Women who refuse to pay on dates


What I'm getting from this thread is:

1. Many of the brothers here don't mind paying for a woman they deem worth it (i.e., one who is traditional/feminine/elegant, etc.).

2. However, they don't believe the majority of western women fit this category. Most here believe western women incl. Xalimos are selfish, entitled, feminists (or "trad-fems") etc., and these are the types they loathe to spend on.

Would you then not agree that sisters are right in concluding that a man's willingness to pay for a woman is a good litmus-test for whether he values/respects/appreciates her or not?

Are you a Muslim? By "dating" I assume most mean meeting a potential in open spaces, chaperoned. But this is just standard western dating.
Notice how he’ll date and waste a woman’s time despite marriage not being on the cards meaning he will date in a Western sense but still expects women to be traditional, but women that aren’t that traditional are hypocrites. When it comes to men like this this is a constant conscious dissonance and their dislike of the other gender is soo deep they’re unable to judge themselves and see how ridiculous their world premise is.

The issue with the trad discourse is that the men that demands traditionalism on this forum tend to be not the most traditional as well. They’ll talk about dating in a Western sense, sleeping around and simply wasting their own time and women and above all, risking the wrath of Allah.

Also, what’s hilarious is that diaspora men married to women back home tend to get help for their wives, so they’ll knock Western women for wanting to helped by their husbands whilst their traditional wives doesn’t even cook and clean 😂.

Take it from someone who doesn’t even live in the West anymore and goes back home all the time. Most of these Somali fobs back home aren’t going to marry a Farax unless he can give them a middle class lifestyle at the very least if they can’t get a passport and come to West.

Hence this whole discussion isn’t even centered on reality. They simply want to talk down on women and pit them against each other and I highly doubt these lot even like trad women either.
A lot of the men here seem to have a disturbingly low opinion of Western sisters. Although saying they're ***** is more extreme and messed up.
Yep, which is why this conversation isn’t going to operate in good faith. This conversation should be about how a man should behave when he comes across a women worth pursuing, yet they’ve changed the whole premise to now debate that men shouldn’t pay/provide due to the type of women they believe ALL Western Somali girls are like. It begs the question, why even interact with these girls in the first place? Why try to get to know them if you don’t even believe they’re deserving of you paying for a simple cheap meal?

The reason why they have a disturbing view is because I fear that many of them who utter this are low value men. Men who tend to engage in hostile sexism towards women are the ones who are rejected the most. If you are to seriously ask these men what their issues are with Somali women, they tell tell you about the 1% Somali girl who is promiscuous, parties and doesn’t have any form of conservatism. They’ll talk about Western Somali girls that don’t want to cook and clean when in the West, you don’t have help, hence really and truly everyone needs to cook and clean. The ones who never cook and clean are in fact the trad ones who are middle class.
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Yep, which is why this conversation isn’t going to operate in good faith. This conversation should be about how a man should behave when he comes across a women worth pursuing, yet they’ve changed the whole premise to now debate that men shouldn’t pay/provide due to the type of women they believe ALL Western Somali girls are like.

And that's how you justify not providing. Whether it's the getting-to-know stage or post-marriage, if you're not "traditional" enough (subjective) you're not worth paying/providing for.

It begs the question, why even interact with these girls in the first place? Why try to get to know them if you don’t even believe they’re deserving of you paying for a simple cheap meal?

It does sound illogical. Unless splitting the bill is the perk...

The reason why they have a disturbing view is because I fear that many of them who utter this are low value men. Men who tend to engage in hostile sexism towards women are the ones who are rejected the most. If you are to seriously ask these men what their issues are with Somali women, they tell tell you about the 1% Somali girl who is promiscuous, parties and doesn’t have any form of conservatism.

It also tends to be projection which is why many of them are familiar with the 1%. How else would they encounter them?
Notice how he’ll date and waste a woman’s time despite marriage not being on the cards meaning he will date in a Western sense but still expects women to be traditional, but women that aren’t that traditional are hypocrites. When it comes to men like this this is a constant conscious dissonance and their dislike of the other gender is soo deep they’re unable to judge themselves and see how ridiculous their world premise is.

