Andrew Tate received thousands of letters from Muslim supporters whilst in prison, but his brother didn’t receive any letters from Christians


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Exactly bro. Our resident "feminists" and their supposedly "male" sissy friends are on a rampage, attacking this Muslim revert left and right. At least as Muslims, we can make dua that he beat the charges, and he continues his journey to Islam.
you and these men are whatever the Male version of a feminist is, a radical one.
I'm beginning to think most that support him, also support his actions. That is why they're shamelessly defending him. Fornication, pimping, vile language, talking to and about women as though they're dogs ect. There is a real problem with misogyny. Hence, anything a man does towards women will be excused and seen as 'based'.

Even if Tate becomes imprisoned and deemed guilty. They'll throw the qoute 'innocent until proven guilty' and still support him by making a B.S excuse.

They all condemned the vice documentary by saying it was fake. But I have a question, why was the documentary not fake when they were one of the few platforms to talk about Uyghurs Muslims?
In my view Tate is very controversial and the things he did and continue to do I'm not sure that's a good publicity for Islam or Muslims.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Projection, I’ve never called myself a feminist, yet you most definitely said a man with a net worth of at least 100 mill will be ‘poor’ for not saying shameless sexual stuff.

Therefore, what do you stand for? Like seriously

@World, @Periplus @jemappelle @Keep it a boqol 💯 @Qeelbax

Look at this Takfir because I dared to criticize Tate. This is a mental health crisis at this point.

‘Pretend’ he is calling his Muslim Somali sister from a Muslim family a gaal in order to support a pimp who compared himself to Allah.

I’ve never said anything that is shirk, yet Tate did but you condemn me for what?

You’re a hypocrite. You just takfired me. So only Tate gets the benefit of the doubt and us Muslim women get takfir thrown on us.

Nope, everything I’ve mentioned he did after converting to Islam. When you sin after you convert, you no longer have a clean slate. You cannot take part in shirk and still have a clean slate.
Pull up you radical meninist. I need your addy ASAP you takfiring daandaan.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
You pretend to be a Muslim, yet can't afford the benefit to a new Muslim revert.
the irony in you talking about what you can't say about another muslim yet saying this. This is why nobody takes you and your ilk seriously. This is a mental illness.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Loool.. No disrespect to you bro, but I don't take Tate's conversion serious.. Why is still pimping women? :mjlol:
Earlier last year he claimed to be an orthodox christian and got 0 attention, he got cancelled and muslims were keeping him afloat and suddenly converted. It's up to God but he's suspicious.
The once noble Geeljire warrior @Abdisamad has become a yes man to the same raging feminist with whom he would have duels with. You have been dominated Adeer. May God free you from her grasp I am praying for your freedom. :mjkkk:

reminds me of the domestic dog, who was once a noble grey wolf free to shit and piss wherever he pleased and to impregnate as many female wolves as he pleased, spreading his seed; his domain stretched as far as the eye could see, a truly free beast. Look at his descendant, the modern-day domestic dog, who is told where to shit and piss; he is lucky if he can spread his seed to one female dog; he no longer has a domain or freedom; he is a truly abused animal.
Sad Homer Simpson GIF
The once noble Geeljire warrior @Abdisamad has become a yes man to the same raging feminist with whom he would have duels with. You have been dominated Adeer. May God free you from her grasp I am praying for your freedom. :mjkkk:

reminds me of the domestic dog, who was once a noble grey wolf free to shit and piss wherever he pleased and to impregnate as many female wolves as he pleased, spreading his seed; his domain stretched as far as the eye could see, a truly free beast. Look at his descendant, the modern-day domestic dog, who is told where to shit and piss; he is lucky if he can spread his seed to one female dog; he no longer has a domain or freedom; he is a truly abused animal.
Sad Homer Simpson GIF
Bro, you can be free and noble without looking up to the likes of Tate.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
wtf did i just see :dwill:

this is a solid study case for @Basra to investigate, what u think of this?:patrice:
They will just claim it's a bald and zesty Latin lookalike.
Small impressionable boys and guys with not much going for them look up to him.. I don't think any normal guy would listen or look up to him.. Imagine support a guy who's taking advantage of vulnerable women, makes my stomach turn wallhi
Tate doesn't look masculine nor does he act the part. God help anyone who wants this man as a surrogate father.
They will just claim it's a bald and zesty Latin lookalike.

Tate doesn't look masculine nor does he act the part. God help anyone who wants this man as a surrogate father.
I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if it was him, to be pro kick-boxer you gotta have top tier footwork and that guy in video clearly knows how to move his feet :damedamn: