A civil war will break out if Farmajo comes back again

Lets continue to talk more facts sxb instead of Low-IQ insults :nvjpqts:

Now lets talk about Deegaanka S/Hoose you call home, even in your home Beesha HG have most Heavyweight Positions in all both Security (Police, Army and NISA) and Political High Posts.

Awooda Beesha HG ee Shabeelada hoose.

1)#Gudoomiyaha shalaanbood waa HG .

2)#Gudoomoye ku xigeenka marka waa .HG

3)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka baraawe waa HG .

4)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka janaale waa HG .

5)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka qoryooleey waa HG .

6)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka afgooye iyo Kuxigeenka Lafoole (Celesha Biyaha) waa HG .

7)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka amniga shabeelada hoose waa HG ..

8)#Taliyaha ciidanka daraawiishta shabeelada hoose waa HG .

9)#Taliyaha guutada 14ka abriil ee shabeelada hoose waaa HG .

10)#Taliyaha Ururka 26aad ee marka iyo shalaanbood waa HG .

11)# Taliyaha guutada 6aad iyo 7aad ee shabeelada hoose waa HG .

12) #Taliyaha ciidanka SNA iyo NISA shabeelada hoose waa HG

and there are so many more other jago iyo xilil culus Beesha HG have in S/hoose.

We can continue to speak facts if you want sxb, but lets just refrain the cheap insults, or else aan kala tagno and you can keep begging Majerteens to save you from HGs as you posted above.

Mr anyax when did I beg majerteens?
Did I offend you when I said HG shouldnt lead ?
What I said is popular belive amongst somalis.
What you wrote on top is exactly what's wrong with the country , your brainless anyax clan are too much represented in politics even tho you dont have any population in shabelleh hoose .
I blame Clans like wacdan cisman , hintire , sheikhael , reer mataan, slicis gorgarte for not being into politics . That will change soon .

Let's get back to the discussion which leader amongst your anyax clan ever lead Somalia to anything good ?
The only time your anyax ppl lead was laheloow and the other guy that tried to lead Somalia in kenyate hotel
Mr anyax when did I beg majerteens?
Did I offend you when I said HG shouldnt lead ?
What I said is popular belive amongst somalis.
What you wrote on top is exactly what's wrong with the country , your brainless anyax clan are too much represented in politics even tho you dont have any population in shabelleh hoose .
I blame Clans like wacdan cisman , hintire , sheikhael , reer mataan, slicis gorgarte for not being into politics . That will change soon .

Let's get back to the discussion which leader amongst your anyax clan ever lead Somalia to anything good ?
The only time your anyax ppl lead was laheloow and the other guy that tried to lead Somalia in kenyate hotel

Enough lets stop here, im not going to participate with an low-IQ individual who only knows cheap insults instead of intellectual debate, im gone so please continue begging humiliatingly the majerteens to save you from HGs, smh walahi you are Pathetic!

MT Foxtrot

The same people threatening civil war for delayed elections are now threatening civil war if their preferred candidates doesn't win. You can't make this shit up.

@Bariire if Hgs hate Majeerten that much why are they not attacking Puntland’s borders why always attack innocent Marehans living in Galgadud region :cosbyhmm:

Habar Gidir has attacked Puntland from 1991 until 2019/2020, they just couldn't expand beyond Baraxley, that's the real reason they pretend to want peace in Gaalkacyo. As I type this, Puntite troops are in Galmudug fighting AlShabab since they can't do it themselves.

HG either bully small-medium sized clans or unarmed civilians, that's the truth about HG if you study their military 'wins'.


We won’t have civil war again, we have come too far to go back to anarchy. We will be just fine :)
@Bariire if Hgs hate Majeerten that much why are they not attacking Puntland’s borders why always attack innocent Marehans living in Galgadud region :cosbyhmm:

Sxb you overestimate mjs while underestimate mx, Beesha HG fights Mx over lands as they fight back hard, while with Mjs its more technical, meaning mjs dont really fight back they simply welcome you to settle in their deegaans with open arms, and this very move has puzzled and bewitched us HGs into a standhold.

By example, when you say HGs dont attack Puntland borders, what borders do you mean as HG are already deep inside Northern Mudug next to Burtinle, you see Hg and MJs have love/hate open relationship unlike with MX its more hate and than love closed relationship kkkk.

look at the Pictures/Videos below at Galmudugs frontier deep in Northern Mudug, Puntlands border has long ago been penetrated by HG/GM!


