Xalimos don’t sleep on suju men


@Hamdi<3 is a decent lady. I don't know her but she could be already married, meaning you're collecting sins by stating a married woman has another secret husband. That is crazy and gross.

Besides, it seems you guys are fixated on the sister because she doesn't agree with your "feninist", anti-Farax crusade.
Dw SHES not married just ask her out. I’ll help you dude! She’ll be your second wife

@Hamdi<3 if you want to you can become @Roorigeg second wife

nah we aren’t fixated on her we just know that’s you lmao


Do you guys really expect men to go 50/50 on house chores? I wouldn't mind helping the wife around the house here and there when she's in need but that's about it.:manny:
Men can’t clean anyways and are useless so you’re right in that sense.

I have OCD so I won’t trust any trash to clean shit up without my approval.

I like to clean with certain brands and with certain products so I either have to train the monkey or do shit myself. I’ll train him though because I am petty as hell
Men can’t clean anyways and are useless so you’re right in that sense.

I have OCD so I won’t trust any trash to clean shit up without my approval.

I like to clean with certain brands and with certain products so I either have to train the monkey or do shit myself. I’ll train him though because I am petty as hell
Inshallah I get a wife that's OCD so I don't have to worry about the house being clean.:lawd:


Inshallah I get a wife that's OCD so I don't have to worry about the house being clean.:lawd:
Wallahi don’t 💀 I just know me and my future husband will fight every day.

My OCD is so bad that it isn’t even normal, like just one small move and I flip out or get disgusted. I need to have everything as symmetrical as possible (even my food needs to be as clean & as symmetrical ass possible).

if you even do smt small as coughing near me I’ll panic lmao
Wallahi don’t 💀 I just know me and my future husband will fight every day.

My OCD is so bad that it isn’t even normal, like just one small move and I flip out or get disgusted. I need to have everything as symmetrical as possible (even my food needs to be as clean & as symmetrical ass possible).

if you even do smt small as coughing near me I’ll panic lmao
The sight of my wife panicking in her baati and making sure the house is clean while simultaneously cooking me food would warm my heart. I will do anything for her.:jcoleno:


The sight of my wife panicking in her baati and making sure the house is clean while simultaneously cooking me food would warm my heart. I will do anything for her.:jcoleno:
Sorry to burst your bubble but ocd people aren’t necessarily good cookers lmao.

Personally for me I eat similar meals, I am trying to have a difference but most of us like to stick with certain meals our whole life. They also are very careful with taste, smt that might taste bland to you might be too spicy for others (not necessarily my problem).


It’s the other way around actually. Seems like you and the xoxoxo chick are hanging on people.
just admit it’s you dude or just come out off the closet

Gay Hearts GIF
@Hamdi<3 is a decent lady. I don't know her but she could be already married, meaning you're collecting sins by stating a married woman has another secret husband. That is crazy and gross.

Besides, it seems you guys are fixated on the sister because she doesn't agree with your "feninist", anti-Farax crusade.
I’m not married I’m 18. that’s exactly why they are targeting me. I can tell this unbothered chick is clearly bored with her life so she’s gathering an army of women with her to come attack me all because of my beliefs. Subhanallah god help her
Wallahi don’t 💀 I just know me and my future husband will fight every day.

My OCD is so bad that it isn’t even normal, like just one small move and I flip out or get disgusted. I need to have everything as symmetrical as possible (even my food needs to be as clean & as symmetrical ass possible).

if you even do smt small as coughing near me I’ll panic lmao
I knew she was mental….


I’m not married I’m 18. that’s exactly why they are targeting me. I can tell this unbothered chick is clearly bored with her life so she’s gathering an army of women with her to come attack me all because of my beliefs. Subhanallah god help her
Aww boo-boo I’m attacking you just because you’re 18 🥺 well guess what? I’m 18 as well lmao and I’m pretty sure that the others are 18-19 or even younger.

nobody is attacking you either @Roorigeg, I’m making fun off you because you’re either a funny chick or a gay ass Farax, there’s nothing else.

gathering what army? Almost nobody except for yourself disagree with your opinion. You were the chick that said she would feel useless if you weren’t cleaning and cooking for your husband. How do you think your father would feel knowing his daughter only existence on this earth is to cook and clean for her baby boy instead of finishing up school, having a well paid job and taking care off her parents inshallah.


Can I seriously ask what in the world is wrong with you?? Are you mental, this is not how a lady acts.
I’m pretty good boo-boo! I could ask the same about you? Do you really feel the life Allah gave you to is useless because a man tells you he doesn’t need you to clean or cook for him? Or when a man turns you down would you think your life has no meaning because your soul only purpose on here is to serve a baby man?
Aww boo-boo I’m attacking you just because you’re 18 🥺 well guess what? I’m 18 as well lmao and I’m pretty sure that the others are 18-19 or even younger.

nobody is attacking you either @Roorigeg, I’m making fun off you because you’re either a funny chick or a gay ass Farax, there’s nothing else.

gathering what army? Almost nobody except for yourself disagree with your opinion. You were the chick that said she would feel useless if you weren’t cleaning and cooking for your husband. How do you think your father would feel knowing his daughter only existence on this earth is to cook and clean for her baby boy instead of finishing up school, having a well paid job and taking care off her parents inshallah.
No no not because of my age sorry I mistyped I was answering @Roorigeg. I was Trynna say you are attacking me because I don’t believe in your feminist propaganda.


I knew she was mental….
I’m mental because I have OCD?

I’m thankfully more hygienic, organised, well put together, intelligent & all around good compared to you alx ❤️ OCD might be a mental illness but it isn’t smt I am ashamed off at the end of the day.

you’re the only mental one out here who thinks her sole existence is to baby a man or else her living would be useless.


No no not because of my age sorry I mistyped I was answering @Roorigeg. I was Trynna say you are attacking me because I don’t believe in your feminist propaganda.
So I am a feminist just because I think my sole purpose in life is to not feel useless just because I can’t cook and clean for a baby man and I have much higher goals in life and I am motivated to make it?

that’s not what feminism is sweet heart. You’re the mental one out here who believes your sole existence would be useless if you aren’t able to take care of a man.
No no not because of my age sorry I mistyped I was answering @Roorigeg. I was Trynna say you are attacking me because I don’t believe in your feminist propaganda.
My family is well off trust me, and agin you are TAKING THINGS OUT OF CONTEXT. I was saying originally (open your ears so you don’t miss this) IF I WAS A HOUSE WIFE (And I had no job) AND MY HUSBAND WORKED FULL TIME. I WOULD FEEL USELESS IF I DIDNT COOK AND CLEAN.