Are Jinns behind the advent of modern technology?

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I never said knowledge will disappear. I said the sustained application of that knowledge will successively become more and more difficult that society will eventually lose such access to such technology due to a finite number of resources. Take modern rocketry as an example. The equations and the science it took to get to the moon were already 300 years old before the Americans went there. The science isn't going anywhere, but once say sending a current down a wire becomes as prohibitively expensive as putting one-pound payload in low-earth orbit due to a lack of viable industrial minerals, basic electronics would quickly become a thing of the past.

Read this:

Why asteroid mining is necessary.

Yeah I misunderstood.


Pepe Trump
I agree with you. My original post was not regarding any of the prophesies from the Sunnah. It was merely an account of a people who were acquaintances of Ibn Taymiyyah. I was postulating a nexus between them and the renowned, rational scientists who spent an undue amount of their time engaged in the occults. An innocent post if you ask me; but we have fools like @The_Cosmos (who actually believes in the notion that intelligence can be quantified) making condescending remarks instead of refuting any of the information shared.

who actually believes in the notion that intelligence can be quantified) making condescending remarks instead of refuting any of the information shared.

When have I ever claimed that intelligence can be quantified?! Did the little Djinns tell you that??

It's condescending now to point out what is clearly bullshit?! I guess it's also condescending for a Muslim to tell a Mormon that God doesn't live on a planet called Kolab, or maybe tell a Christian that Jesus wasn't the son of God. I guess the term "condescending" only applies to the atheist.
A fool is his own informer. Just let the Muslims talk about Jinn and Dagaal and talking trees just let them keep talking walalyal. Give them more room and a shovel.
I read about these tribal peoples who, seeing Europeans build runways and using them to get airlifted goods, they built their own dirt runways and prayed to the skygod thinking they were gonna get themselves some goodies as well. People will laugh at the "ignorant natives", then come home and make some gestures and noises to make their own God happy with them, then they get on their high tech laptops and post about how jinns are the force driving modern technology, they then use a verbal account by a man who's reporting live from 1300 years ago to justify their theories. We live in an incredible world :pachah1:
I've never lost money underestimating the average person, if fact I made about $2500 predicting Donald Trump's victory:damn::russ:
I was actually messing btw, none of my posts on this thread were satirical at all. I vehemently stand by what I said.

I read about these tribal peoples who, seeing Europeans build runways and using them to get airlifted goods, they built their own dirt runways and prayed to the skygod thinking they were gonna get themselves some goodies as well. People will laugh at the "ignorant natives", then come home and make some gestures and noises to make their own God happy with them, then they get on their high tech laptops and post about how jinns are the force driving modern technology, they then use a verbal account by a man who's reporting live from 1300 years ago to justify their theories. We live in an incredible world :pachah1:
Claiming to rely on God while putting no effort in is actually an unIslamic thing to do. We're ordered to excel in all spheres of life. Islam is the religion of excellence.

Anas ibn Malik reported: A man said, “O Messenger of Allah, should I tie my camel and trust in Allah, or should I leave her untied and trust in Allah?” The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Tie her and trust in Allah.

Source: Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2517

Thus we are ordered to place our trust in Allah & make our own efforts. We have to take the correct measures to ensure that we're at least on par, or ahead of our non-Muslim peers when it comes to technological advancements.

A fool is his own informer. Just let the Muslims talk about Jinn and Dagaal and talking trees just let them keep talking walalyal. Give them more room and a shovel.
No one is out to get scientists. Why do irreligious people try to portray Muslims as anti-science? Modern science wouldn't be what it is had it not been for the contribution of Muslim scientists during the second millennium and a few centuries before that.

Studying the natural sciences is actually Fardh ul Kifaayah (a communal obligation upon the Muslims).

P.S. I was not insinuating in any way that humans are not capable of progressing technologically without the assistance of supernatural beings. I''m just intrigued as to why a large number of notable, rational scientists had peculiar beliefs and engaged in occultic stuff (spending inordinate amount of their time on them).


