Would you marry a non virgin person?

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:pachah1:Bro, why do you think so lowly of Abdis? It's like me condemning all Xalimos and making myself out to be the exception to the rule. That seems like an unfair assessment. Give them some credit. The Faraxs wouldn't they shag a table or a chair. And I don't think they've ventured into bestiality.


I have to admit that I shouldn’t lump all Abdi’s together, but when it comes to women, some do chase dirac nadiif ah and others don’t discriminate at all. Most Abdi’s that I met do belong to the latter. For them, pulling Dirac is a badge of honour. Any Dirac. Since our geeljirre ancestors and their descendants up to now hump she-camels for fun and experience, it is an open secret that strictly not shared with foreigners. We need someone to study our historical connection towards bestiality. Questions to ponder should be, do nomad Abdi’s only romance the she-camel or venture to other creatures? I can see an opportunity for a PHD candidacy there. The problem one will face is that we took an omertà oath on that topic. Denials till death. As for the tables and chairs, I heard the Canuck Abdi’s are wilder than all of us, bal warkooda I sii.
If someone pleads with Allah for forgiveness and has changed their ways I will also forgive them for their discrepancies.
If it's a question of virginity, what's the difference between a divorcee and someone who's popped their cherry before the marital rites? If it's not a question of virginity, why focus on that one sin instead of the many other sins one could name? Somali women don't register their marriages with the registrar and tell the government they are unmarried so they can collect more benefits for their children whilst pretending to be a single parent. This means they are calling their children bastards. Surely saying your kids are wecel, lying about your marriage, and cheating the tax payer off his hard earned money are all sins to be repented of as well.
I probably wouldn't marry a virgin ...I don't trust them. If a man reached a certain age and was incapable of establishing intimate relationships...it makes me wonder what sort of issues he has. If he is religious...I wouldn't want him either because we have different outlooks on life.
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