Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed was the greatest president to have conquered Somalia.

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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Even after the eithiopian invasion AY couldn’t step a foot in xamar he was called villa baydhabo

And no abdiqasim ruled from villa Somalia

The first Daroad President to rule from xamar after the civil war is Farmaajo and that’s with the blessing of hawiye

And the reason you were able to visit xamar is also because of hawiye lack of cuqdad

Basically eithpoia toppled the ICU (multi tribal)

And hizbul Islam (HG) took over xamar

Abdiqassim never set foot in Villa Somalia :westbrookwtf:


Xamar Living
Did I lie when I said that sacaad

See it was that easy to bring the qabyalaad within you bro :siilaanyolaugh:

One minute talking about how somalis should overcome qabilism and then the next second talk like “Xamar unuka leh” and repeat of 1991.

To answer your question, No i don’t want a repeat of 1991 since I have cousins who are hawiye and HG and we all now that most victims to USC were other Hawiyes :farmajoyaab:
Xamar is a hawiye city sxb

Saying that ain’t qabyalaad
Xamar is a hawiye city sxb

Saying that ain’t qabyalaad

Difference between saying that the majority of the people living in xamar are hawiye and saying that Xamar is a hawiye city. A capital city belongs to every citizen of a country. You can say that Jowhar is a hawiye city or Cabuudwaaq is a Darood city but the national capital doesn’t belong to any group. Try again sxb


Xamar Living
Difference between saying that the majority of the people living in xamar are hawiye and saying that Xamar is a hawiye city. A capital city belongs to every citizen of a country. You can say that Jowhar is a hawiye city or Cabuudwaaq is a Darood city but the national capital doesn’t belong to any group. Try again sxb
Nah xamar is a hawiye city

It’s common knowledge

Anyone regardless of qabil and political affiliation can settle and invest in xamar
Nah xamar is a hawiye city

It’s common knowledge

Anyone regardless of qabil and political affiliation can settle and invest in xamar

:mjlol: How are you going to claim the city for Hawiye when your people, and many other Hawiyes don't live there?

I be able to kind of understand you if were abgaal :mjlol: But your a mooryaan.


Xamar Living
:mjlol: How are you going to claim the city for Hawiye when your people, and many other Hawiyes don't live there?

I be able to kind of understand you if were abgaal :mjlol: But your a mooryaan.
HG live there in heavy numbers 4 districts of xamar are exclusively HG
Abdullahi Yuusuf had a sad ending.

He was forced to resign and aborted the presidency prematurely after sidelined by the international community, his own PM Nuur Adde and Ethiopia.

Humiliatingly for him Kenya threatened to freeze and take over his families and associates assets and tried to bare him and his closest confidants to set foot there!

Ethiopia made side deals to withdraw and were not listening to him on months preferring to deal with the opposition instead and finally putting the dagger and nail on his coffin by announcing that they will withdraw.

Faced with pressure from all sides he resigned and left soldiers and their families behind to fend themselves. Some made it back others found sanctuary in Abdiqeybdiid‘s hotel and placed themselves under his protection.

Abdullahi and the people who made it on the plane hastily everyone not wanting to be left behind came back to Puntland and had to leave the country altogether where he went to exile in Yemen.

Not a happy ending and he certainly had grudges and regret against the Ethiopians, International Community and Nuur Adde!



Xamar Living
Classic mooryaan. Claiming Mogadishu, Merka, and Gaalkacyo for his clan. :mjlol:

lmao. And tell us, which 4 districts are HG?

Is this nigga saying HG don’t live in xamar :wtf:



Xamar Ja jab


Even othe districts HG share with other clans
The above account is how it personally impacted Abdullahi Yuusuf, he was seen at the end as an spoiler and obstacle to peace by the same people (Inter. community read USA) who used him with the support of Ethiopia to get rid of the ICU!

Ironically he later on refused to get in line when they were forcing him to be lame duck and dealing only with his PM.

However he had to accept and chose to resign and walk away after he was threatened!


Xamar Living
The capital city per definition does not belong to a certain group... Xamar is a somali city with a majority hawiye population, no more and no less
Well yeah if we’re being PC xamar “doesn’t belong to anyone”

But let’s be real we all know who xamar belongs to


Well yeah if we’re being PC xamar “doesn’t belong to anyone”

But let’s be real we all know who xamar belongs to
Well... even if my family lives in Mogadishu, I don’t feel like I should have the monopoly on it. It’s the capital of Somalia, so technically everyone, regardless of their clan, should be able to live there.
Well yeah if we’re being PC xamar “doesn’t belong to anyone”

But let’s be real we all know who xamar belongs to

Walle your parents weey kugu khasareen runti. You’re probably born and raised in qurbaha and still acting and talking like some buffoon from baadiyaha with nothing else than his qabiil to be proud of.

Even if I agreed with you that Xamar belongs to hawiye, what’s there too be proud of?

We are still the most corrupt country on the planet.

We are still among the countries with the highest maternal and infant mortality.

We have a gdp per capita of less than 500 dollars a year.

Our cities are still underdeveloped and in a bad shape compared to the rest of the world.

But no, let’s argue who owns what city and what region in a country which has been a failed state for almost 30 years.

I used to think that as soon as these old warlords and tribalists die, we the younger generations who were born after burbuurka would rebuild dalkeena and forget petty qabyaalad. But it seems we are still a long way from that.

I don’t remember who wrote this on somalispot but I agree with him/her that a benevolent dictatorship with hard repression of tribalism and forced marriages and forced resettlements of different qabiils is the only way forward in the 21st century if we don’t want to go under as a nation the coming 50 years.

And if I’ve said something bad against anyone and engaged in qabyaalad I apologize in advance. Wallahi I would throw away my qabiil in a blink of a second if a movement started in Somalia where soomaalinimo was the foundation with which to build a country. And I would support any leader who was genuine in his efforts to build our country no matter his or her qabiil
To the guys and girls praying for Abdullahi Yusuf:

A- What do you guys think of the children, men and women who died under his rule in Muqdisho? Do you relatives of Abdullahi Yusuf and his clansmen think Allah will forgo giving justice to these Somalis or God being just will make Abdullahi Yusuf Account for his role as a leader like everybody else will have to account for their deeds?

B- Would you accept if someone prayed for Aydid the same way you are praying For Abduallahi Yusuf.

Honest answers.
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