Wtf is a Hamite?

Do you feel a connection to north Africans?

  • Hell no.

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • Yes, and I'll explain.

    Votes: 14 31.8%

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Ok I've seen a few people refer to Horn Africans and North Africans (Berbers) as Hamitic. I personally think it's stupid for a few reasons:

1. We have nothing in common with these North Africans.

2. We don't look like them or speak the same languages.

3. Most of them are arab, european, and black mixed mutts. They are not even full Berber anymore.

4. With other Horn Africans, at least we share a common gene pool and ancestry for us to conclude that we are related (Oromo, Afar, etc)

5. I don't want Somalis to associate with arabs.

That's pretty much it. I want to hear other people's opinions.

@Factz @Alt-Right-Cushite @Geeljire sanbuur @Sheikh @SOMALI GENERAL @RichEnoughForGucci @xalimathe6 @Crow @Reiko @Basra @AarHawd_7 @Dalmoor @Abdi-indhoyare @Xalimo from da block
Hamatic is bullshit just like the word cushitic infact I like the word hamatic more because it doesn't have shit in it.
Also I feel you're like the Somali version of Lauren southern a valley girl turned nationalist that thinks she's smart when in reality she's still as dumb as a brick
I don't really care for the Hamitic label tbh, although i'd be lying if i were to claim we have zero connections with North Africans. DNA has confirmed long ago that Cushites & Berbers descend from a common Eurasian population that entered Africa thousands of years ago.

One group went west into the Maghreb and became Berbers & the other went to the Nile Valley & eventually into the HOA; that's the group we descend from.
Hamatic is bullshit just like the word cushitic infact I like the word hamatic more because it doesn't have shit in it.
Also I feel you're like the Somali version of Lauren southern a valley girl turned nationalist that thinks she's smart when in reality she's still as dumb as a brick
You only think that way because you feel threatened by smart women. It makes you uncomfortable doesn't it?
Exactly it's so cringe when Somalis call themselves Hamites lmao. You don't want to be associated with Bantus but are completely fine in being associated with North Africans? Nah you're beg
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Hiatus✅ 1/18/21- ?
It's derived from (Ham) bibilical.

It's referred to Afro-asiatic language family; berbers, Egyptians, and Cushites..

That term doesn't exist now, it's bs story.. hamites, cushites, shemites, bla, bla, etc are all fake labels

We should only refer to ourselves as SOMALI
I'm fine with referring to Horn Africans as Cushitic, but definitely not Hamitic. I don't like the idea of identifying with either Bantus or Berbers/Arabs in general. I feel no kinship towards Madows or the dhegcas.
I agree, Cushitic is a more relevant term that can be used for our people & other Horners, since it accurately describes our racial phenotype.

Berbers have become too distant for us to have any meaningful connection with them.
If there was more accurately recorded ancient history of the North Africa -horn of Africa relationship then we can paint a clear section of the narrative that’s devoid of the racial classification argument of Somalis(picking black/Arab sides)
Read the biblical story of the curse of Ham (Hamites) and his sons Cush (Cushites) and Cannon. No Somali would call themselves these names if they knew the story.
They used to say that the Curse of Ham was what gave Africans our black skin.
I agree, Cushitic is a more relevant term that can be used for our people & other Horners, since it accurately describes our racial phenotype.

Berbers have become too distant for us to have any meaningful connection with them.
Exactly. We are one of the most ancient and unique races, not only in Africa, but in the whole world. If we identify only with other Horn Africans, eventually people will stop seeing us as Bantu-Arab hybrids. This will also stop the BLM Xalimos and Ayrab Farax wannabees from claiming either side.

If our politicians don't fight for the preservation of our race, we might find ourselves flooded with Bantu and Arab immigration in the future (demographic change is already happening as we speak). We'll become another Uganda or Sudan if we're not careful.


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
That term is outdated. Cushites, Egyptians and Berbers were categorised as Hamitic which was supposedly a sub group of the Caucasian race. We all know why some people continue to use this psuedo-historical bs :yacadiim:
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