Your vaccine team?

Team Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson, or AstraZeneca?

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I put my life and my health in Allah S.W.T hands and so I've taken the AstraZeneca vaccine twice and Alhamdulilah nothing has happened to me.

There's no reason to be afraid of a vaccine, it is just medicine in the end and true health comes from Allah Azza wa jalla.

Got rid of the inflammatory language, lol, let's now see the poll change.

Al Muslim

الموت لامريكا الموت لإسرائيل
"You're a conspiritard if you don't want to take a newly developed vaccine from companies you cannot sue due to government legislation if harm befalls you"

It's all so tiresome, I am perfectly healthy alhamdulillah and I won't be taking a vaccine which I don't know the long term effects of.


"You're a conspiritard if you don't want to take a newly developed vaccine from companies you cannot sue due to government legislation if harm befalls you"

It's all so tiresome, I am perfectly healthy alhamdulillah and I won't be taking a vaccine which I don't know the long term effects of.

Enjoy Covid-22 sponsored by Microsoft and the Chinese Communist Party.

Not getting vaccinated = putting your faith into this man and his shady laboratories.


Al Muslim

الموت لامريكا الموت لإسرائيل
Enjoy Covid-22 sponsored by Microsoft and the Chinese Communist Party.

I actually suspect the chinese purposely released it, perhaps to ruin western economies. I could be wrong as I am just speculating. It's certainly not something they are morally above doing.


chinese eating bats gave us covid 19. ha yaabin if they eat dameer and give us covid 20. :mjlol:

It obviously came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. They got Covid-22 or Covid-23 ready to mess with the insubordinate freedom fighters.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
You are not worried about mutant covids?

Chances of them releasing a virulent mutant covid are greater than it causing the vaccinated to get worse health.

My risk tolerance is high when it comes to this virus or future weaponized strains. I'd prefer keeping away from them through limiting interactions and cultivating
the right biological milieu of a strong defense. I favour that over possible vaccine injury from PEG.


My risk tolerance is high when it comes to this virus or future weaponized strains. I'd prefer keeping away from them through limiting interactions and cultivating
the right biological milieu of a strong defense. I favour that over vaccine injury from PEG.

You can now vote with dignity, lol, removed the trollish language.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
I'm going to have to be vaccinated unfortunately.


I'll take any mRNA but no way am I mixing vaccines. They're doing that here. I will throw hands if my second dose is different.

"Whatever vaccine is available is the best one". Bullshit. Now they're having mixed messages regarding AZ.
I may have to take it too to travel without quarantine hotels, we have lost the fight :kendrickcry:


"Show respect to all people, but grovel to none"

The propaganda outlets throwing "Rare" in there. it's not rare, it's everywhere