According to U.N, Somaliland is far less populous than Puntland. Hargeisa is smaller than Bosaso

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Blac Youngsta's brother
Your little dusty village soon will be run over by FGS and you gonna have to flee to Ethiopia and go back to your origins habashi and oromo bucket.:lolbron:
Is that what gets you off at night?? I guess we all need fantasies even limp wristed basement dwelling s such as yourself.

End of convo.


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
I read the British book about the survey itself that book you linked which I also have is different has nothing to do with the british government who did the estimates:O27GWRK:
The book you linked was done in 1960s by different guy
The original British survey where those number came from
the link you gave disprove those numbers
Ex the british estimates claimed the farmining group in gibilay were 100k
Now let me show the numbers of the largest sub group inside sacad muse

16k men:cryinglaughsmiley:
This head count study was done in 1960
How could they number 50k men in in 1944 but 16k men in 1960:pachah1:

Sxb, could u please take a clearer pic of this particular page and repost it when you get a chance bro. I can't read some of the text on it.


Somaliland patriot
This level of fake news.Ever since the DP World deal happened these guys have completely lost it.:dead:


Somaliland patriot
Let's look at the reality these shoe cleaning jebertis want to hide , remind you Hargeisa was bombed to the ground in 1988 when you look at these

Jeberti Puntland "Capital" Garowe


:mjlol: just a sea of recycle bins

Hargeisa :



There's more people in that little square than in Puntland :mjlol:






Let's not even move onto other punani cities unless you want to see recycle bin tuulo and coastline pictures
Anyone who visted Somaliland and Puntland can tell you which one is a tuulo.Legit even Mugadishu is better developed than Puntland.:pachah1:
Why you guys arguing over population, does it even matter... Go develop all Somali nations at it stands are pieces of shit you all hype up your ends for sentimental reasons.

Like you would think I say Somaliland is developed know it isn't bit by a long where the state taxes and don't do shit it's supposed to be a lifeline for those in Poverty but they give themselves inflated salaries while their citizens are dying of hungry.

The mayor of Hargeisa is a bigger c*nt, he went on accusing people that the pictures of all the rubbish after it rained was stages to Shame him by putting rubbish on streets on purpose. This mug 10yrs having that title he's got nothing to show for it. No infrastructure no services. As all developments are private and the easy shit to do he begs NGO to donate has a ceremony like he done it
Hahahahaha , imagine blaming the people you're supposed to help.
Are these people really that delushional? Puntland isn't even bigger than southwest State let alone Somaliland. The inferiority complex you guys have is hilarious.

Puntland population estimate in 2016 was 2.2 million. Here:

If you add Bari, Nugaal and half of Mudug which puntland control is around 2 million. But when you add Awdal, Woqooyi Galbeed, Togdheer, Sanaag and Sool is twice the size of Puntland or even higher. The source you have shown claims the whole Mudug, the whole Sanaag and the whole Sool. So you're basically claiming Habar Gidir lands, Habar Yoonis lands and Habar Jeclo lands according to your source. You really are pathetic.

There are estimations of Somaliland being 4 million. Hargeisa alone is more than one million and is bigger than all 4 major cities of Puntland. Although (Galkayo is shared with Galmudug)

Here is the source of Somaliland being 4 million. Here:

You've been debunked again you incompetent pathological liar.
thanks to the corrupt gass the whole galgacyo will be my fellow hg lands .
you will see in the coming puntlanders are already giving their daughters to the Hg warriors it already has begun.:siilaanyolaugh:


A typical Somali
  1. Don't worry no one coming to that semi-desert dusty HIV ridden town.
Hargeysa will definitely fall in the hands of Oromo in the next few years, I guarantee you.:bell:
You keep talking about hiv but you f*ck Niggas in the ass the only one spreading aids is you you sick disease infested tired of seeing ur posts u kill it before it breeds !!! We don’t need ur type of people in existence let alone on Somali spot go to more suitable site for u and leave Somali spot alone khanis I’m sure no one on here wants to listen to a who fucks Madow niggas with a wig for weed
Says the Somaliland slave who is now currencly becoming a minority in your own Sool region against the Habar Jeclo clan. You are colonized, marginalizedand persecuted by Somaliland. You have no authority to talk to me you filthy adoon of Somaliland.

Not to mention the fact that I'm from Galmudug where it's peaceful, stable and have their own strong security protecting their own civilians. There is no Amison in Galmudug state so try harder you filthy slave of Somaliland.
say wallahi hes dhullo ? lmaof ,the slaves of somaliland cant have no say in somali discussion. the way the man rides for majereerten i thought he was mj .poor soul is a dhullo .he should get his mj and dhullo familly thats stuck in xamar idp camp .they got xamar smelling .atleast they giving the amisom soldiers some entertainment with their jeberti vagina . once amisom leaves they will be evicted to the desert they come from.


Why you acting like you guys aren’t fighting each other on your forums. On that mereja site I remember someone posted it here before and all I saw was amhara vs tigray vs oromo
We don’t hate each other as Somalians tho. The only thing that unites us is patriotism
Punaniland aka Bermuda triangle garowe , Bosaso, galkacyo ...oh wait only half galkacyo :lolbron: and somaliland stationed 60 km outside Garowe :siilaanyolaugh: we should take it and make Puntland just Bosaso and half galkacyo :mjlol:
the whole galkacyo and mudug belongs to somalia not puntland. they would be left with bosaso :lolbron:
where would the capitol of puntland be when garowe falls to somaliland and galgkacyo joins somalia ?
We don’t hate each other as Somalians tho. The only thing that unites us is patriotism

Can you claim all your Oromo and habeshi mongrel people from underpopulated Somaliland and take them back to the moutains with you. We'll get along just fine when they leave.
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