Every time 💯

It's not even a gotcha because they're unfazed by the hypocrisy which is more perplexing.
Notice how he’ll date and waste a woman’s time despite marriage not being on the cards meaning he will date in a Western sense but still expects women to be traditional, but women that aren’t that traditional are hypocrites.
I thought you said you blocked me? Yet here you are reading my posts and referencing me?? Aswell as hovering above name and seeing the 'start a conversation' option means you haven't blocked/ignored me. I was right when I told you so, I knew you wouldn't you are a gender war addict.

hypocrites. When it comes to men like this this is a constant conscious dissonance and their dislike of the other gender is soo deep they’re unable to judge themselves and see how ridiculous their world premise is.
Biggest hypocrite is you, you are much more of a misandrist than I'am a mysogonist right now in the other recently trending gender war thread you are all over it bashing men asusual like every other day.

The issue with the trad discourse is that the men that demands traditionalism on this forum tend to be not the most traditional as well. They’ll talk about dating in a Western sense, sleeping around and simply wasting their own time and women and above all, risking the wrath of Allah.
Even more hypocracy from you didn't you just say you used to date around yourself in the past before you reformed? And p.s I said 'I would date a feminist' but I actually haven't so your 'gotcha moment' won't work on me..

And even more hypocracy and projection from you is trying claim "tHeSE MEnz wanT tRAdIShinAL WaMeN WiVout bYNG tRAdIShinAL DemSElveS" you can't be talking about me here but yourself you want the man to be traditional by being taking all responsibilities of the rent, bills, food, clothes, traveling and holidays but Trad-Fems like you don't want to take care of your responsibilities like housekeeping, cooking, childrearing and want help with from the man that also you in your Ideal relationship the man is doing 75% and the woman is doing 25% this is why Trad-Fems like you are low-value and don't bring enough to the table. Tad-Fems like you are parasites honestly

Also, your last part Kane. Traditional men do this all the time. Simply go to Somalia or the Arab world where I’m at. Women married to middle/upper class men do
Not cook and clean. They have maids. Men here routinely get maids for their wives and this is the norm. This is the thing, you believe traditionalism is a man getting his money’s worth out of a woman.
You are now being even more delusional, out of touch and digging yourself a bigger hole I can't believe you are now pushing this 'get a maid' talk which simply out of question in The West where I live. I don't know where you live I don't think you live in Somalia but if it's the Khaleej which I've seen you claim before, most Somalis (and other nationalities) living there who have maids pay them slave-labour wages like $5K-$6K a year in country like UAE where GDP per capita is like $55K, you push this stuff yet you claim to be for womans rights but support woman slavery? You are immoral and a dispicale human being I wouldn't even consider hiring a maid in where I live if I can't pay living wages.
Having a maid in Somalia is much different than having a maid in rich countries like The West and The Khaleej. Even in Somalia the average diaspora man who goes there to marry wouldn't able to afford a maid without paying dirt low slave-labour wage. The only man able to afford a maid is a man who is a BOSS and has others working for him that he doesn't need to get up in the morning to report to work and even well off people (especially non-white) like that are greedy and don't pay their maids a living wage for the country they work in. If I was to marry from back home I'm bringing them here I don't have any plans of living in Somalia. Nobody said they are moving to Somalia on this thread I don't know why you are using this strawman argument.

Angelina you sound like you are are supporter of woman-slave-labour you make me sick ALSO MANY OF THESE MAIDS ARE VICTIMS TRAFFICKING. You should condemn maidism if you are truly for woman's rights

Also men who are wealthy enough to have a maid should be marrying a woman from a wealthy background why the hell would a wealthy man marry a gaajo broke girl like @Yaraye or @Mudug_gyal who are constantly begging for a wealthy man.
You see what you guys don't understand about wealthy people is wealthy people marry a fellow person as marriage is a business contract and to expand or build ties for their dynasties otherwise most of marriages would be dissaproved by their wealthy families.

