Yemeni YouTuber moves to Mogadishu

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Take the Poo to the loo
F**k that ayrab


Ew can these midgets go back to their sand shithole across the sea? Their Saudi brothers will welcome them with open arms. And by open arms I mean getting bombs dropped on their midget heads.



Says there are more job opportunities in Somalia than in Yemen

Somalis (from Somalia, non-diaspora) are extremely embarrassing around Arabs. They booty clap for Arabs hard in real life. Any Arab who goes to Somalia is put on a pedestal. It's disgusting.

It's the same phenomenon with White Guys in East Asia. Even fat ugly loser white guys are respected there.
Somalis (from Somalia, non-diaspora) are extremely embarrassing around Arabs. They booty clap for Arabs hard in real life. Any Arab who goes to Somalia is put on a pedestal. It's disgusting.

It's the same phenomenon with White Guys in East Asia. Even fat ugly loser white guys are respected there.
I honestly didn't even know Arabs coming to Somalia was a thing, and on top of that booty clapping for them...very shameful


I honestly didn't even know Arabs coming to Somalia was a thing, and on top of that booty clapping for them...very shameful

There are some Arabs in Somalia, mainly traders and some specialists (pharmacists, doctors etc).

However, even low-class dumb Arabs who go to Somalia are respected. It's really sad to see.
Somalis (from Somalia, non-diaspora) are extremely embarrassing around Arabs. They booty clap for Arabs hard in real life. Any Arab who goes to Somalia is put on a pedestal. It's disgusting.

It's the same phenomenon with White Guys in East Asia. Even fat ugly loser white guys are respected there.
Including me I booty clap for arabs
There are some Arabs in Somalia, mainly traders and some specialists (pharmacists, doctors etc).

However, even low-class dumb Arabs who go to Somalia are respected. It's really sad to see.
That is just appaling
I hope I don't come across that when I do visit Somalia in the future inshallah

Somalis really do need to start respecting themselves more, it's upsetting to see
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They get paid for being Arab in Somalia. That's enough for the Arab booty clappers.
Is it arab bootyclapping, or foreign bootyclapping in general?
Would a white, Chinese, Indian etc walking around Somalia not also be put on a pedestal/attract attention?
I think Somalis are just happy to see others visiting Somalia, view it as a sign of progress


There are some Arabs in Somalia, mainly traders and some specialists (pharmacists, doctors etc).

However, even low-class dumb Arabs who go to Somalia are respected. It's really sad to see.
So why do all the Yemeni refugees complain about Somalia and how they’re given nothing? They’ve even staged demonstrations.

What privileges do they enjoy?
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