thermosphere - overview | UCAR Center for Science Education

Here is a direct quote I just found for you with reference from the horses mouth. Just concede defeat and that you are nothing more then a blind following Europhile.

I knew exactly you would highlight that part, but like the crafty leopard I was waiting in ambush. Now I shamed you in front of all, you can go back to you quackamemic blind following sheeple worship of your deities.
Thermosphere - overview | UCAR Center for Science Education

Here is a direct quote I just found for you with reference from the horses mouth. Just concede defeat and that you are nothing more then a blind following Europhile.

I knew exactly you would highlight that part, but like the crafty leopard I was waiting in ambush. Now I shamed you in front of all, you can go back to you quackamemic blind following sheeple worship of your deities.
I didn't highlight nothing hombre. Your strawmaning yourself :mjpls:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Thermosphere - overview | UCAR Center for Science Education

Here is a direct quote I just found for you with reference from the horses mouth. Just concede defeat and that you are nothing more then a blind following Europhile.

I knew exactly you would highlight that part, but like the crafty leopard I was waiting in ambush. Now I shamed you in front of all, you can go back to you quackamemic blind following sheeple worship of your deities.

Thermosphere ah?

Sounds like some Europhile quraafaad to me. Don't tell me you actually believe there's an atmosphere. It's all gaalo bullshit sxb, nothing is there.
Thermosphere ah?

Sounds like some Europhile quraafaad to me. Don't tell me you actually believe there's an atmosphere. It's all gaalo bullshit sxb, nothing is there.

The best way to beat a Europhile polytheist is to use his very own purported 'scientific' material against his own believe, and show the contradiction, but it looks like even that is not enough when the brain parasite is so deep.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
The best way to beat a Europhile polytheist is to use his very own purported 'scientific' material against his own believe, and show the contradiction, but it looks like even that is not enough when the brain parasite is so deep.

Well said.

A while back some idiot on here was trying to convince me the earth revolved around the sun. Talk about idiotic Europhiles, what will they come up with next?
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