Another reason you are so twisted and are contradicting yourself is you've complained about the cost-of-living crises yet then after you say that women should get maids to help them?? You are confused and all over the place

If I was a rich man I would only marry a woman from a rich family, I'm staying the hell away from broke females like yall. Also I would pay for a maid if I was in marriage like that.

All in all the only woman who could act entitled to maids are women from wealthy family backrounds who got looked after by maids growing up....
and I remember you saying this before aswell I don't know why you've just changed your stance to now saying woman in marriage should have a maid payed for them by their husbands? Are trolling on this thread or what?

@Kane can you believe these broke Tad-Fems talking about 'gIBZ me A mAId' to a average working class or average lower middle class man who make 90% of men when these Tad-Fems bring nothing to the table LOOL I MIGHT ASWELL MARRY THE MAID! 🤣
Notice how he’ll date and waste a woman’s time despite marriage not being on the cards meaning he will date in a Western sense but still expects women to be traditional, but women that aren’t that traditional are hypocrites. When it comes to men like this this is a constant conscious dissonance and their dislike of the other gender is soo deep they’re unable to judge themselves and see how ridiculous their world premise is.

The issue with the trad discourse is that the men that demands traditionalism on this forum tend to be not the most traditional as well. They’ll talk about dating in a Western sense, sleeping around and simply wasting their own time and women and above all, risking the wrath of Allah.

Also, what’s hilarious is that diaspora men married to women back home tend to get help for their wives, so they’ll knock Western women for wanting to helped by their husbands whilst their traditional wives doesn’t even cook and clean 😂.

Take it from someone who doesn’t even live in the West anymore and goes back home all the time. Most of these Somali fobs back home aren’t going to marry a Farax unless he can give them a middle class lifestyle at the very least if they can’t get a passport and come to West.

Hence this whole discussion isn’t even centered on reality. They simply want to talk down on women and pit them against each other and I highly doubt these lot even like trad women either.

Yep, which is why this conversation isn’t going to operate in good faith. This conversation should be about how a man should behave when he comes across a women worth pursuing, yet they’ve changed the whole premise to now debate that men shouldn’t pay/provide due to the type of women they believe ALL Western Somali girls are like. It begs the question, why even interact with these girls in the first place? Why try to get to know them if you don’t even believe they’re deserving of you paying for a simple cheap meal?

The reason why they have a disturbing view is because I fear that many of them who utter this are low value men. Men who tend to engage in hostile sexism towards women are the ones who are rejected the most. If you are to seriously ask these men what their issues are with Somali women, they tell tell you about the 1% Somali girl who is promiscuous, parties and doesn’t have any form of conservatism. They’ll talk about Western Somali girls that don’t want to cook and clean when in the West, you don’t have help, hence really and truly everyone needs to cook and clean. The ones who never cook and clean are in fact the trad ones who are middle class.
As someone who lives in xamar i am ki d shocked what these ciyaal say argueing about i can bet u most of them arent curently in love with a girl.
Also for me personaly i like
Giving nice sometimes expensive gifts to my fiance we are not yet maried .
For me gifts is how i express my love 😂😂.
Since we are muslims we dont hug or kisss.
So also here in xamar we pay for the date. Even if she says i wil pay we have to refuse.
Also @Angelina if u go out with friends we usualy fight over who wil pay the meal at restaraunts. Walhi . Usualy i pretend as if i am goi.g to the washroom and pay for all my three or or 5 frie ds we eat meal with. Than later they found out and than they are shocked and say why did u f
Do that😂😂😂.
This how its in xamar .
I even try my best to for my friends whom i eat meal withet alone my fiance its cultural thing

By dating I actually meant the halal version which was for marriage and my family knew about them. I’m not like you. I’m not a hypocrite.
And even more hypocracy and projection from you is trying claim "tHeSE MEnz wanT tRAdIShinAL WaMeN WiVout bYNG tRAdIShinAL DemSElveS" you can't be talking about me here but yourself you want the man to be traditional by being taking all responsibilities of the rent, bills, food, clothes, traveling and holidays but Trad-Fems like you don't want to take care of
All the professional women I know pay for groceries, holidays and kids clothing. Get out of here.

