Would you abort you child if they were severely mentally and physically disabled?

Would you abort?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 41.4%
  • No

    Votes: 38 43.7%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 13 14.9%

  • Total voters
Wallahi its a sticky one I would abort if it’s early and the soul has entered the foetus. After that theres nothing u can do.
Ancient civilizations, such as Rome,[3] Athens[4] and Sparta, practiced infanticide through exposure and execution as a form of phenotypic selection. In Sparta, newborns were inspected by the city's elders, who decided the fate of the infant. If the child was deemed incapable of living, it was usually exposed[5][6] in the Apothetae near the Taygetus mountain. As of 2007, the dumping of infants near Mount Taygete has been called into question due to a lack of physical evidence. Anthropologist Theodoros Pitsios' research has found only bodies of adolescents up to the age of approximately 35. [7][8]

The Twelve Tables of Roman Law, established early in the formation of the Roman Republic, stated in the fourth table that deformed children must be put to death. In addition, patriarchs in Roman society were given the right to "discard" infants at their discretion. This was often done by drowning undesired newborns in the Tiber River. Commenting on the Roman practice of eugenics, the philosopher Seneca wrote that: "We put down mad dogs; we kill the wild, untamed ox; we use the knife on sick sheep to stop their infecting the flock; we destroy abnormal offspring at birth; children, too, if they are born weak or deformed, we drown. Yet this is not the work of anger, but of reason – to separate the sound from the worthless".[13] The practice of open infanticide in the Roman Empire did not subside until its Christianization,


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Ancient civilizations, such as Rome,[3] Athens[4] and Sparta, practiced infanticide through exposure and execution as a form of phenotypic selection. In Sparta, newborns were inspected by the city's elders, who decided the fate of the infant. If the child was deemed incapable of living, it was usually exposed[5][6] in the Apothetae near the Taygetus mountain. As of 2007, the dumping of infants near Mount Taygete has been called into question due to a lack of physical evidence. Anthropologist Theodoros Pitsios' research has found only bodies of adolescents up to the age of approximately 35. [7][8]

The Twelve Tables of Roman Law, established early in the formation of the Roman Republic, stated in the fourth table that deformed children must be put to death. In addition, patriarchs in Roman society were given the right to "discard" infants at their discretion. This was often done by drowning undesired newborns in the Tiber River. Commenting on the Roman practice of eugenics, the philosopher Seneca wrote that: "We put down mad dogs; we kill the wild, untamed ox; we use the knife on sick sheep to stop their infecting the flock; we destroy abnormal offspring at birth; children, too, if they are born weak or deformed, we drown. Yet this is not the work of anger, but of reason – to separate the sound from the worthless".[13] The practice of open infanticide in the Roman Empire did not subside until its Christianization,

The historical narrative of Islam also basically claims that Islam eliminated infanticide among Arabs. The abrahamic faiths are pretty humane in a lot of ways compared to some pagan cults. Human sacrifice is another thing they largely eliminated. If I'm not mistaken, the Mughals also cracked down on the tradition of honor killing in South Asia when they took over.
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The historical narrative of Islam also basically claims that Islam eliminated infanticide among Arabs. The abrahamic faiths are pretty humane in a lot of ways compared to some pagan cults. Human sacrifice is another thing they largely eliminated. If I'm not mistaken, the Mughals also cracked down on the tradition of honor killing in South Asia when they took over.
The ancient Greeks and Romans were only killing dysgenic babies while the ancient Arabs were killing perfectly fine female babies.


It’s not alive lol it isn’t alive within its 120 days.

Many people might not know this but mentally and physically disabled people don’t want to live that long either. They are very aware of their circumstances and not doing something like any other human could possible do is painful enough. The ridicule, pain, and not fitting in society or even work in society is a hard thing some people can’t do.

Down syndrome is the only thing that wouldn’t stop me because you have many and a lot of people with Down syndrome who function greatly in society


"I don’t live in darkness, darkness lives in me."
I have a coworker who’s a couple months pregnant and she’s planning on aborting do to the baby having Down syndrome.

Taking care of a child with disabilities is expensive. Not everyone has the financial needs to do so.
They are very difficult and take away from the other kids time so I'm not really sure if i can handle it.

I've seen kids with severe disabilities and autism. It's a very difficult trial indeed for the family.
This is what I think as well. My severely violent autistic brother is like 15 years younger than us and I can’t imagine how severely different our life would be had he been closer in age and we wouldn’t have gotten the childhood we had, and it would be severely impacted and damaged cause of him.

What people don’t get, is that when you have a special needs child especially one that’s violent or one that needs constant care and what not , the other children you have will take a back seat and you as the parent won’t be able to bond with them, since your always taking care of the special needs one.

Plus when you as the parents can’t take care of him, would you pass it down to the children to give up their lives and mental well being to take care of?

