Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed was the greatest president to have conquered Somalia.

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Does Yusuf think 1977 war was a defeat for Somalia?
Obviously it was a defeat. He counselled siad barre in mog before they even started losing captured territory. Siad barre refused all of the colonels wise words. Siad barre should have been held liable for the loss of the war.
Okay, so this is interesting. I have been listening to Abduallahi's Yusuf's interview , an hour plus long each to learn some history. In one of the videos, at the 7th minute, he was talking about him and Aydid and here is how the interview went:

Q- Talk about the time you were released from jail.

A- Abdullahi Yusuf: It was around Oct 21st in 1975. We were released from Jail.

Q- Wait, who accompanied you?

A- Abdullahi yusuf: "Oh, it was me and Aydid. We spent three years in MANDERA Prison, Four months in Barawe, And two years in the Central Prison in Muqdisho(Five years total). So we had a long talk with Siyad Barre All night who called us traitors and faithless men who did harm to Somalis. We had a long debate defending ourselves, me and Aydid. Three hours left for the night, Siyad Barre said despite your talk, you are still the same faithless traitors and you never repented from being jailed apparently but here is the deal: Siyad says: Both of you will head two different departments. Abdullahi, you will head FIAT. And you Aidid: You will head ASPIN.

Abdullahi Yusuf: Aydid's office and my Office were opposite buildings. So I assume this was done to keep eyes on us. We could see who went in and out of our offices anyway. I did well for my department and ran it effectively, Aydid who was my friend did the same and ran his department very well".

Here is the Video: I stopped at 7th minute for this one. You can help yourself. I am running out of time and can't listen to the rest. It is interesting to hear Abduallhi Yusus Talk. I had no idea he was friends with Aydid they were both arrested together in each prison for that long and both were given positions by Siyad Barre after their release. I don't know if Abduallhi Yusuf will say something about Aydid Subsequently, but if you listen before I get to it later, let us know.

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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Col. Amsalu, a former student of Gen. Demissie Bulto at the Harar Military Academy and who was imprisoned by Mengistu because of his support for the coup, talked about the tension between Gen. Demissie and the Mengistu regime and the Gen. Demissie’s effort to ameliorate the effects of some of the policies within the army. Gen. Wassihun described the strength of the Somalian army that invaded Southern Ethiopia through Bale and Sidamo and its hand picked leader Col. Abdulahi Yussef (who was president of the transitional government of Somalia until recently). When Gen. Demissie was appointed commander of the Southern Corps, the Somalian Army was only 60 KM from Awasa.

Col. Abdulahi’s army was marching to Addis Ababa emboldened by his success at controlling vast territories and dawning of Ethiopian fighter jets and capturing the famous Ethiopian fighter jet pilot, Col. Legesse Tefera. It took three days for the then Col. Demissie Bulto to reorganize the retreat ting Ethiopian army, turn it into a fighting force, and drive the Somlian army beyond the border. Gen. Wassihun concluded that what prevented the elite Somalian force and its prized leader was the strong leadership of Gen. Demissie and the heroic deeds of many under his command. The military operation in the South against the Somalian army is one of the marbles yet to be chronicled in the annals of war in Ethiopian history.


What a legend :salute:
f*ck this dick sucker he executed my uncle the snake also set us up
عَنْ عَائِشَةَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهَا قَالَتْ قَالَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ لَا تَسُبُّوا الْأَمْوَاتَ فَإِنَّهُمْ قَدْ أَفْضَوْا إِلَى مَا قَدَّمُوا

في رواية أبي داود قال إِذَا مَاتَ صَاحِبُكُمْ فَدَعُوهُ لاَ تَقَعُوا فِيهِ

1329 صحيح البخاري كتاب الجنائز باب ما ينهى من سب الأموات

Aisha reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Do not abuse the dead, for they have reached what they put forward.

In another narration, the Prophet said, “When your companion dies, then leave him alone without speaking badly about him.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 1329

He did a great job killing a lot of useless hawyie. We need to put him on our currency and erect a memorial in his honor.

Rest in peace, great general of generals.

Blessed by thy name and memory, great Abdullahi Yusuf.

He might have had political disagreements with other Somalis, but for him the flag and unity of Somalia were always nonnegotiable. Whatever the costs.

When the Ethiopian government insisted on hoisting its Ethiopian flag over the two Somali towns the Front had captured with its support, the Front’s commander, Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed, refused and, after escaping an Ethiopian government attempt on his life that killed three of his bodyguards, was imprisoned. The Ethiopian army surrounded and tried to exterminate the Front. While many of its fighters were killed or imprisoned and others melted into the nomadic population of the region, a sizable group of gfhters broke free from the Ethiopian army and, deciding to trust their fate to Barre rather than Mengistu, reentered Somalia.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary

Blessed by thy name and memory, great Abdullahi Yusuf.

He might have had political disagreements with other Somalis, but for him the flag and unity of Somalia were always nonnegotiable. Whatever the costs.

When the Ethiopian government insisted on hoisting its Ethiopian flag over the two Somali towns the Front had captured with its support, the Front’s commander, Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed, refused and, after escaping an Ethiopian government attempt on his life that killed three of his bodyguards, was imprisoned. The Ethiopian army surrounded and tried to exterminate the Front. While many of its fighters were killed or imprisoned and others melted into the nomadic population of the region, a sizable group of gfhters broke free from the Ethiopian army and, deciding to trust their fate to Barre rather than Mengistu, reentered Somalia.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Keenadiid also conquered mudug by kissing feet of Italians.
Somethings never change

Fake news. :mjlol:

Sultan Keenadiid (aun) conquered Mudug before his Sultanate became an Italian protectorate. It was actually your ancestors who wanted direct Italian rule and served as part of the colonial troops (Dubats) to bring the Sultanate down in the 1920s.:drakekidding:


DalJecel the DhafoorQiiq
Fake news. :mjlol:

Sultan Keenadiid (aun) conquered Mudug before his Sultanate became an Italian protectorate. It was actually your ancestors who wanted direct Italian rule and served as part of the colonial troops (Dubats) to bring the Sultanate down in the 1920s.:drakekidding:
That backfired eh:westbrookswag:
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