What a woman does in a marriage is more than men and that’s facts. Women are the birthers, and primary careers of children.
your responsibilities like housekeeping, cooking, childrearing and want help with from the man that also you in your Ideal relationship the man is doing 75% and the woman is doing 25% this is why Trad-Fems like you are low-value and don't bring enough to the table. Tad-Fems like you are parasites honestly
That’s the thing, a woman giving birth, raising kids, breast feeding and being the primary caregiver isn’t a parasite. Most women end up doing most of the cooking and cleaning, even in 50/50 relationships and studies prove this. It’s Western men who are indeed the parasites.
You are now being even more delusional, out of touch and digging yourself a bigger hole I can't believe you are now pushing this 'get a maid' talk which simply out of question in The West where I live. I don't know where you live I don't think you live in Somalia but if it's the Khaleej which I've seen you claim before, most Somalis (and other nationalities) living there who have maids pay them slave-labour wages like $5K-$6K a year in country like UAE where GDP per capita is like $55K, you push this stuff yet you claim to be for womans rights but support woman slavery? You are immoral and a dispicale human being I wouldn't even consider hiring a maid in where I live if I can't pay living wages.
I actually don’t even have a live in one, but have a cleaner to help me. Btw all the Somali families here have one who have kids. You can scream about them being immoral all you want. Also, a lot of these women want and need jobs and get to have a roof over their heads whilst having all their needs paid for and a salary.

I used the maid example to show you how hypocritical you are. Traditional men who are have means do not marry women just so that these women can cook and clean for them. If they have maids, someone like you would argue what’s the point of a wife? Because in your view a wife is a maid.

If you truly cared about women’s right and exploitation, you’d realize that a wife from your perspective is actually in a worse position than a maid.

This is what a maid gets:




Doing the cooking and cleaning

Days off


Yet, you believe that just because you’re paying the rent and bills you shouldn’t need to help your wife and this is what you’re wife is getting.



Birthing children

Doing all the cooking and cleaning

No weekends off

No money coming in or savings

A maid gets a break, isn’t the sole primary caregiver of kids, gets weekend off, gets a salary ect.

You lot want to overwork your wives without helping her. You think helping your wives isn’t traditional and helping with chores.
Having a maid in Somalia is much different than having a maid in rich countries like The West and The Khaleej. Even in Somalia the average diaspora man who goes there to marry wouldn't able to afford a maid without paying dirt low slave-labour wage.
That’s a lie. Every diaspora male who marries back home has a maid for his wife. These men give their wives at least €1500 a month and a maid is like $100. You clearly don’t go back home. The cost of living is incredibly low. I go back home multiple times a year. I know more than you. Also, if you wan to argue it’s exploitation, just know most jobs back home are pretty low paid. Even the men get paid low which is why girls from back home prefer diaspora men.

Wallahi, i can confidently say you don’t know anything about back home and how cheap the cost of living is.
The only man able to afford a maid is a man who is a BOSS and has others working for him that he doesn't need to get up in the morning to report to work and even well off people (especially non-white) like that are greedy and don't pay their maids a living wage for the country they work in.
Well then all Somalis are greedy shits then. Go and do a campaign then. Love how you care about workers rights but also in the same breath want overwork your wife and not help her.
If I was to marry from back home I'm bringing them here I don't have any plans of living in Somalia. Nobody said they are moving to Somalia on this thread I don't know why you are using this strawman argument.
So basically, instead you want to overwork your wife without having a support system? Back home even the poor ect get help from family and friends. It’s a community. You want your wife to do everything herself in the West in which people are locked behind closed door with no sense of community whilst birthing your children, not sleeping due to breast-feeding at night ect just because you pay billls. You think bills= free maid.

Like I said, a maid has more perks in life. That’s what’s ironic.
Angelina you sound like you are are supporter of woman-slave-labour you make me sick ALSO MANY OF THESE MAIDS ARE VICTIMS TRAFFICKING. You should condemn maidism if you are truly for woman's rights
Ah yes, now all of your a sudden we have the man that wants to treat his wife as a maid campaigning for maids.

