Women who refuse to pay on dates

It's honestly quite simple: Women who don't pay for their half or even attempt to do the little "let me reach into my purse" charade don't get asked out on a 2nd date :manny:
I'm not the British government or UNICEF sxb, I'm not oblidged to feed strangers lol
What’s the point of that charade when it’s manipulative? I used to do it when I was younger in the very beginning until some men took the bullet and tried to get me to pay and that turned me off instantly. Legit made me want to ignore them. The same way you’re testing women, they’re testing you and tbh, men who pay and have a provider mindset are the type to attract women. The vast majority of women simply don’t like men who do this and tbh, although I can’t speak for most men, a guy that really likes you isn’t going to be turned of because he is paying all the time. The ones who do that weren’t that invested anyway and probably had a ‘we’ll see’ lukewarm attitude towards you. Hence your advise that benefits women since it weeds out the men that weren’t even interested in them like that.

As for you comment about being obliged, you’re not obliged to ask them out, take them on dates, pay for anything. There is no obligations for any of that and women want a man who WANTS to do that for them and if you don’t want to, it’s fine.
lol @ all the angry chicks in thread acting all entitled to a man's money.
Stay single fellas. The window of marriage has passed for most of you.
If you didn't get married 10 years ago, it's too late now.
Make dough and enjoy your life.
You do know a lot of the girls here are like 19 😂

No one is angry, no one has expectations. Women are telling you what they like and dislike. You can go on a date and ask for 50-50 but know that the vast majority of women wouldn’t want to see you again. It’s as simple as that. When getting know people, both parties can’t have any entitlements, only preferences. Accept it and move on.
Do you now give birth also? Do you now breastfeed?

Men paid because women are the carriers and primary caregivers of children. Hence why in relationships men’s role is providing.

If women still give birth, breastfeed and the primary caregivers, but you lot refuse to provide, what’s the point of you? Why would even even give you a chance in the first place?

Will the wife be doing all the home maintenance? Those who want a husband who is the sole provider and those who want to keep all the money worked full time for themselves and don't do all home maintenance, then they're just a leech.
Will the wife be doing all the home maintenance? If you want a husband who is the sole provider and you want to keep all the money you worked full time for yourself and don't do all home maintenance, you're just a leech.
So let’s get this straight, the wife will do all the child rearing and all the cooking and cleaning along with the child birthing, and nursing throughout the night whilst the husband only works 5 days a week with breaks in-between and being able to fully sleep at night with a weekend off. Does the wife get the weekend off?

Whats crazy Is that even a maid is treated better than this. A maid gets room and board like a wife, gets one day off and a salary.
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So let’s get this straight, the wife will do all the child rearing and all the cooking and cleaning along with the child birthing, whilst the husband only works 5 days a week with a weekend. Does the wife get the weekend off?

If you expect the husband to be the full provider, then you must be full home maintainer. He will have virtually zero savings after he pays for everything, even those with 6 figure incomes since the more you make, the higher the lifestyle women will want. He will not be able to purchase what he wants to enjoy alot of the time. He has kept himself financially vulnerable. If he gets divorced and they own property that he full pays for, he will have to split it his resources.
If you expect the husband to be the full provider, then you must be full home maintainer. He will have virtually zero savings after he pays for everything, even those with 6 figure incomes since the more you make, the higher the lifestyle women will want. He will not be able to purchase what he wants to enjoy alot of the time. He has kept himself financially vulnerable. If he gets divorced and they own property that he full pays for, he will have to split it his resources.
I asked you does the wife get the weekend off? How is it fair for her to work around the clock and he doesn’t?
We’re Muslim Alimony is haram

Whats crazy Is that even a maid is treated better than this. A maid gets room and board like a wife, gets one day off and a salary.
I asked you does the wife get the weekend off? How is it fair for her to work around the clock and he doesn’t?

Who told her to work around the clock? Why work around the clock if your husband is paying for everything? You can just work part time and it will afford you the extras. Her main obligation is to maintain the home if she wants her husband to be the provider. That is the trade off of marriage. You're asking him to work 40+ hours a week with no money left in their savings account at the end of the month. What does he get in return?
Who told her to work around the clock? Why work around the clock if your husband is paying for everything?
Housewives who don’t work outside the home work around the clock when that have babies under 5. It’s common knowledge.

It’s hilarious you mentioned that the husband would be vulnerable. What about a housewife who has no income coming in, with a 10 yr + gap in her CV, with no assets to her name and no savings but has worked around the clock as a house wife for years. Who is Whats crazy Is that even a maid is treated better than this. A maid gets room and board like a wife, gets one day off and a salary.y more vulnerable?

You can just work part time and it will afford you the extras. Her main obligation is to maintain the home if she wants her husband to be the provider. That is the trade off of marriage.
It isn’t a fair trade off and you know it.

These are the trade off:

No breaks when the kids are under 5
No weekend off
No holiday pay
No savings in case of divorce.
Roof over head
Allowance - depends entirely on husbands kindness
Instant divorce- a man can divorce her in a second then she’ll be broke.


Weekend off
Holiday pay.
No giving birth and health complications due to this.
Clean home
Looked after kids
Legal protection when being laid off.

Who has the better deal?
You're asking him to work 40+ hours a week with no money left in their savings account at the end of the month.
Who is the poor one from looking at the list? Who is working for free?
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When Allah stated that her money is hers, it wasn’t a suggestion, it was and still is a statement of fact, connected to female biology. If you want her submission, arousal and respect you gotta pay, there’s no way around it.

That being said, in the rapport stage if she expresses even a hint of feminism. Make sure to let the waiter know, you’re paying separately.

Not out of malice , but out of respect for her liberal beliefs, that state men and women are equal in all things, provisions included.