Sawirada Ceelka Biyaha ee Sarjimaale oo Dhawan Galmudug ay Hirgalisay Sida Dadka iyo Xoolaha Ay uga Faaideysanayaan​

Galmudug MPs led by Minister Yonis




Balibusle Jariibaan North Mudug, here is our GM MUdug governor preaching mjs shacab is-dhax gal and integration kkkk

Here is Jeexdin a deegaan 25-30KM North of Galkacyo which has Galmudug Mayor and Military Station;

This wee our Soldiers brought water for the reer baadiyaha in Jeexdiin under abaar;

Here is Dhinowda (which is only 10KM outside garacad Port) under Galmudug, there is GM Military Base there, and here below is GM MPs, Ministers and Governors in Dhinowda;

Enough lets stop here, im not going to participate with an low-IQ individual who only knows cheap insults instead of intellectual debate, im gone so please continue begging humiliatingly the majerteens to save you from HGs, smh walahi you are Pathetic!

You dont even hide your inferiority towards your former masters .
I never once begged mj . All I said is your clan and others shouldnt lead while mudulood ,mj , beesha shanaad and digil should always lead. Where did I beg your former masters ?
They are your abtis ,you broder them and they are at the moment inside galmaduug to assist you from al shabaab . I'm not the one that's being assisted by them nor do I beg them

I'm trying to have a civilized talk with you and even asked you a simple question !?
" when did your people ever lead anything good " .show me one leader of yours who didnt destroy or xaar all over the country. You cant answer it but instead you deflect it to "begging merteens" smh


β€œI am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Sxb you overestimate mjs while underestimate mx, Beesha HG fights Mx over lands as they fight back hard, while with Mjs its more technical, meaning mjs dont really fight back they simply welcome you to settle in their deegaans with open arms, and this very move has puzzled and bewitched us HGs into a standhold.

By example, when you say HGs dont attack Puntland borders, what borders do you mean as HG are already deep inside Northern Mudug next to Burtinle, you see Hg and MJs have love/hate open relationship unlike with MX its more hate and than love closed relationship kkkk.

look at the Pictures/Videos below at Galmudugs frontier deep in Northern Mudug, Puntlands border has long ago been penetrated by HG/GM!

View attachment 207622

Sawirada Ceelka Biyaha ee Sarjimaale oo Dhawan Galmudug ay Hirgalisay Sida Dadka iyo Xoolaha Ay uga Faaideysanayaan​

Galmudug MPs led by Minister Yonis
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View attachment 207627

Balibusle Jariibaan North Mudug, here is our GM MUdug governor preaching mjs shacab is-dhax gal and integration kkkk

Here is Jeexdin a deegaan 25-30KM North of Galkacyo which has Galmudug Mayor and Military Station;

This wee our Soldiers brought water for the reer baadiyaha in Jeexdiin under abaar;

Here is Dhinowda (which is only 10KM outside garacad Port) under Galmudug, there is GM Military Base there, and here below is GM MPs, Ministers and Governors in Dhinowda;

People always think MX vs HG in GM is a fair fight when its a small section of MX vs HG in their hometurf. Its not and will never be a fair fight. Peace is in our interest.
You dont even hide your inferiority towards your former masters .
I never once begged mj . All I said is your clan and others shouldnt lead while mudulood ,mj , beesha shanaad and digil should always lead. Where did I beg your former masters ?
They are your abtis ,you broder them and they are at the moment inside galmaduug to assist you from al shabaab . I'm not the one that's being assisted by them nor do I beg them

I'm trying to have a civilized talk with you and even asked you a simple question !?
" when did your people ever lead anything good " .show me one leader of yours who didnt destroy or xaar all over the country. You cant answer it but instead you deflect it to "begging merteens" smh

Nobody can prove that Kees's mother is MJ, don't associate our name with him.

To my MJ ladies browsing here.

*Majeerteen women shouldn't marry other ethnic groups in Somalia. You are queens, don't consort with males who are not Puntites. Look at what happened to Ilhan Omar, learn from her and don't go down that path and end up with a daciif male who has an insecurity complex with your clan.
If Mrcheesman gets a 2nd term there won't be a civil war like who's going to fight and risk their life for dumb kursi and allow AS to get more territories in Somalia possibly even lay a siege to Xamar. So cool down with the unnecessary fearmongering.


Habar yar why did you delete this post of yours kkkkk, everything i stated above is Pure 100% Facts GM has penetrated North Mudug long ago.

and also Habar yar just because i support me and my tols interest doesn't mean i hate Abtiyaal Mjs, even the Dhullos like @Hot Ballah i FKD who are my seediyaal doesn't mean i hate Dhullos, heck i even FKD with my fellow HAGs brothers like @Woke1.4rm.Shibis doesn't mean i hate my HAG family.

So Habar yar please is-diji and relax, not everything is serious.
Nobody can prove that Kees's mother is MJ, don't associate our name with him.

To my MJ ladies browsing here.