Do me a favor shut up. Nearly every Somali middle class back home has a maid. Go fight them. Nearly every Somali middle class in the khaleej has a Maid. Go fight them.

I’ll not be lectured to by a man who wants his wife to be his maid but screams for other women. You don’t even want to help your partner. My point wasn’t even about hiring a maid that wasn’t the crux of it. It’s about helping her and not having the expectations of her doing everything herself.
Also men who are wealthy enough to have a maid should be marrying a woman from a wealthy background why the hell would a wealthy man marry a gaajo broke girl like @Yaraye or @Mudug_gyal who are constantly begging for a wealthy man.

Another reason you are so twisted and are contradicting yourself is you've complained about the cost-of-living crises yet then after you say that women should get maids to help them?? You are confused and all over the place
I’m talking about Reer UK, you want traditionalism but can’t even flipping provide. I used maids as a example to show you that many men don’t marry women just so that they can be the ones that do everything in exchange for rent being paid.

Help your wives. If you truly cared about womens quality of life you’d start with the women in your lives but NO.
All in all the only woman who could act entitled to maids are women from wealthy family backrounds who got looked after by maids growing up....
and I remember you saying this before aswell I don't know why you've just changed your stance to now saying woman in marriage should have a maid payed for them by their husbands? Are trolling on this thread or what?

Btw, you’ve missed my whole point. It went over your head. My thing is, if richer husbands are getting help for their wives, why are you an average man that can’t even give your wife a proper allowance not making life easy for her and helping her? Why? Because you’re selfish and exploitive and believe paying rent and bills means that you can overwork her. That’s the bare minimum.

@Kane can you believe these broke Tad-Fems talking about 'gIBZ me A mAId' to a average working class or average lower middle class man who make 90% of men when these Tad-Fems bring nothing to the table LOOL I MIGHT ASWELL MARRY THE MAID! 🤣
Exactly, that’s your mentality. ‘I might as well marry the maid’. Since you believe that marriage is a free maid service.

But that’s the joke of the situation, the maid gets more perks than the wife when being married to a man like you. You can’t even give your wife a weekend free or an allowance.

Think on that and ponder.
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How is a man helping in the home he lives in and helping to look after his own children something only a parasite woman wants?

So in your mind, paying bills and rent= a woman doing everything herself


Goes to work
Gets breaks at work
Gets weekend off
gets holidays
gets holiday pay
Gets evenings off and wife does all the cooking and cleaning.
Wife doesn’t get full night sleep as she’s fully looking after the baby.
Wife looks after the kids the whole day as well. Even during the evenings he is off.

Gets housing she shares with the husband.
Carries children for 9 months with all the complications that come with it.
Breastfeeding-meaning sleepless nights.
Looking after the kids the whole day with no help.
No weekend off
No holidays off
No savings
No help from husband.
Allowance-depends on husbands kindness and income. If a man is paying a lot for rent ect he might not be able to give his wife an allowance.

From looking at this list, how the hell is that fair? Do you lot even think through your arguments?

Apart form children they both share and should BOTH a raise, what does a woman get out of that paradigm? She doesn’t even own the house she cleans, doesn’t have any savings, doesn’t get a break or holidays from her work ect?

This is what I mean when I say some of you lot are incredibly exploitative and see marriage as why to treat women as worse than maids and then here you are acting like you care about maids when you want your own partners to live lives worse than maids.
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Plotting world domination
Notice how he’ll date and waste a woman’s time despite marriage not being on the cards meaning he will date in a Western sense but still expects women to be traditional, but women that aren’t that traditional are hypocrites. When it comes to men like this this is a constant conscious dissonance and their dislike of the other gender is soo deep they’re unable to judge themselves and see how ridiculous their world premise is.

The issue with the trad discourse is that the men that demands traditionalism on this forum tend to be not the most traditional as well. They’ll talk about dating in a Western sense, sleeping around and simply wasting their own time and women and above all, risking the wrath of Allah.