Im not trying to be haasid, but the people who won’t abort, and think it’s possible to take care of one with “love” and no problem haven’t been around the violent special needs kids and haven’t experienced seeing their parents suffer and taking care of one.

Thus I advise the ones who are naive to it to spend time with a relative with a special needs or go to a facility to volunteer.
in a heartbeat (no pun intended). Taking care of a severely disabled child is a prison sentence. That baby gonna get yeeted from existence. Sorry, Abdi junior.
Imagine taking care of one, especially the ones that need constant supervision, And you never sleep, never have time for shower, especially the ones that are violent ? Imagine your children crying and sad cause mom or dad is always depressed and tired taking care of the special needs one and never have time for them ?

I hope no one thinks I’m haasid and they may judge but from what I’ve seen my brother do to put family and beat my mother, and put her in a hospital cause of it… I’m in full support of termination.

If you know you can’t do it mentally or physically, that’s not a bad thing to realize.
Abortion is haram in all cases and no, the reward is great both in the earth and hereafter.

What if you raise a healthy child who only grows to become an ungrateful failure/criminal?
I respect your choice, and please don’t think I’m mean, but have you spent time with the Hoyoo’s dealing with their autistic children?
I am aware there are different types, but I’ve seen Somali kids have the extreme ones a lot.

And how most of them will admit in tears how it’s better Allah swt takes them away instead of enduring life on this earth.

How sometimes they have bruises all over their bodies cause some of the more extreme ones will just go from hugging their Hoyoo’s, to then suddenly choking or beating on them ?

I know a woman who got her ribs broken cause of her like 20 year old autistic son and they now have to send him to a faculty cause he’s too big and violent and beats on the younger ones as well. I know a few families who simply can’t deal with them, and are sending them away or just enduring it till the parents pass away, Miskeen.

The hoyos who have the Miskeen autistic kids have it easy, but the ones like my mother and her friends will tell you how they cry every night and beg for Allah to ease their special needs kids lives.

That concept I’ve heard a lot about you can have a healthy child who turns into a criminal and ok, but that child can always turn their life around and better themsleves.
How. All of you here saying that you would never abort are not living in reality. Not only would it be dangerous pregnancy for the mother, but the prison sentence of a life that would follow is not a life worth living not only for yourself but the poor child bought into this world to live in pain and suffering. The majority of the kids with severe disabilities don't live for very long, go ask a mother how painful it is to watch her own child suffer and then die. Even if the child does live you will be in and out of hospitals for years (don't believe go visit a pediatric ICU) and the life you live will never resemble normalcy. Taking the moral high ground with me ain't gonna work.
I’m gonna be called mean in this forum but you made good points that a lot don’t consider.
I urge any who thinks it’s “wonderful” and “rewarding” to volunteer at these facilities or the ICU where the child is undergoing constant painful surgeries just cause the parents insisted the child lives.

Go to the facilies where the special needs kids that grow old and can’t be taken care of reside.
And me being a health care aide at the time would allow me to look into their files… you know what you see ? How their siblings don’t even contact them and the rare one that may visit, will explain how they couldn’t handle taking care of them and have their own families and children to take care of.

And I laughed at your last sentence but some people genuinely love special needs kids….. the ones who are Miskeen.. but let them see the ones that are super aggressive that don’t get showcased on the media and they’ll change their tunes.
You're an immoral punk if you're advocating for the taking the life of your own child because he/she happened to be disable.

Fyi, a child with disability may be deficient in some areas but could be far capable in other areas. But nothing beats the smile and happiness that your child shows you when he (or she) sees you..

I hope you don't find a mercy from anyone in the hour of your need......what a soulless creature you're!
I think we need to be specific on the disability of the child.. your thinking we talking about the kid born without a arm or may be blind or deaf… I think what the ones in support of it are talking about the ones that will need constant supervision and surgeries and medication and the ones that will never live a normal life in society and may end later in life in those facilities.

And some of us have had experience such as myslef dealing with a special needs sibling or relative and know deep down we couldn’t take it.
Thats an autistic kid which is somewhat manageable but still exhausting. Imagine one with severe disabilities like the countless syndromes that will require around-the-clock care. I forgot where I read it but they did a survey on parents with kids that have severe disabilities and an overwhelming amount said they would abort if they knew the severity of the life that they would be living. This is understandable because you don't get to see your own child live a normal life and become their own person. Instead probably wonder what will happen to them after they pass and who will care for the child. Wallahi no parent should ever go through such pain.

I truly wonder why some people think we haasid and cruel for pointing out the realities for some families ? My brother is the severe type has knocked her out unconscious, and put her in the hospital and although she claims if she knew he would be like she wouldn’t abort, but she did say she would go back and not have more children into her late thirties and not have remarried.

I remember reading that thread too, and it’s eye opening for the people who think the reward and love is worth it.