*Majeerteen women shouldn't marry other ethnic groups in Somalia. You are queens, don't consort with males who are not Puntites. Look at what happened to Ilhan Omar, learn from her and don't go down that path and end up with a daciif male who has an insecurity complex with your clan.
FKD aside walahi i love my Abtiyaal/Habr yar Family, always did and always will, so please calm down is-diji abaayo.
If Mrcheesman gets a 2nd term there won't be a civil war like who's going to fight and risk their life for dumb kursi and allow AS to get more territories in Somalia possibly even lay a siege to Xamar. So cool down with the unnecessary fearmongering.
Trust me alot of people rather have Alshabab than Farmaajo's second term.
Sxb you overestimate mjs while underestimate mx, Beesha HG fights Mx over lands as they fight back hard, while with Mjs its more technical, meaning mjs dont really fight back they simply welcome you to settle in their deegaans with open arms, and this very move has puzzled and bewitched us HGs into a standhold.

By example, when you say HGs dont attack Puntland borders, what borders do you mean as HG are already deep inside Northern Mudug next to Burtinle, you see Hg and MJs have love/hate open relationship unlike with MX its more hate and than love closed relationship kkkk.

look at the Pictures/Videos below at Galmudugs frontier deep in Northern Mudug, Puntlands border has long ago been penetrated by HG/GM!

View attachment 207622

Sawirada Ceelka Biyaha ee Sarjimaale oo Dhawan Galmudug ay Hirgalisay Sida Dadka iyo Xoolaha Ay uga Faaideysanayaan​

Galmudug MPs led by Minister Yonis
View attachment 207625
View attachment 207624
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View attachment 207627

Balibusle Jariibaan North Mudug, here is our GM MUdug governor preaching mjs shacab is-dhax gal and integration kkkk

Here is Jeexdin a deegaan 25-30KM North of Galkacyo which has Galmudug Mayor and Military Station;

This wee our Soldiers brought water for the reer baadiyaha in Jeexdiin under abaar;

Here is Dhinowda (which is only 10KM outside garacad Port) under Galmudug, there is GM Military Base there, and here below is GM MPs, Ministers and Governors in Dhinowda;

Very interesting although I neither overestimate nor underestimate a particular tribe.
Thats the problem sxb, who or which clan is strong enough to ban them from Politics?

Remember HG itself has 80% landmass of all Hawiyes combined in Somalia plus the only relevant Hawiye to have its own state, as everyone knows Hirshabelle is a Samaale majority State as @Kheyre will tell you that too.

In Somalia what HG wants, HG gets.
Hg wanted presidency back in 1991 why didn’t It get that🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣.Abgaal held presidency for the next 7 years whilst you lot were having a tantrum looting masaakin in places such as afgooye as a result. Saaxib the clan who produced the most presidents and have the most crucial tribal territories are the strongest and most politically influential in the country. Stop the lies warya.
Habar Gidir has attacked Puntland from 1991 until 2019/2020, they just couldn't expand beyond Baraxley, that's the real reason they pretend to want peace in Gaalkacyo. As I type this, Puntite troops are in Galmudug fighting AlShabab since they can't do it themselves.

HG either bully small-medium sized clans or unarmed civilians, that's the truth about HG if you study their military 'wins'.
amisom presidents hold more weight than ali mahdi madax isku sheeg. :russ:
Point is that at a time when only β€˜which clan is the strongest in war’ mattered, Abgaal/mudulood came through victorious and managed to be internationally recognised as holding presidency. The country was a free for all at the time and Abgaal showed who was boss
Nobody can prove that Kees's mother is MJ, don't associate our name with him.

To my MJ ladies browsing here.

*Majeerteen women shouldn't marry other ethnic groups in Somalia. You are queens, don't consort with males who are not Puntites. Look at what happened to Ilhan Omar, learn from her and don't go down that path and end up with a daciif male who has an insecurity complex with your clan.

I'm sure who he is who he says he is , why would he lie ?
Besides his anyax variant border and intermarry alot with your ppl .
All his unverified news and faan comes from his mj side πŸ˜€.
I sometimes have hard time differentiating from your ppl and his ppl , both have the same reer badiyo accent , both of your ethnicities are also skinny blick and and have very thin wrists
I'm sure who he is who he says he is , why would he lie ?
Besides his anyax variant border and intermarry alot with your ppl .
All his unverified news and faan comes from his mj side πŸ˜€.
I sometimes have hard time differentiating from your ppl and his ppl , both have the same reer badiyo accent , both of your ethnicities are also skinny blick and and have very thin wrists

All Africans are Black, especially your own subclan, but you are the weirdo who made embarrassing comments about Arabs marrying your subclan as if you think they are a special breed. It's usually unattractive males who are darkskinned themselves who make colourist remarks, so check your self-hate.

As for insulting the Mudug accent, are you joking? That's beautiful Af-Soomaali, not the bastardised, broke, patois 'xuu xaa' you speak. That has to be the most ludicrous 'insult' I have seen thus far, LOL
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