Also, what’s hilarious is that diaspora men married to women back home tend to get help for their wives, so they’ll knock Western women for wanting to helped by their husbands whilst their traditional wives doesn’t even cook and clean 😂.

Take it from someone who doesn’t even live in the West anymore and goes back home all the time. Most of these Somali fobs back home aren’t going to marry a Farax unless he can give them a middle class lifestyle at the very least if they can’t get a passport and come to West.

Hence this whole discussion isn’t even centered on reality. They simply want to talk down on women and pit them against each other and I highly doubt these lot even like trad women either.

Yep, which is why this conversation isn’t going to operate in good faith. This conversation should be about how a man should behave when he comes across a women worth pursuing, yet they’ve changed the whole premise to now debate that men shouldn’t pay/provide due to the type of women they believe ALL Western Somali girls are like. It begs the question, why even interact with these girls in the first place? Why try to get to know them if you don’t even believe they’re deserving of you paying for a simple cheap meal?

The reason why they have a disturbing view is because I fear that many of them who utter this are low value men. Men who tend to engage in hostile sexism towards women are the ones who are rejected the most. If you are to seriously ask these men what their issues are with Somali women, they tell tell you about the 1% Somali girl who is promiscuous, parties and doesn’t have any form of conservatism. They’ll talk about Western Somali girls that don’t want to cook and clean when in the West, you don’t have help, hence really and truly everyone needs to cook and clean. The ones who never cook and clean are in fact the trad ones who are middle class.

"The issue with the trad discourse is that the men that demands traditionalism on this forum tend to be not the most traditional as well. They’ll talk about dating in a Western sense, sleeping around and simply wasting their own time and women and above all, risking the wrath of Allah."

These niggas are broke trad cons that's why :chrisfreshhah: .

Being a trad con isn't worth it your broke. It's become way harder to be a provider in the west. If your not making at least 6 figs in north America you shouldn't even consider providing .

Also, what’s hilarious is that diaspora men married to women back home tend to get help for their wives, so they’ll knock Western women for wanting to helped by their husbands whilst their traditional wives doesn’t even cook and clean 😂."

These dudes just need to admit they can't financially provide for women in the west. If I was trad con that wasn't clearing 6 figs I would have found a way to start a business back home,Kenya, or in some other cheap country . Just so I could provide an upper middle class lifestyle for my family.

"The reason why they have a disturbing view is because I fear that many of them who utter this are low value men."

Majority of middle/upper class trad con niggas come from privileged backgrounds. Most of them weren't raised in the hood like your avg somali kid. They go to school in nice suburbs and attend college at high rates compared to your Somali men. Your avg trad con Somali man wasn't given the same opportunities as these middle class guys. We legit have hundreds of thousands of non Somali trad cons graduating college every year with stem and business degrees.

txdnyihsukla1 (1).jpg

Most trad con Somali niggas simply weren't raised to succeed in the west like the rest of these guys.
"The issue with the trad discourse is that the men that demands traditionalism on this forum tend to be not the most traditional as well. They’ll talk about dating in a Western sense, sleeping around and simply wasting their own time and women and above all, risking the wrath of Allah."

These niggas are broke trad cons that's why :chrisfreshhah: .

Being a trad con isn't worth it your broke. It's become way harder to be a provider in the west. If your not making at least 6 figs in north America you shouldn't even consider providing .

Also, what’s hilarious is that diaspora men married to women back home tend to get help for their wives, so they’ll knock Western women for wanting to helped by their husbands whilst their traditional wives doesn’t even cook and clean 😂."

These dudes just need to admit they can't financially provide for women in the west. If I was trad con that wasn't clearing 6 figs I would have found a way to start a business back home,Kenya, or in some other cheap country . Just so I could provide an upper middle class lifestyle for my family.

"The reason why they have a disturbing view is because I fear that many of them who utter this are low value men."