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
This original post was supposed to be satirical. I don't know why y'all have your panties in a twist
:wow: Bradar who are these gaal bastards to you? Why do you care what they think? So what if they ridicule you? What can they do for you? f*ck the friendship we can't be friends with gaalo bradar Allah has made it clear in his Quran & what you speak off is 100% accurate just peep the way I dealt with reiko & she's family, I don't care about how anyone perceives me as long as I speaking the truth to power.

Islam started of as something stranger & during the end times it will be viewed once again as being something strange blessed are the strangers :rejoice:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I was actually messing btw, none of my posts on this thread were satirical at all. I vehemently stand by what I said.

Claiming to rely on God while putting no effort in is actually an unIslamic thing to do. We're ordered to excel in all spheres of life. Islam is the religion of excellence.

Anas ibn Malik reported: A man said, “O Messenger of Allah, should I tie my camel and trust in Allah, or should I leave her untied and trust in Allah?” The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Tie her and trust in Allah.

Source: Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2517

Thus we are ordered to place our trust in Allah & make our own efforts. We have to take the correct measures to ensure that we're at least on par, or ahead of our non-Muslim peers when it comes to technological advancements.
My nigga rageedi :denzelnigga:
Can someone direct my lost Europhile brain parasite patients to my new state of the art polytheistic treatment clinic?

I need to administer an urgent morphine dose, before the virulent mutation of the parasite leads them to a chronic painful death.

Many Thanks
His comments about Jack Parsson, narrating his dream that he saw "Dajjal" were he told him "you are helping me", an open occult devil worshipper stated so in his own book

This is the guy that purportedly made 'satellites' possible after his other Europhile Devil partner in the 50's prophesied about 'geostationary' satellites, the same way Europhile God Darwin prophesied about 'Dinosaur bones', the same way John F Kennedy after repeated failures prophesied they will go to the moon.

There is only 3 conclusions you can come to regarding these Eurohopile polytheistic prophecies and the very men that brought them into reality.

1) The whole thing is garbage and FAKE, no satellites exists at all, it's a mirage with no proof, this is my view as well as the flat-earth one.

2) The occultist are right and the Jin helped them harness these technologies, hence they are all real.

3) The dream was coincidence, the prophecy was coincidence, the satanic occultism is just Yoga, ignore all and blindly believe in all of the above, this is the view someone afflicted with the europhile brain parasite has.

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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Atheists are very ignorant to these realities their same Europhilic Gods all are cultists, satanists that perform occultist rites, I suggest ypu research numerology and occult symbolism in Western society. They fail to understand that their religion of Atheism has been fed to them on a silver platter by their schools, starting from the spinning ball earth myth, evolution, all the way to disbelief in God.

I wouldn't blame them they are weak sheep that have been molded to think this way
Total lack of any individual thinking!

Horta do you also believe in a flat earth, mr polymath?:what:
Was anything about the figure of the earth mentioned in that excerpt?

What I believe should be of no concern to you. Either refute what I say or kindly remain silent. Also, do not put words in my mouth. I've never claimed to be a polymath. I don't think I am, not close.


Was anything about the figure of the earth mentioned in that excerpt?

What I believe should be of no concern to you. Either refute what I say or kindly remain silent. Also, do not put words in my mouth. I've never claimed to be a polymath. I don't think I am, not close.

Why so defensive?:mjlol: You were alluding to something with your excerpt, so I asked sardonically a question which might provide me with more clarification on why you posted that. Besides why would I need to refute something that's not directly quoted from the source?
Why so defensive?:mjlol: You were alluding to something with your excerpt, so I asked sardonically a question which might provide me with more clarification on why you posted that. Besides why would I need to refute something that's not directly quoted from the source?
Wallahi this mofo caadi ma ahan :ftw9nwa:

Why does the "why" matter? How is it relevant in any way to this discussion?

Also, are you asking to be hand-fed you retard? The information in that excerpt is all over the internet, can also be found in books. You can find their original sources within the click of a button. Surely you can't be incompetent to the point where you find a simple Google search taxing... Or can you?

I can't take apes seriously. Would you take an ape seriously? (Serious question)
Ive noticed you seem to lack the testicular fortitude to express your true convictions. It's either you were "joking" or you deny saying anything at all. What's up with that? I respect cranks like @Inquisitive_ because they have the balls to let their insane beliefs be shown and open to mockery. You on the other hand, straight yellowbelly :susp:
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