Women who refuse to pay on dates

Not true. We’re not attracted to men that want to be paid for.

I’m sorry, we live in a world in which women work. They’re not wasting their time for a £30 meal if they don’t enjoy their company.
If you work why can’t you pay?

The only reason men historically paid for dates was because they earned significantly more than women did on average making them the breadwinner so naturally they’d pay.

Women are starting to outearn men in the west, you feminists fought for this now you have to take on the responsibility of being
the breadwinner, good luck 😘
If you work why can’t you pay?

The only reason men historically paid for dates was because they earned significantly more than women did on average making them the breadwinner so naturally they’d pay.

Women are starting to outearn men in the west, you feminists fought for this now you have to take on the responsibility of being
the breadwinner, good luck 😘
Do you now give birth also? Do you now breastfeed?

Men paid because women are the carriers and primary caregivers of children. Hence why in relationships men’s role is providing.

If women still give birth, breastfeed and the primary caregivers, but you lot refuse to provide, what’s the point of you? Why would even even give you a chance in the first place?
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If this is my wife I'm paying for everything house car bills you name it, but if it's someone I just meet? well hooyo got my mom before I find a wife.
The whole point of doing this, is to get the wife.
if a man is complaining about a plate of dinner and coffee, I highly doubt he’d be okay paying rent and the like.

Anyways, in the world outside manosphere incels, men pay and the reality is that the type of women many of you lot want simply won’t look your way, so in the long run you’re just injuring yourself. If you asked someone out, then you’re meant to pay.
happened to me a couple of times over the years

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Great, wait for those opportunities and hopefully you like the girls that are coming your way. Drizzle drizzle indeed. But we both know that’s not the case. 😂

The vast majority of men would be single forever if they only waited to be approached LOOOL. Even good looking men have to pursue to some extent.


i think with my heart
He thinks he saved money by not paying for our dinner... But he lost something very expensive in his life - - - >me
There are women out there who will happily pay for you and then throw you over their shoulder and carry you home. Masculine women and feminine men complement each other.
But most women & men are not like this so no point trying to force it on them.
As a man if you ask her out then you should always pay on the first date...

then if there is a second date and she works she should offer to split the bill otherwise she probably doesn't like you and is just using you for free meals...

If she's unemployed then the man should always pay...

All this ' men should always pay' is for real traditional women back in the day when women did not have access to education etc. And poor women in the 3rd world.

Any man who's always paying for everything to a women that is not the mother of your children is a trick.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
I don't know why you're disagreeing with @Kisame on this. He's right. It's common sense that whoever organises the date and invites the other is the one who pays.

If you want the man to lead, don't initiate.

I would never initiate in the first place
She sounds like one of those women to take half of their husband's resources from divorce even though he paid for everything while she pocketed her entire salary for herself and maybe even didn't cook/clean/sex him. Alot of women are like that. One of the worst evils to be witnessed on this earth is when a good man marries an evil woman. Good men and good women is the only appropriate match.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
So I overheard one of the senior managers (female) talking and basically say that she never pays on dates. Or even contribute. If a guy ever suggests going 50/50 it's automatically a red flag for her.

Her salary is 3X mine and refuses to pay anything.

My question is, how common is this way of thinking? Seems kinda toxic.

Women like your boss never get a date. They have man energy. They end up getting a sugar baby man to finance in the end. Ironic huh?

Real men have their ego to deal with- they can't stand 50/50 split- it cuts to their manhood.

They think the date tub is the pay for later- a waasmo causing headache
It's honestly quite simple: Women who don't pay for their half or even attempt to do the little "let me reach into my purse" charade don't get asked out on a 2nd date :manny:
I'm not the British government or UNICEF sxb, I'm not oblidged to feed strangers lol
If you work why can’t you pay?

The only reason men historically paid for dates was because they earned significantly more than women did on average making them the breadwinner so naturally they’d pay.

Women are starting to outearn men in the west, you feminists fought for this now you have to take on the responsibility of being
the breadwinner, good luck 😘
Use it to filter them out sxb, because WALLAHI, they're just exposing themselves at that point.
It's a sure-fire way to keep Princess Syndrome types out of your life.
I agree with the ladies, the only men to refuse gifts from and even offer to pay, is a man you don't want. Because you don't want him thinking there is something here he invested in. The less he spends on you, the easier it is to get rid of him, that is the mentality I know and see from other women.
But a lot of you westernised males, don't understand women, or are too stubborn and want to try to change human nature.

Women like leaders, masculine men, the stingier you are, the less of a man you appear in her eyes.
lol @ all the angry chicks in thread acting all entitled to a man's money.
Stay single fellas. The window of marriage has passed for most of you.
If you didn't get married 10 years ago, it's too late now.
Make dough and enjoy your life.
lol @ all the angry chicks in thread acting all entitled to a man's money.
Stay single fellas. The window of marriage has passed for most of you.
If you didn't get married 10 years ago, it's too late now.
Make dough and enjoy your life.
Disrespectful shaming tactics are their go to response. What paragons of morality, femininity and good character they are.

It is ok to call males simps and compare them to females. Ironic how their insults focus on feminine characteristics while simultaneously apparently declaring female rights and virtues. Why is femininity a go to insult, I thought femininity was a good thing?

Sad for the young single males, their options nowadays are abysmal, I agree they should stay single if these types are the options available to them.