Majority of middle/upper class trad con niggas come from privileged backgrounds. Most of them weren't raised in the hood like your avg somali kid. They go to school in nice suburbs and attend college at high rates compared to your Somali men. Your avg trad con Somali man wasn't given the same opportunities as these middle class guys. We legit have hundreds of thousands of non Somali trad cons graduating college every year with stem and business degrees.

View attachment 329150

Most trad con Somali niggas simply weren't raised to succeed in the west like the rest of these guys.
Yes and most Upper middle class trad men aren’t going on about paying rent in a shitty crime ridden borough and paying bills with the wife using child tax credit for groceries and her basic clothes means it entitles them to a maid that doesn’t even get the chance to get a full flipping night sleep.

They’re exploitative and xaasid and tbh that’s why the marriage rates are low and why many women would rather have a career. At least they don’t have to be unpaid maids reduced to living in an estate without any savings and later on divorced and then washing the back side of an elderly gaal due to working in care since they have no qualifications or have been out of the job market for too long. Why do these dumb ***** not understand that women are obviously going to look at the lives of the women before them? Do these idiots really think the average Somali girl born in a land of opportunities would want to live that life?

Wallahi, everything I wrote is what I’ve witnessed and seen in the Somali community and the level of delusion of these Faraxs is fascinating. They can go back home and create the same cycle and their back home wives who they’ll bring to the West will have the exact same lifestyle as our mothers generation but worse as at least the conservative government weren’t in power then slashing benefits. What’s even funnier is that the conservative government has made it even more difficult for people to bring spouses to the West. You need at least 38-40k in savings ect. So good luck to them.

As a woman you need to be smart and do the math and these men simply don’t want women to be smart enough to calculate that ultimately under their trad paradigm, a woman will most definitely lose.
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Plotting world domination
Yes and most Upper middle class trad men aren’t going on about paying rent in a shitty crime ridden borough and paying bills with the wife using child tax credit for groceries and her basic clothes means it entitles them to a maid that doesn’t even get the chance to get a full flipping night sleep.

They’re exploitative and xaasid and tbh that’s why the marriage rates are low and why many women would rather have a career. At least they don’t have to be unpaid maids reduced to living in an estate without any savings and later on divorced and then washing the back side of an elderly gaal due to working in care since they have no qualifications or have been out of the job market for too long. Why do these dumb ***** not understand that women are obviously going to look at the lives of the women before them? Do these idiots really think the average Somali girl born in a land of opportunities would want to live that life?

Wallahi, everything I wrote is what I’ve witnessed and seen in the Somali community and the level of delusion of these Faraxs is fascinating. They can go back home and create the same cycle and their back home wives who they’ll bring to the West will have the exact same lifestyle as our mothers generation but worse as at least the conservative government weren’t in power then slashing benefits. What’s even funnier is that the conservative government has made it even more difficult for people to bring spouses to the West. You need at least 38-40k in savings ect. So good luck to them.

As a woman you need to be smart and do the math and these men simply don’t want women to be smart enough to calculate that ultimately under their trad paradigm, a woman will most definitely lose.

"Wallahi, everything I wrote is what I’ve witnessed and seen in the Somali community and the level of delusion of these Faraxs is fascinating"

Been seeing these same dudes diss western xalimos for years. These broke trad cons know for a fact they can't provide for any good looking western xalimo.They feel insecure so they start dissing them and start hyping up chicks from back home.
What responsibilities do men think they have apart from provision? This is why I think you’re delusional. What other Tangible responsibilities do you see men have and the one responsibilities of provision is too much for you.

In other words you can’t provide the list!!!!

What’s happening is the other way around. Most of you men cannot fully provide in the West but want all the so-called perks of traditionalism and this is something you can not debate. Also, as man, unless you’re biologically able to birth kids, nurse them and be the primary caregivers, 50/50 doesn’t exist. Children are a big part of marriage. Once children are in the picture, you cannot expect your wives to give birth and be the one who is up all night with the baby and also split everything with you and say it’s 50/50. The women is literally doing 70% and since she’s a mother will undeniably do more housework due to this. The issue is that your whole framework isn’t accurate and you expect dumb women who can’t do basic math to lap it up. You simply want to exploit.

