Women aren't funny

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They are only useful in sex and baby making

Yes I said it

So were the prophets wives only useful in sex and baby making? Is your mother only useful for sex and baby making? Girl, it is so sad to see another woman like yourself devalue herself so much, all this self-hatred can't possibly be good for you sis, get better soon x

@ OP, why are you so bitter that nobody cared about your "i'm the funniest focking user on here!!1!1!" thread? Why are you taking it out on women? Speaks volume on your psyche. Immature, insecure and hooyo issues. Sssh, there there



Tagging guys like @LondonMo with buh ur mom isn't helpful lol supposedly his mom was existant b4 he typed that post. It's learned behavior anyway.

In society, it's not women who are the disposables, but men. I don't think too highly of men as a collective if I'm honest myself. I put fellow women to a higher standard. Most ppl, including dare I say most men, do the same consciously or subconsciously.

I wouldn't put too much weight towards comments like his. They shouldn't come as a surprise either considering his posting history.


The trouble is, you think you have time
I see women who are potential partners as only useful for sex and baby making.

I don't think my mother fits into that description.
Your mother, sisters, and cousin are women and you would kill anyone who try to disrespect them. Why do you think it okay to reduce other other women to mere sex objects . Those women are other people mother, sisters, and cousin.
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