You do know a lot of the girls here are like 19 😂

No one is angry, no one has expectations. Women are telling you what they like and dislike. You can go on a date and ask for 50-50 but know that the vast majority of women wouldn’t want to see you again. It’s as simple as that. When getting know people, both parties can’t have any entitlements, only preferences. Accept it and move on.
Cap. Cope! :ftw9nwa:

Lots of women are crying about men going their own way.
Women need more than men need women, and in a world where millions of women are giving out the milk for free, there's no reason to invest in and commit to one, specially if she's very argumentative and masculine your typical halimo. Men
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Disrespectful shaming tactics are their go to response. What paragons of morality, femininity and good character they are.

It is ok to call males simps and compare them to females. Ironic how their insults focus on feminine characteristics while simultaneously apparently declaring female rights and virtues. Why is femininity a go to insult, I thought femininity was a good thing?

Sad for the young single males, their options nowadays are abysmal, I agree they should stay single if these types are the options available to them.
Absolutely brother! I am so glad I got married so early in my life.
I would hate to be a single man today looking for a girl to marry.
It's hard to trust them these days.

I would advise these single men not to settled, get a traditional wife or stay single.
No point in living with a female who acts like a man. Waste of time, money and resources.
@Lightshow @Adeer_Boomer

Do you both go 50/50 with your wives?
no! I take care of all the bills 100%, plus extra.
If the woman is traditional and she accepts her role, then she deserves everything in the world.
If she's feminist in the slightest, she deserves nothing, including your time.
My wife has access to all the money and wallahi I never once asked her why or how she spent any money.
no! I take care of all the bills 100%, plus extra.
If the woman is traditional and she accepts her role, then she deserves everything in the world.
If she's feminist in the slightest, she deserves nothing, including your time.
My wife has access to all the money and wallahi I never once asked her why or how she spent any money.

My wife does not work, I pay for everything. She is currently building her own business, which I support.

So you both provide 100% for your wives but your advising the single bothers here to find a woman to split costs with or stay single??
She’s right though , if the guy isn’t trying to impress her at the beginning what makes her think he will in the end? Good for her
So you both provide 100% for your wives but your advising the single bothers here to find a woman to split costs with or stay single??
I met my wife in Haj sxb, I knew she was wifey material from day one I kid you not wallahi!
Such women deserve the world.
I am advising the brothers to either forgo married and abandon the idea or find a traditional feminine wife who will respect them and appreciate them. What's the point of providing for a woman and making her your wife if she's ungrateful, and acts like a man, argues you with all the time, believes in feminist idea such as pay for everything and let's share the household duties, or her wanting to work and maintain a career etc...

It's simple, you provide and protect, she takes cares of the house. If not, you got something you gonna regret coming your way.

You are confusing yourself sxb and I can tell you right now, you'd be wise to listen to married dudes like us. You cannot afford to marry the wrong woman in this day and age.
I met my wife in Haj sxb, I knew she was wifey material from day one I kid you not wallahi!
Such women deserve the world.

Good for you. May Allah bless your marriage. What makes you think other brothers won't find a woman they feel the same about?

I am advising the brothers to either forgo married and abandon the idea or find a traditional feminine wife who will respect them and appreciate them. What's the point of providing for a woman and making her your wife if she's ungrateful, and acts like a man, argues you with all the time, believes in feminist idea such as pay for everything and let's share the household duties, or her wanting to work and maintain a career etc...

This thread is discussing whether a woman should contribute financially or not, not what type of woman deserves to be provided for. Do you agree with the brothers in this thread that women should be paying their half in this day and age?

Feminists preach 50/50 and always have. It's traditional/feminine women who believe the man should pay 100%. The men here are actually siding with the feminists.
Good for you. May Allah bless your marriage. What makes you think other brothers won't find a woman they feel the same about?

This thread is discussing whether a woman should contribute financially or not, not what type of woman deserves to be provided for. Do you agree with the brothers in this thread that women should be paying their half in this day and age?

Feminists preach 50/50 and always have. It's traditional/feminine women who believe the man should pay 100%. The men here are actually siding with the feminists.
What makes me thing men won't find good wives? Most women today are not wifey material, sorry if you are a woman and this offends you. Most women today are entitled, and unrealistic and they make insane demands while bringing nothing to the table.

No I don't agree with asking women to go on 50/50, even on first dates, but then again I am very conservative in my approach to dating. I don't think men should be talking to women unless their intention is marriage, and even then he must inform her father or brothers of his intention and then and only then should he date her, and publicly too. At this point, he should be paying for everything.
What makes me thing men won't find good wives? Most women today are not wifey material, sorry if you are a woman and this offends you. Most women today are entitled, and unrealistic and they make insane demands while bringing nothing to the table.

I'm sure you haven't met most women, you're opinions are based on the people around you and the content you view. Are your female relatives not wife material?

No I don't agree with asking women to go on 50/50, even on first dates, but then again I am very conservative in my approach to dating. I don't think men should be talking to women unless their intention is marriage, and even then he must inform her father or brothers of his intention and then and only then should he date her, and publicly too. At this point, he should be paying for everything.

This is the discussion being had. Nothing to do with feminists or entitled women but a simple question of whether the man should be paying or not. So it's bizarre you started attacking the sisters on here who are just making the same point that you are and defended the brothers who disagree with your point and find it offensive.
I'm sure you haven't met most women, you're opinions are based on the people around you and the content you view. Are your female relatives not wife material?

This is the discussion being had. Nothing to do with feminists or entitled women but a simple question of whether the man should be paying or not. So it's bizarre you started attacking the sisters on here who are just making the same point that you are and defended the brothers who disagree with your point and find it offensive.
This man isn’t all that sane. I had a run in with him in another thread in which he claimed most Western Somali girls are *****.
He’s a clear cut misogynist basically.