Also, your last part Kane. Traditional men do this all the time. Simply go to Somalia or the Arab world where I’m at. Women married to middle/upper class men do
Not cook and clean. They have maids. Men here routinely get maids for their wives and this is the norm. This is the thing, you believe traditionalism is a man getting his money’s worth out of a woman. That’s how you operate instead of trying to make your spouses life easier. Im in a traditional society, you’re not. You cannot even use the excuse of them not having self respect when nearly every and I mean every man that can afford it here gets a maid for his wife. In fact you’ll be seen as a loser here if you deprive your wife of help when you can afford it. Yet these women are being fully provided for and a fool like you would argue that these is no ‘incentive’ for these men. You’re not traditional, you’re a just exploitative man who doesn’t want to help his wife raise his kids and unfortunately a lot of men on this forum fall under this.

You keep bringing up traditional women, when you’re a trad-fem, who doesn’t understand that woman have responsibilities too.

If you consider the blessing of giving birth a curse, know that there are millions of women who would trade shoes with you in a instant.

Your hatred of kids is shocking and how you speak of them like they are a burden. At least show a little gratitude to Allah for granting you the privilege, that so many others are denied.
In other words you can’t provide the list!!!!

You keep bringing up traditional women, when you’re a trad-fem, who doesn’t understand that woman have responsibilities too.
Even 50\50 women end up doing the bulk of the cooking and cleaning
If you consider the blessing of giving birth a curse, know that there are millions of women who would trade shoes with you in a instant.
No one said it’s curse you weirdo. It’s painful and requires a lot of sacrifice for the women but you lot are complaining about providing for your wives? I thought providing for your wife and kids is a blessing as well?

Do you see how hypocritical you are? So women can’t even talk about the hardships? Walahi you’ve reached a new low and new low indeed.

Your hatred of kids is shocking and how you speak of them like they are a burden. At least show a little gratitude to Allah for granting you the privilege, that so many others are denied.
Wallahi you’re a liar and the fact that you can’t debate this without coming up with lies shows you have no leg to stand on. Where have I said or even shown I hate kids? EVEN YOUR OWN RELIGION TALKS ABOUT THE HARDSHIP OF MOTHERHOOD.

So talking about the hard role of wives means I hate kids? You’re ok with talking about a husband providing is hard hence he shouldn’t help his wife in your books? Look how hateful you are. That is the definition of hating kids and the wife since you believe a man paying rent and bills exempts him looking after his own kids and helping around the house despite the sacrifices a woman makes.

Motherhood is hard, hence why men are meant to provide. You think I hate kids because I reminded you of the immense sacrifice a mother makes for her kids and family. But really it’s you that hates kids since you want to debate women on going to work and fully providing which is your ONE job.
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In other words you can’t provide the list!!!!

You keep bringing up traditional women, when you’re a trad-fem, who doesn’t understand that woman have responsibilities too.

If you consider the blessing of giving birth a curse, know that there are millions of women who would trade shoes with you in a instant.

Your hatred of kids is shocking and how you speak of them like they are a burden. At least show a little gratitude to Allah for granting you the privilege, that so many others are denied.
Kane, if a man doesn’t woman to help his wife with his own home and kids especially when the wife is doing all the chores and is up all night, who really hates the kids?

How can you lie through your teeth and say I hate kids? Like wtf and I didn’t even say anything of that nature Authobillah.

I flipping hate low IQ nonsense like this which just shows how evil you are wallahi.
It’s low behaviour. If you’re dumb and can’t come up with a counter argument just say it. But this is not it.

Imagine saying a woman that thinks men should help out with their own kids and family since the wife will be overworked around the clock and that women go through a lot means she hates kids.

Wallahi, men like you are deadbeat and manipulative and I’m so disgusted with you right now and sickened by you.


Press rewind ⏪
Ranting...over the weekend. Cursed website. The 50/50 split is fine. But to soothe my ego, maybe 60/40 would be better. Most men are perfectly good with doing chores and cooking. When it comes to things that cannot be shared, well, that's just the way life is.