There’s a hoyoo we know of who commited suicide cause of not being able to handle her two violence special needs kid.
But because of our ceeb culture, she couldn’t confide in anyone without being labeled haasid and evil.
I have a coworker who’s a couple months pregnant and she’s planning on aborting do to the baby having Down syndrome.

Taking care of a child with disabilities is expensive. Not everyone has the financial needs to do so.
Mentally exhausting as well. It causes a lot of mental trauma to everyone involved.
If you have faith you will understand that abortion is a major sin and an immoral thing to do. The least that can be said is get a carer to look after my disabled child or put it in a care home in the afternoons if things get extremely difficult. Remember you get a lot of support from the government and those who are patient will get many rewards in the akhirah.
Depending on the state or the country you live in, it’s extremely hard to get that type of care and if you do it’s a few hours a week only and it’s not as simply as get a care taker or something. Those can take a long time to get approved and at times it’s not enough.
I truly wonder why some people think we haasid and cruel for pointing out the realities for some families ? My brother is the severe type has knocked her out unconscious, and put her in the hospital and although she claims if she knew he would be like she wouldn’t abort, but she did say she would go back and not have more children into her late thirties and not have remarried.

I remember reading that thread too, and it’s eye opening for the people who think the reward and love is worth it.

There’s a hoyoo we know of who commited suicide cause of not being able to handle her two violence special needs kid.
But because of our ceeb culture, she couldn’t confide in anyone without being labeled haasid and evil.
Sis this topic is too nuanced for the 68iq immoral warriors on here. Everything is black and white to them. This topic was clearly aimed at children born with syndromes that make living a life of normalcy impossible. Talking about the joy and smile and other factors that dont apply to the situation. I'll never forget the face of defeat of this poor hooyo trying to get her special needs kid son enrolled in swimming at my local leisure centre and asking me to translate to the swimming teacher why her son was not allowed because hes condition was too much even for that specific class. Her heartbreakingly telling me just that she just needed a two hour break from the kid because that shit was tiring. That's the manageable end of the spectrum, can you imagine a child that would require around the clock care and most likely wont live that long. Absolutely heartbreaking but thats the reality and not bootyclapping for morality.
Sis this topic is too nuanced for the 68iq immoral warriors on here. Everything is black and white to them. This topic was clearly aimed at children born with syndromes that make living a life of normalcy impossible. Talking about the joy and smile and other factors that dont apply to the situation. I'll never forget the face of defeat of this poor hooyo trying to get her special needs kid son enrolled in swimming at my local leisure centre and asking me to translate to the swimming teacher why her son was not allowed because hes condition was too much even for that specific class. Her heartbreakingly telling me just that she just needed a two hour break from the kid because that shit was tiring. That's the manageable end of the spectrum, can you imagine a child that would require around the clock care and most likely wont live that long. Absolutely heartbreaking but thats the reality and not bootyclapping for morality.
That broke my heart reading this, as I know what Hoyoo’s including my own go through and how they’re begging for just a break. People assume there’s available services and care takers, but depending on the province of state you live in, it’s not that simple.

Exactly, I don’t know why people think we talking about aborting simple disabilities like a child that’s blind or deaf or missing a leg.
We talking about the extreme ones.
Where like you said a normal life is not possible and prison would be easier.

I know some people who are against it are using religion as a reason, and that’s their choice, but with the kids who are extreme with their conditions, as you said life Is not possible.

If you read my previous thread, I spoke in detail the mental trauma my autistic brother has done to me and my family, and if people think we cruel for this ? Then I’m cruel then.
I think we need to be specific on the disability of the child.. your thinking we talking about the kid born without a arm or may be blind or deaf… I think what the ones in support of it are talking about the ones that will need constant supervision and surgeries and medication and the ones that will never live a normal life in society and may end later in life in those facilities.

And some of us have had experience such as myslef dealing with a special needs sibling or relative and know deep down we couldn’t take it.

Please check your imaan. It could be a test for you on this earth. The greatest gift that Allah (swt) gives is life. You need to understand the meaning of the below verse.

: إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُون

Unless a human being committed a murder knowingly, we can't be in the business of who lives and who dies irrespective of whether they're on this earth or whether they're in the womb. That is not decision that human beings should take.

To give you an example, before the advent of Islam, Arab Bedouins used to bury their daughters alive. They did it because the prevailing culture has been you don't need many daughters. One of the first tradition that Islam put an end to was taking the lives of innocent girls.

Similarly, when doctors give you what they think of a child who has some form of disability in the womb, they're giving you a probability. It is not 100%. And if you decide to take the life of your child in the womb, you're really no different than the pagan Bedouins before the advent of Islam who used to take the life of their own daughters. Financial considerations can't be a reason to take the life of the unborn.

Fyi, I have a child with a disability, and alxamdulillaah, she turned to be good much different than what those doctors were telling us.

At the end, it is all of your beliefs and what is acceptable to you. Alxamdullillaah, I have my faith in Allah (swt) and put my trust in him.

